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This is an entry in the Summer Lovin’ 2021 contest. If you enjoy the story, please vote for it. Thanks to all my followers who have shared wonderful story ideas.
It was June, the day after my high school graduation, when my mother pulled up to our house, the one I grew up in, the house where I found love and conflict, the house where my mother and father decided to separate and no longer love each other. I had some wonderful memories there but recently it became unbearable to stay there. I just graduated high school and decided I would make my future with my mother in Arizona, attending the University in Tucson where she now lived.
I loaded two suitcases into the back of her small SUV. Thankfully, my father wasn’t there as we departed.
Mom kissed me gently on the cheek as I sat down in the passenger seat. It seemed a bit awkward as she drove off. We hadn’t been together for a year. I glanced over and she caught my eye and smiled.
“I’m so happy to be with you again,” Mom said as she turned onto the California freeway. “You’ll love it in Arizona, and I’m so pleased you chose to go to college there.”
“I had to get away from here,” I confessed. “My life became a shambles and I know this isn’t right, but I really hate Dad.”
Mom looked over at me. She had a sad smile, like she felt she had let me down in some way.
Somehow Mom made the trip more pleasant than melancholy as we drove the interstate from Los Angeles to Phoenix. We discussed my interest astronomy, the numerous observatories around Tucson and how much opportunity there was for me to pursue my dreams.
When Mom and Dad divorced I was about to enter my senior year in high school. I knew from the way they got along that they were on the skids for years, barely tolerating each other. As I became sexually aware, I was baffled by their lack of intimacy, Mom silently sneaked off to sleep in the guest room most nights and Dad was not around most weekends. If he did show up he was usually drunk.
The day Mom left she kissed me softly on the lips, telling me to be brave, and pleading me to understand that she loved me, her leaving was not because of me but she could no longer endure a life with Dad.
The trip was uneventful until we approached Phoenix. There were warnings of strong winds and thunderstorms. The summer monsoon season could be vicious at times, hard driving rain with ferocious winds. Worst of all was when the winds preceded the rain and stirred up a haboob, a blinding storm of desert sand. Heading east out of Phoenix there were warnings.
As visibility declined, Mom pulled over to a rest stop. “I think we should wait out the haboob,” she told me knowing we were safely parked. The wind and dust rattled the car as we sat there.
Mom put her hand on my knee, rubbing it gently. “Tell me what happened with you a Jacqui,” she asked concerned and lovingly wanting to understand my pain.
“It was ugly, Mom,” I told her. “I don’t really want to talk about it.”
“You know how much I love you,” she said. “I know how much it hurt you from our conversations. I can help you through this,” my mother assured me,
Mom leaned over and kissed me gently on my lips as the car rocked in the wind. It was as if we were in a bubble, calm inside with the world swirling furiously around us.
“You two dated for years,” Mom began. “She’s such a beautiful young woman. I was so happy for both of you.”
Jacqui was the most beautiful woman I knew besides my mother. She had light chocolate skin, exotic dark eyes, beautiful round perky breasts and an ass to die for. I had an adolescent attraction for my mother but that went away when I met Jacqui.
Mom always taught me that the most important basis of a relationship was respect. I always held that dear to me, especially with Jacqui. We took things slow, exploring our sexuality in baby steps. Jacqui was a year older, had already started college at UCLA. She was mature beyond her years.
“I understand I did things wrong with your father. I regret I ever met him except that he gave me a beautiful, wonderful son,” she told me with a tear in her eye. “I was a crazy young girl, wild and impetuous. Your father was an asshole then, he never grew up, but I was also immature and didn’t think of anything but his cock.”
Mom’s candor shocked me. She looked me straight in the eye and said, “That’s why I tried to teach you to respect the girls you dated. I didn’t respect myself.”
I reached over and kissed my mother.
“It was a Saturday afternoon. I figured Dad was on one of his weekend binges with some floozy, so Jacqui and I spent the day at the house,” I started to explain. “We were making out pretty heavy when Jacqui told me she wanted to go all the way.”
“We were both virgins,” I confessed. “I had to reign in my burning desire, somewhat afraid, and scared. Jacqui said we should have protection and I agreed. We were going to do this safe.”
I paused. Mom looked at me lovingly.
