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Note: This is set in England using English words – it also features male-female and male-male activities. Please don’t read it if you don’t like these things.
We’d met several times in our local pub on a Friday night. There were various couples used to come down to listen to the live music, and we’d exchanged a few words and smiles now and again. So we kind of knew them.
They were in their forties, a bit younger than me and my wife, but I what most attracted me to them was her gorgeous breasts, and the way she always seemed to show off in tight sweaters and cardigans. Sometimes thick and chunky, other times soft, like angora. But always so sexy! I tried not to let her catch my eye as I took in the view – and hoped her husband didn’t see me too often either. But it was a crowded bar, so easy to cast quick glimpses which turned into longer lusts. She was called Sue, and her husband Jerry and they had kids who’d now left home, just like us. I’m John and my wife is Ann. I’m just over 6′, relatively fit (I kid myself) whereas Ann’s about 5′ 8″, medium built, but very fit through all her sporting activities. Unfortunately that fitness and sportiness doesn’t extend into a sexual activity area, and we’d degenerated into a living-together-but-not-doing-sex-very-often kind of existence. Sue was about 5 foot 6 or so, not thin but certainly not fat, with these gorgeous full breasts. She had dark straight hair, cut to above her shoulder in a kind of bob, and a pretty face that smiled a lot, with somehow very sparkly eyes. Jerry was about 6 foot 2 – just taller than me – and looked pretty fit with a thin face and sandy coloured hair now thinning. No wonder her was going bald if he had to service her regularly, I thought. Lucky bastard!
So I’d look forwards to going out on Friday nights, and feel quite down if Sue and Jerry didn’t show. But usually they did! Then later on, if I was very lucky, Ann would not say no, so I’d be slipping my cock into her imagining I was fucking Sue, and watching in my mind her wool-clad breasts bounce about as I pushed firmly in and out of her. God she was inspiring! Not that Ann and I did anything that often, but when she did, I always kind of imagined it was Sue. Usually it was a hand job later on when Ann was asleep – or early in the morning downstairs when Ann was still in bed. I’d have Sue just sitting in the kitchen, and would drop my trousers and slip down my pants so she could see me. Then she’d get down on her knees and suck so sweetly as my hand moved up and down my shaft, shooting my cum into her willing mouth. And of course she’d be wearing one of her sweaters…
This particular weekend, Ann was away with her parents and there was a music festival in town, so the pubs were open all day. I’d met up with Sue and Jerry at lunchtime, and we’d chatted – and drunk – for ages, finding out about each other. Jerry was dressed just in a shirt and jeans – like me – but Sue was even more fabulous than usual in a thick pink polo neck, which had a pattern of ribbing down the front and looked so soft I wanted to stroke her and cum on the spot. The more we talked, the more I could study the detail of her sweater, from the short ribbing at her sleeves to the beautiful smooth soft mounds of her breasts. There was even a hint of a nipple at one point, when some kind person left the door of the bar open and a cool wind blew through. The later it got, and the more we’d drunk, I was so glad that we only lived around the corner, unlike Jerry and Sue who lived in a nearby village so had to drive in. Except there was no way they could drive out like this.
We’d eaten a bar snack at about 7pm, and different musicians had been playing all afternoon and evening. It was quite early – about 8.30 – when Sue’s words started off a chain of events:
“Hey, Jerry, we’d better be going home soon – there was that programme on telly you wanted to watch.”
“Oh, yes,” smiled Jerry, gazing into his wife’s eyes, “that film’s on isn’t it – with Harrison Ford.”
“That’s why I remember it!” Sue smiled back, “he’s such a hunk! I’d love to take him home!”
I sensed both flirting and putting down, so joined the conversation.
“So how are you two getting back? You can’t drive after what we’ve just drunk. I’m not sure about cabs this evening either, with all the people in town for the festival.”
“Hmm,” said Jerry, thinking.
“Well I tell you what – if you fancied slumming it, you could stop round with me.” I said, just like that. “We only live aorund the corner, and we’ve got a spare room all made up – and Ann’s away for the weekend so she won’t mind!” I ended, with a grin.
They looked at each other, making up their minds.
“I could make you a coffee or a nightcap? Plus we’ve even got spare toothbrushes, cos I went shopping a couple of days ago and bought a pack of four!” I was now trying to remove their excuses, at the back of my mind longing to see Sue’s sweater left in the wash for me to stroke – I’d offer one of Ann’s for her to wear the next bursa escort day so I could abuse Sue’s sweater, my mind raced on…
“Well,” said Sue, glancing across at Jerry, “if you’ve got a spare toothbrush…” and she smiled.
