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Cruel Master, Willing TrannyThis story is very loosely based on actual events. It’s fiction and wild fantasy….maybe… ;)I was 22 and girly skinny again. I even had my tits back, halfway between A and B Cup.Mom had ruined me, forcing me to go on topical testosterone gel AND hiring thatpersonal trainer to beef me up. Either that or get kicked out of the house to live onsk** row and get taken by lowlife and junkies.The clear May night wasn’t very warm but it wasn’t cold either. I still didn’t knowwhy my mom had relented and let me be a gurl again instead of a freak with muscles, big nipples and wide hips. I think she even knew the trainer was fucking me.I never did figure out her motivations; maybe she just wanted to get me out ofprostitution and away from the predators.I pondered all of this as I walked along the pleasant tree lined street, gettingaccustomed to the new neighborhood. Well, the area at least. My house was a fullhalf mile away. Ironic, walking the street even though I wasn’t “working” anymore.I was letting my guard down completely but it didn’t matter since this was a “good”neighborhood, no danger except for the occasional speeder.Dusk was falling and a slight chill was in the air, hardening my nipples andmaking them poke out way too clearly through my almost transparent sheer white open top. At least I was wearing my favorite light black leather spring jacket.He was leaning against a tree with a younger buddy watching me approach. Damn, I was so out of practice to not feel his eyes checking me out.I looked up suddenly to catch him staring at my tits on clear display.WHY had I worn such a revealing top?Oh my God, I was BLUSHING! I really WAS out of practice.Out of “sheer” embarrassment I introduced myself. “H-Hi, I’m Tia,” I stammered,”Just moved into the area, wandering around.””I’m Brian,” he replied, enjoying my embarrassment and still staring at my titsonly now my old self was coming back and my horniness level was increasing rapidly.Even though he looked at least seven years younger than me, I boldly, foolishly took the next step, “I’m trying to make new friends, Brian.You think we could hang out sometime?””Sure, Tee,” he said with a smirk. He knew I was easy.I blurted out, “Just so you know, I’m not a girl.”Brian was startled but recovered and cracked, “That’s OK. At least güvenilir canlı bahis siteleri you won’tget pregnant on me.”Alarm bells were going off in my head. If I didn’t stop this now I’d be his”married” bitch. I didn’t stop it.We exchanged addresses and phone numbers and as I walked away I could now feelthe two boys checking out my ass and legs through the form fitting black capri pants even though they knew I was a tranny.My heart and thoughts were racing. What the FUCK was I doing??Next afternoon as I sat by my living room window naked with my 12 inchvibrator in my ass I spotted him walking up the street.It was a rather dark, overcast day and I had the lights off.Nobody could see me from outside as only my head peeked over the back of thesofa and it was dark so I had a full minute to throw on a robe or just run and hide.I did neither. Story of my life; one bad decision after the next.I DID turn off the huge hard plastic vibrator and pulled it out beforegoing downstairs to greet him at the door, completely naked.”Ding-Dong.” I cowered for a moment, shaking, “What am I doing, what am I doing,what am I DOING?” I screamed inside. I opened the inner door and unlocked the screen door.”Come on in, Brian.” I was weak with fear and trembling slightly.”What the fuck am I doing…” was still going through my head.”My mom isn’t home. We have at least two hours.” I said like a brazen slut.I managed to shock him for the second time then he grabbed my tits hard and rough.”You fucking whore,” he growled as he pushed me against the wall and kissed me.He was rough and brutal and I knew even then he was bad news and that I should end it.Another bad decision. I kissed him back then slid to my knees to open his belt.I removed his shoes and socks and he stepped out of his pants.His thick 8 inch erection was staring at me. His still sparse pubic hair beliedhis age but I took him in my mouth anyway.”SUCK my dick, bitch,” this young monster rasped at me as I looked into hissadistic eyes, ashamed, frightened and humiliated. I couldn’t look away.Still the words, “What the fuck am I DOING?” pounded in my head.Before I knew it he it he was fucking me on the carpeted staircase missionary style asI still looked into his eyes in shame and surrender.I was blushing bright cherry red which gave him great satisfaction güvenilir illegal bahis siteleri and confidence.Orgaming even