“I sincan escort went to the store and bought condoms while Jacqui said she wanted to shower before we did it. We were both a bit sweaty from making out.”
“I wasn’t gone long, maybe five minutes, when I got back to the house and saw Dad’s car in the driveway. Fearing the worst, I rushed in and found Jacqui crying, the shower curtain wrapped around her and Dad stroking his cock in front of her.”
Mom gasped as I relived the scene. What was supposed to be the best day of my life so far, turned into a nightmare.
“Jacqui wouldn’t talk to me after that,” I lamented. “I didn’t know what to do. I was shocked and I froze.”
“Oh my god,” Mom sighed.
The storm had progressed from blowing dust to hail. The car had been running this whole time with the air conditioner running, keeping us comfortable, at least physically while we went beyond comfort emotionally.
“We need to get going and get some gas,” Mom said as she realized that her gas tank was getting low. Getting back on the freeway was challenging with traffic backed up, moving slowly through the still raging storm.
“Can you get internet on your phone?” Mom asked as she concentrated on the road.
“Yea,” I responded.
“See where we can get gas,” she told me.
I found we were ten miles from a truck stop. “Not too far,” I informed my mother. “The reason the traffic is so slow is that there is a major accident at Picacho Peak. The freeway is closed and they are warning everyone to get off and take a detour.”
“There isn’t anyway to get to Tucson from here except the freeway,” Mom told me.
It took a half hour until we could get off the exit with the truck stop. The rain was pelting me as I filled the gas tank. I was soaked to the core.
“Let’s get you a cup of hot coffee and change your clothes,” Mom said as I climbed back into the car. The rain was torrential as we pulled away from the pumps to the building. The closest we could park, though, was a good hundred feet away from the entrance.
“You’re going to get drenched too,” I warned my mother.
We managed to get inside though we were both sopping wet from the hard driving rain. She didn’t want to stay in the car all night while we waited for the freeway to reopen. There was a motel at the truck stop so she inquired about getting us a room.
“I only have one room left,” said the woman at the front desk of the motel. “It’s a single queen bed.”
Mom took it. We got a lot wetter as we drove around to the room and climbed the stairs to the second story. I carried one of my suitcases of clothes, but Mom didn’t have anything to change into except maybe one of my T-shirts.
Mom had bought a bottle of Scotch at the truck stop store and instructed me to get some ice.
“This will warm you up better than coffee,” she quipped pouring us each a drink into the plastic cups. “Love you baby,” she motioned as a toast. We each took a sip. Although I wasn’t old enough to drink legally, my father always had plenty of liquor around the house.
“I better call Jessica and let her know our situation so she doesn’t worry,” Mom said talking her phone from her purse. Mom and Jessica worked together for years and when Jess got a promotion and transfer to Tucson, Mom went with her. They kept the nature of their relationship a secret, never letting on that they were lovers. I didn’t know until Mom told me why she left California to be with her. I guess she figured I was old enough to understand. Then I knew how she tolerated my father for so long.
Mom put her phone on speaker so I could say hello. “Hey Randy,” she called out. “Can’t wait to have you here but stay safe tonight and take good care of your mom.”
“I’m getting out of these wet clothes,” my mom declared as she pulled off her top revealing her large breasts. They hung down slightly as she unsnapped and removed her bra. “Come on, you’re getting the bedspread wet sitting there in those wet jeans.”
I stood up and watched as Mom pulled her pants down, stepping out of them awkwardly as the wet fabric clung to her ankles and feet. She draped her clothes over the dresser to let them dry. I was mesmerized by her perfectly round butt.
“Geez Randy! Get out of those wet clothes,” Mom ordered me. “I’ll get a hot shower going.”
I took off my wet clothes and hung them over the back of the chair my mother vacated to go into the small bathroom. I heard the water running, Mom called out, “Thank goodness they have hot water.”
Once, after a day at the beach in the salty air, Jacqui and I showered together. We rubbed each other with body wash, it was sensual and stimulating. The memory was arousing. I didn’t realize I was getting an erection.
Mom pulled the shower curtain aside and saw me standing there. She grabbed a towel and gently touched my hard cock. “The hot water feels good but maybe you need a cold shower,” she joked. I stepped in the sincan escort bayan tub as she got out, the hot, steamy water did feel good.