“If it’s not too much bother for you John,” said Jerry, it would be really nice to see your place and maybe have a nightcap.”
“OK!” I smiled, inwardly planning all sorts of later pleasures, and thinking about my sweater fantasies coming true.
So we made our way back to my house, me leading, them arm in arm behind. They made a lovely couple – unfortunately for my lusting. I was glad I’d left the house tidy, as we arrived home and went into the lounge and sat down. I went to get drinks leaving them to look around. A whisky and soda for Jerry, a Bailey’s for Sue and a coke for me. I’d tell them there was rum in it, but I wanted to sober up a little – I could feel excitement building up but didn’t know how or what might happen. Mostly I just thought of me in my bed, wanking away as I listened to them in the room next door pleasuring each other. How wrong I was.
When I got back into the lounge they were sitting next to each other on the sofa, so I put their drinks on the table in front of them, and sat down in the armchair opposite. It was a small lounge, with a fireplace at one end, and I drawn the curtains when we’d got back to make it nice and homely.
Sitting opposite gave me more views of Sue and her amazingly sexy sweater. She wore a short dark red skirt too, which rode up nicely as she sat there, almost revealing her panties as she crossed her legs. We chatted and smiled as we drank, and I don’t quite know where the conversation was when suddenly I remember Sue’s words:
“So what about you and Ann, then? Do you get up to lots of kinky things?” she said as she smiled her confident smile over to me, eyes twinkling mischieviously.
Not knowing quite what to say, I managed: “Well we used to do all sorts of things in the olden days, but Ann’s not really so keen now…”
“That’s not what she told me the other day!” Sue said, knowingly. “She said you’ve got a real kink for sweaters and cardigans – and she said she even saw you wearing one of her cardies!” she smiled, turning to wink at Jerry.
God! Why ever did Ann say this? Especially to Sue, my fantasy woman. And what could I say now. I felt myself getting slightly flushed, and cleared my throat nervously. The conversation shouldn’t have gone this way.
“Well, there was one time,” I blurted out, “When I was just stroking one of her cardigans, cos it felt so soft and sexy, and I just kind of slipped it on – then she came in and started calling me a pervert.” There, I’d confessed. “And so since then we’ve hardly done any sex at all.”
“Well she said that you were… no I can’t say that!” Sue giggled.
“Say what?” said Jerry, and I wished he hadn’t.
“She said you were wearing her cardigan, standing in front of a mirror, and wanking yourself off.” she said, glancing across at both me and Jerry, and giggling even more. “But that only makes you as bad as Jerry!”
“So what does he get up to then?” I asked, glad to turn the questioning on someone else, and getting slightly aroused at the thought of a conversation about sex with sweater-girl Sue.
“Oh, well – Jerry has this thing about suspender belts and stockings – he’s always dressing up in them and demanding that I do too!”
Now it was Jerry’s turn to flush a little at his bedroom secrets being revealed. “Well it’s a normal manly thing to like suspenders and stockings!” he retorted, stroking his wife’s leg.
“Yes, but not all the time, Jerry,” scolded Sue, “In fact I wouldn’t mind betting you’ve got some on now,” she continued, stroking his leg and feeling his hips. “Yes, you have! You kinky thing! I don’t know, you men are so perverted! I think that…” she began, but Jerry suddenly turned round to his wife and kissed her passionately on the lips, his arm going round her waist, stroking her soft sweatered skin.
I didn’t know quite what to do next. Part of me wished it was me doing the kissing, part of me figured I shouldn’t be watching at all – at least not with my erection developing so quickly. They seemed to realise where they were, and stopped their kissing after a short while.
“Well, I think we’d better be off to bed!” said Sue, straightening her hair and glancing down at Jerry’s groin, where her hand had somehow finished up.
So we all stood up, both me and Jerry quickly easing ourselves more comfortably in our pants – and spotting each other doing it.
“I’ll show you the way, and find your toothbrushes!” I smiled, “turn out the lights as you come up”.
Upstairs, our bedroom was at the front, with the spare room behind it, and the bathroom on the opposite side. I showed them their room, looked out their toothbrushes, and said:
“Goodnight, I’m going to have a quick bath, so I’ll let you use the bathroom first.”