as I was sucking his cock, getting him hard.Funny how I always orgasmed inside like a girl, even all those years beforewhen my stepdad introduced me to the world of sex.It was all about HIS pleasure and I was just his fuck doll but just knowingthat increased my passion. I was always a masochistic nympho.The worse a man treatd me, the harder I came. The monster pounded my ass viciously. He was really trying to hurt me and it DID hurt but didn’t do damage. My fuck hole was too loose and pussy-likefrom years of constant use.”FUCK you, FUCK YOU, FUCK YOUUU” he screamed each time he thrust his cock into me like a pile driver. He had a lot of rage inside and he took it all out on me.I could tell that mine was the first hole he had ever fucked no matter howmuch he pretended to experience.I was taking the virginity of a raging fiend and the only thing separating itfrom outright r4ype was the fact that I was willing. I also knew that by thispoint I had no choice and saying “no” would have made him angrier.He blew his load in less than two minutes then got ready to dress and leave, sneering at me.”I’ll be back again tomorrow after school, bitch. Be naked.” “Ok.” I answered timidly.”CALL ME MASTER!” he screamed as he slapped my face several times as hard as he could.In was TKO’d and when my vision cleared and the echoing ringing subsided I foundmyself lying on my right side.Terrified and sobbing, I screeched, “YES MASTER!”The little fuck changed his mind about leaving. “So we have two hours, CUNT?!””Yes Master,” I whimpered, still crying and trembling in fear.I felt excruciating pain as he grabbed my right nipple and pulled me up thestairs. I stumbled and scrambled to keep up.The living room and kitchen were directly at the top of the staircase.WHY did I tell him my nipples were my weakness?? WHY???”STAY ON YOUR KNEES BITCH!”and he slapped me once more as I yelped.He snacked on the contents of the refridgerator and told me to keep pullingon my own nipples and hurt myself so I obeyed. I had to.This had become very bad very fast. Why was I ENJOYING it so much though?I kept shuddering in orgasm as I tortured my nipples for this little scumbag.He reminded me güvenilir bahis şirketleri of Alex from the movie, “A clockwork Orange.”He washed his meal down with a can of Budweiser and became noticeably drnnk.He was ready to cum again.”SUCK MY DICK YOU STUPID BITCH!”Thank GOD he didn’t know about gagging. Instead he let me suck him off my way.I knew it was his first blowjob too. He only lasted about 30 seconds until I was gulping down every spurt he pumped out.I thought he was going to pee on me but he didn’t.”DANCE IN THE WINDOW BITCH! Let all your neighbors see what fuckin WHORE you are!”We had a very sturdy three foot tall cabinet in front of the full wall window,tall enough to expose me to full public view.Brian had me perform for all the neighbors with my sex toys. I fucked myselfwith my dildos, making sure to display everything. I danced like a whore,shaking my hips and disgracing myself completely as he whipped my ass with aheavy riding crop from my toy box. And of course he had me pull on my nipples too.Brian barked out commands to do all these things and I obeyed.I could have spared myself being seen but I volunteered the thought that turningon the inside lights would allow everyone outside in the dark to see me.I was always blurting out things I shouldn’t.After that day the whole neighborhood knew I was an easy slut.The paper boy demanded regular blow jobs, several other neighborhood menused me and everywhere I went people talked about what a faggot whore I wasright in front of me. I was very girly so they treated me more like a girlthat didn’t have the status of BEING a girl nor deserve it.A neighbor walking her pooch let him get into the habit of humping my bare legsand I just stood there until he was satisfied. I didn’t even wipe his cum off.My self respect and esteem were gone, I was totally humiliated every day, I waseveryone’s fuck toy and I couldn’t say “no.”Plus I had Brian physically, sexually and emotionally abusing me mercilessly.I was a slave. Brian had me wear a dog collar everywhere.He even marched me out into the backyard one time, tied my wrists to the fence and fucked me. Then he whipped me like an a****l until i peed.And everybody was watching. My mom found out about it of course and called me “the neighborhood whore.”She didn’t seem to be upset about it. In fact, she enjoyed my misery andconstantly belittled me and slapped me senseless in public to save face bypunishing me in front of everybody.My life had become a horrible nightmare of constant abuse and degradation….and I loved it………………………………THE END………………………………