When I stepped back out of the small bathroom, I saw Mom in one of my T-shirts pouring us another Scotch in the plastic cups. “Here,” she handed me a pair of my boxer shorts from my luggage. “They really don’t fit my big butt.”
I put them on though my erection didn’t really subside much. I couldn’t help but notice my mother’s shaved pussy as she sat on the bed.
“I’m somewhat relieved but also angry and distraught that it was your father who robbed you of your girlfriend’s love and respect,” my mother began. “I mean, I’m ok that it wasn’t you that did something to cause her to go away. I tried to teach you to be respectful of women, not like your father.”
“You taught me well, Mom,” I responded. “I always let Jacqui lead the way because of you. Sometimes I ached and burned with desire. I would always think of you and fought to control myself.”
“That must have been hard with such a sexy young woman like Jacqui,” Mom said. “I’ll confess. When Jessica and I started having sex, I yearned for that feeling. I fantasized having sex with Jacqui.”
I didn’t know how to respond. I drank some more Scotch and looked at my mother. All of a sudden, she wasn’t my mother. She was a woman, sexy and desirable. I could feel the tension in my balls, like I had felt with Jacqui. Mom must have sensed my growing frustration.
“Come here,” she beckoned me. She held my head and kissed my lips, her tongue gently parting them. Her lips were soft and her mouth moist and warm. I felt a soft hand rubbing on my boxer shorts.
“It’s alright,” was the soft whisper in my ear.
I felt the soft hands pull my boxer shorts down and off. A warm mouth enveloped my throbbing cock. I opened my eyes to see my mother pull my shirt over her head. Her large breasts rubbed against my stiff penis. Then I felt her wet hot pussy lips on the head of my cock. She leaned over and kissed my lips as I felt her guide my cock into her hot vagina
Instinctively, I reached around to grab her butt cheeks as she rocked back and forth, rocking my world into another dimension of pleasure. Mom breathed heavily in my ear. Her hard nipples pressed against my chest, sliding as her hips grinded, fucking me to an explosion.
I came quickly and so did she. I felt her hot cum bathe my balls, leaving a puddle on the bed.
Our hot bodies were melded together. I couldn’t hold my mother tighter to me. It was like our roles were reversed; she became my baby in my arms.
I woke up to the bright sun shing through the flimsy curtains at the truck stop motel. I could hear Mom on the phone with Jessica, sitting naked on the bottom of the bed.
“I came so hard, the sheets were soaked,” I heard her say.
I had to pee bad. I jumped out of bed, barely making it the few short feet to the bathroom.
“Let’s get going, Randy,” Mom said as I washed my hands and face. I watched her get dressed, her clothes having dried overnight. We grabbed a cup of coffee and got on the road. She asked me to drive because she needed to send some emails for work as we headed down the interstate toward Tucson.
“About last night,” Mom said looking up from her cell phone. “I love you. I loved having sex with you. I’d love to do it again but only if you want to. I know you were hurt by what your father did that ruined your relationship with Jacqui but last night was not about that. I want you to know that that was the best sex I ever had. I even told Jessica that.”
I was at a loss. “It was my first time,” I responded demurely. “It felt so natural.”
“It was natural,” Mom replied. “There is a natural love between a mother and son. You lived inside me, you were nurtured on my breasts. Feeling you inside me sent me through the roof.”
There was a pause where I contemplated what my mother just said.
“Look, it may be taboo in society, but it’s alright with me and with Jessica. She’s excited about you living with us,” Mom said. “Whatever happens from now on is up to you.”
I came to understand my mother’s lack of modesty, nonchalantly stripping naked in front of me at the motel, as I became accustomed to living with her and Jessica. Naturalism was their lifestyle. There was a robe on a rack by the front door in case they needed to open it, otherwise they were always nude. There was no pressure for me to go along with them but I enjoyed it. There was a freedom, a quelling of false sexual intimidation.
Jessica was a few years older than my mom and built much differently. She was slim, small tits and a tiny butt. Still, I found her attractive. It was her smile, her long red hair and bright green Irish eyes. Unlike my mom, Jessica did not shave down below. She had a soft reddish blonde bush.
Mom and Jessica were always playful around the house, even with me. Mom had told me that any escort sincan sex with them was up to me. They wanted me to feel comfortable around sex and respect the emotional power of it.