To my delight Sue bursa türbanlı escort came over towards me, her soft pink sweater tight across her breasts, then flung her arms around me in a tight embrace. The feel of the soft wool and the smell of her perfume will stay with me forever. Quickly she moved her mouth up to mine. I glanced across at Jerry, who just stood there smiling. So I kissed her luscious lips, felling my breath catch as she pushed her tongue into my mouth. I now held her tighter, and could feel her body pressing against mine, knowing my cock was pushing hard out into her belly.
Then she drew away, still smiling. “Thanks for the offer of your bed, John. I can’t wait to see you after your bath!” then she went into the bathroom, leaving Jerry and I raising our eyebrows. What was all that about?
“See you in the morning then!” I said, making my way to our bedroom.
I undressed liberating my erect cock as I slipped my underpants off. Once I was naked I could’t resist a quick shaft up and down my cock with my fingers, delighting in the sensations and wishing it was Sue’s fingers, or better yet her mouth, or even… but then she was with Jerry, and they’d been kissing downstairs so it wouldn’t belong before they were at it like knives. Maybe I should sneak out and listen at their door…
I heard the doors open and shut as Jerry and Sue swapped rooms. Then to my amazement the door to my room opened, and there stood Sue, just in her sweater and tight white panties. God she was gorgeous!
“Shh!” she whispered, coming towards me – still stark naked, and looking me up and down. “After you’ve had your bath, just cough when you step out of the bathroom. I’ve seen that big cock of yours and I want you inside me. Jerry just loves to watch other people have me, so I’m yours tonight, if you’re up for it!”
I grabbed her soft wool covered shoulders, and pulled her tightly to me, so my cock pushed hard into her belly.
“I’m up for it!” I smiled, bending down to kiss her lips and this time push my tongue into her mouth. She was fantastic – and what was all this about Jerry? Before I could ask anything else she broke away and went to the door, with a cheeky little wave as she went out.
“See you later, big boy!” she whispered, pulling the door behind her.
It was only a few moments later that I heard the bathroom door open, and Jerry called out : “The bathroom’s free now John, goodnight.”
“Thanks,” I called back, “I’ll be there in a minute. Goodnight!”
So with a million thoughts racing through my head I quickly nipped naked into the bathroom and started filling the bath. What did Sue mean, when she said Jerry liked to watch? Didn’t he want to have her, for goodness sake? And what was his thing about dressing up in stockings and suspenders all about?
Soon the bath was full enough and warm enough for me to get in, so I quickly began washing, paying particular attention my cock and balls, and between my legs too. I wanted to be fully fragrant if this dream was really to happen.
I got out of the bath, dried myself quickly and cleaned my teeth. OK, this was it. If she was up for it, so was I. And who knows what Jerry was wanting! I wrapped a towel around my waist as the water drained out of the bath, then opened the door. I coughed, and waited.
Then the night of all nights started for real, when the spare room door opened, and Sue’s head popped out.
“Have you got a minute, please?” she asked.
I walked towards her, seeing that only the side lights were on in the bedroom, making a gentle warm glow inside. She was still wearing her sweater, I was glad to see, and as I neared the door she came out and flung her arms around my neck again.
“Oooh John, I can’t wait for you to come to be with me!” she smiled, beaming at me and offering her lips to be kissed.
I just leaned down and kissed her again, holding my hands around her soft woolly waist as our tongues explored each other’s mouths. We stopped after a minute or so, and she grabbed my hand, leading me back into the spare room.
Inside I could see Jerry, standing against the mirrored doors of the wardrobe that went the whole length of the side wall. He was wearing a white dressing gown, I was relieved to see, as Sue just sat down on the bed in front of me.
“Well, John, are you ready to have me?” she gave me her sweet sexy look.
“But Jerry,” I began…
“Oh don’t worry about him – he just likes to watch me having fun, don’t you little weedy boy?” and she glanced over at him. “Just let John see what you’re wearing, Jerry – those manly suspenders and stockings! Go on, take off your dressing gown and let us both see you!”
So Jerry just undid the belt, opened up the gown, and slipped it off. He was wearing a black suspender belt and black stockings – and on top had a black V-necked cardigan, buttoned up.
I didn’t know what to say or do – it looked so weird for Jerry to be just standing there kestel escort in what would have been such a sexy black cardigan and suspenders, if only he wasn’t a man. His little cock was hanging down, not showing any sign of erection, and I could see even in the half light that he’d not been circumcised. But he had been shaved. What was going on here?
“Like I said, “said Sue, looking up at me, “He just likes to watch me having fun. And maybe take a photo or two so he can wank over it later! You won’t mind the odd snap now will you? And I hope you like his cardy – I insisted he wore one for you!”
“Well I’m not keen on my face being photographed,” I said, thinking of all sorts of issues with Ann, “but as long as you don’t see me, and I can play with you, then I guess I don’t care! And the cardigan… well I guess it would look better on you!”
She kept on kissing and then started to move her hands around my back, on up to my shoulders, the other under my towell down my spine, where she pulled me tighter to her. God this was so sexy! If only Jerry wasn’t around we’d have been fucking in no time. Her sweater felt so soft and her breasts pushed into me so fully, that I felt my hands reponding to her, stroking up and down her back, over her bra strap. This was only supposed to be a goodnight kiss, so what was she doing? Should I continue to stroke her sides or bring my hand forwards? What would Jerry say or do? I moved my hands forwards, stroking over the soft wool towards her breasts. Soft wool and soft fullness of her breasts…. heaven!
Her hands continued their caressing, now driving me wild, so carefully checking what Jerry might see, I moved my hand up and under her gorgeous mound, feeling the weight of her breast though her soft wool and bra. God she felt amazing – full and warm and soft and so arousing. What happened next was even more amazing.
Jerry spoke, as Sue continued to kiss me passionately. “Well I think you two should just go to bed now – we can leave the toothbrushes for the morning!”
I’d been expecting him to get annoyed – but all he was doing was offering me his wife! I carried on the embrace, my mind racing about all the details – What would he do? Didn’t he mind? Could I do anything in front of him?
Sue slowly pulled free, just as my hand had reached up to her nipple. Pulling away, she grabbed my hand and held it to her breast. “Ann was right, wasn’t she?” she smiled, moving my hand up and down so I could stroke her breast under the soft wool. “You do like woolly jumpers, don’t you, you pervert! You even like looking at Jerry!”
I couldn’t think what to say, so just nodded, smiling and breathing harder. Trying to think of what could happen, or should happen, or I might dream to happen.
Sue now stood back a yard or so from me, and about the same distance from Jerry.
“Well,” she said, “I think I’m really going to have a fun night tonight! You with you perversion about wearing lady’s sweaters and cardigans, and Jerry with his kink about wearing stocking and suspenders – a right pair I’ve got here!”
Was she being sarcastic, or just trying to embarrass us both?
“I think as Ann’s seen you wearing nothing but a cardigan, I think John should give us a little parade before bed, don’t you Jerry? After all, the host is supposed to provide what his guests want! And at the moment both his guests are dressed to pleasure him! So go and find one of Ann’s cardies please, John, and come back wearing it – and nothing else. Just leave your private parts hanging free! Go on, off you go!”
In a daze I went into our bedroom and to the drawer I knew so well where Ann kept her cardigans and jumpers. I knew the drawer and all her clothes almost by touch, from the many times I’d cum in them. But never with anyone watching, or seeing me wearing them! I stripped off my towel, looking down at my engorged cock, already with precum glistening at the end. I grabbed a pale blue lambswool cardy that was one of my favourites. Just slipping the sleeve over my arm made my cock twitch, with the erotic pleasure of the soft smooth wool, and the naughtiness of the moment. But as I pulled the other sleeve on I kept wondering what I was doing, and as I buttoned up the lower buttons, my cock lowered a little. Maybe this was just madness?
I walked out nervously across the hall, and nearly turned away. Inside I could hear them talking – or at least murmurs. What was I interrupting? Should I go in at all? Would Sue laugh at me the way Ann had? I turned the handle and slowly pushed the door open. There was Sue, standing and turning to face me, with her tight sweater pulled down, hiding nearly all of her tight white panties. She’d obviously taken her bra off, as her breasts were now lower and softer than before – but still I wanted to stroke them so much. Behind her – and the other side of the bed – Jerry was still wearing his cardigan, now unbuttoned, and was naked apart from his black stockings and suspender belt. I’d got my hands in front of my cock, but could see his now sticking out proudly.
“Oh, my! What a pretty little girly you would be!” smiled Sue, coming over to meet me. She ran her hands over my soft woolly shoulders, then down my arms. “Hands on head, my girl!” she ordered, so I did as I was told.