August came quickly. I was excited about starting at the University. Jessica and I were alone one morning, just chatting over coffee while Mom was at work. I felt the warmth of her smile and the pleasant conversation. Suddenly I had a desire for her and it must have shown as my cock twitched and started to grow.
“Are you alright?” Jessica asked innocently. We were sitting at the kitchen table, and although we were both naked, that was natural for us, and she had no way of knowing I was having sexual thoughts about her, and my cock was growing as a result.
“Yes, I’m alright,” I said concealing my inappropriate desire that suddenly overcame me.
“No, you’re not,” she came back.
“I just had some thoughts come across me as we talked about my mom,” I confessed.
“And those thoughts were?” Jess inquired.
“I was thinking about the two of you together,” I told her timidly.
“That’s natural,” she responded. “I know you had sex with your mom, and we are open about sex here. I also know you had a bad experience with your girlfriend back in California. I get you are confused, but sex is natural and a way for people to bond when there is love and respect between them.”
I looked at Jessica, my mother’s lover, not able to respond but I could feel my cock grow hard.
“Your mother loves you. She told me about your incident with your girlfriend and your father. That’s why she made love with you. I told her she should and that would be best for the both of you.”
Jessica took me by the hand and led me to their bedroom. “I’ve always known I had a desire for women,” she told me candidly. “Boys always turned me off. Mostly because they seemed crude.”
I was with her in their bedroom now with a raging erection trying to be respectful.
“You’re different Randy,” she said as she gently fondled my stiff cock. “I’ve never had a real man inside me,” she said softly as she ushered me on the bed, spreading her legs, inviting me to enter her.
This was only the second time I made love to a woman, my mother and now my mother’s lover. I awkwardly entered her pussy, both of us being inexperienced with that, despite her age. Jessica held me tight as I started pumping my cock into her tight pussy. Her legs wrapped around my back as we both breathed heavily, our bodies tight together.
“Oh god, this is wonderful,” Jessica called out as I thrust my cock inside her harder, anxiously wanting to reach an orgasm.
I exploded, thrusting deep into my mother’s lover with several shots of sperm. Jess clenched her tight vagina around my cock, not letting me go even after I was done filling her.
After a few minutes of recovery, laying there, Jessica spoke up. “I never imagined how nice sex with a man could be.”
I was sexually satisfied and not sure how a mature person should respond but I soaked in the experience.
Jessica and Mom decided we should go out for dinner that evening. It was a little awkward, the two of them sipping on wine while I had to settle on a soda. The conversation was normal, about work and whatever.
“Next week I need to go to California to interview a few candidates for our intern program,” Mom spoke out.
“Wow, how long will you be gone?” I asked. I felt comfortable with my mother as I adjusted to my new life.
“Just for the week,” she replied. “I’d ask you to come along but I will be busy and you still need to get accustomed to life here,” Mom said to me. “Jessica can show you around Fourth Avenue and around the University.”
“That will be wonderful,” Jessica said.
That night when we were home relaxing before bed, Mom handed me a glass of wine as Jessica sat beside me on the sofa.
“Would you like to sleep with us tonight?” Mom asked sitting down on my other side.
“I enjoyed sex with you today,” Jessica interjected. “I respected my relationship with your mom and asked her if it would be alright.”
“I really wanted to make love with you again,” Mom confessed. “But it had to be with the three of us.”
I got hard sitting between these two beautiful women who were talking to me about sex. Mom hesitantly touched the head of my throbbing cock. Jessica placed my hand on her soft pubic hair.
“I wasn’t sure about a man and your mom said I should experience you,” Jessica said. “It was great. It felt amazing having a man inside me.”
“It felt amazing when you entered me at the truck stop motel,” Mom concluded. “I shared that with Jess that night. I’m glad she had that experience with you this morning.”
“Your mom and I had sworn off men forever. Bad experiences, I suppose. But your mom raised you different and naturally we were both attracted to you, having a man around the house kind of made us horny,” Jessica laughed.
“It’s up to you baby,” Mom said to me. “If you want to sleep with us, have sex with us, that’s good. If you don’t, we both respect that.”
I turned to my mother and kissed her like we did at the motel that stormy night. Jessica’s hand gently massaged my balls. I cupped my mother’s breast, squeezing it lightly. My mouth had a mind of it’s own to suck on my mother’s nipples.