The First time Jayne and I met

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The First time Jayne and I metI first met Jayne when she was the then girlfriend of one of my rugby mates. Dave was 21 had his own flat, was stunningly good looking, good at rugby, had a great body and abs, did I mention he also got all the girls as well!Were we jealous? Of course we were, but he still put the guys first, and we did have the use of his flat if we needed to if you get my drift…!Jayne was then 17, going on 25 and frankly put up with a load of cr*p from 3 rugby guys.They had been going out for some time, and we often all crashed at Dave’s place after a game. Being rugby players we weren’t shy around each other, you can’t be when your all starkers at the end of game in the showers, or bath. As a consequence after a good night out, or in for that matter, we could be found wandering around, or crashed out in boxers or naked and no one batted an eyelid. Bacon and egg butties in the buff was a normal way to have breakfast and recover!Indeed the dirty Fridays as we used to have every now and then, depending on who had the latest porn video, would involve several cans of drink, inflatable dolls, porn videos, group masturbation, and of course the dam camera.So it was with some concern then that we viewed Jayne arrival, expecting things to change for the worst.The first few weekends we made a effort to behave like gents, Colin and myself trying our best not to swear and keep respectable when she was around. Dave on the other hand just carried on as before leaving doors open when she was on the bed, or walking in on her in the shower.Jayne was no prude mind and in bra and panties would make a cup of tea etc. Take it from me there was little left to the imagination with her underwear, mainly sheer and not much of it! After a month or so things kinda went back to the way it used to be.She had just turned 18 and we had a bit of a party at the flat, it all kinda got out of hand very quickly and the 3 of us were very drunk apparently. We don’t remember ! When the 3 of us woke up in the same room, on the same bed naked, with that awful smell of sick around, and over us, it became clear we had drunk far too much, and in the night had brought it backup, but were so drunk we hadn’t stayed awake long enough to notice.I tried to untangle myself from the guys arms and legs, and amongst it all was Jayne covered in sick, her clothes in a pile of puke at the side of the bed. My movements started to wake the others and soon we all sat up holding our heads.Colin took in a gasp of air and promptly chucked up again, down him and Dave, before rushing out of the room.It was now for the first time I really got to see Jayne naked.In a strop she climbed off the bed saying ”you filthy pigs” dropped her panties and bra and took the stinking clothes into the other room.We climbed off the bed and collected the puke ridden blankets and clothes and followed her towards the washing machine. Whilst she filled that Colin and I went for a shower, It was only a small flat but had a great wet room with twin shower heads. 10 mins later and we felt and smelt a whole lot better.Dave and Jayne made there way in and we opened all the windows in the flat to get rid of the smell.Rummaging around in the fridge I got out the breakfast….. bacon and egg butties it was going to be, and started to fry the bacon.From the wet room we could hear raised voices, Jayne was clearly not happy, understandable so, all I could hear was Dave saying :don’t be daft they won’t think anything of it………yeah, well they are starkers as well……..….come on we all know what we look like, ……….your underwear covers nothing anyway…………. your not a prude………fine well I’m sorry ok…………, I buy you new clothes ,look don’t ruin the day……just go and tell them it will be fine honest…………OK! We will all shave our fucking pubes if it helps…………I nudged Colin.Ok…..If you mean that, they either do it or sod off down the road in my boxers! ……..Jayne appeared several minutes later hair in a towel naked and wet, she had clearly shaven below whilst showering, the odd little cut bleeding slightly.“right you two have a good look, lets get it over with, this is what I look like naked and very pissed off! I’m not fucking happy! you used all the towels, my clothes are ruined, and I have had to shave off my pubes as they were matted with your puke. Now I have to sit around all day till my clothes are ready to be worn, hope your happy now!” she started to wonder off to the bedroom.It was not the time to take in the view but she looked well sexy, her shapely body and 36FF breasts dripping with water, any other time I would have had a rise, but this was not the time.We both apologised and lamely pointed out that we were in the same position, naked with no clothes. It didn’t really solve anything, but carrying on cooking and cleaning up the mess did kinda take the sting out of the moment. Dave reappeared fully shaven below.”Guys Jayne is feeling very self conscious today being shaven because of US, I said you would jump at the chance to make her feel a bit better about herself, So you either go shave like me, or get a pair of my boxers and fuck off as you are. Seriously! Those are the options.”It was funny but we didn’t laugh, Jayne looked at us.I spoke first, turning to Jayne “ Sure not a problem, we messed up, seriously messed up, sorry Jayne to make you feel uncomfortable, please don’t be on our behalf.” Colin nodded and said sorry and we wandered off and shaved.I strutted out clean and smooth “WELL what do you think to the new look? I think i’ve grown 2”, shaving!!, i’m gonna keep it like this now” I shook my cock up and down, Jayne looked at me laughed. güvenilir bahis I walked over and kissed her on the side of the face and said sorry again and carried on cooking the bacon.In fairness it was a turning point for all of us, and we saw Jayne as the younger Sister we would have liked, and not a sex object. In the coming months we would all again be sitting stripped off laughing and joking.The end of the Rugby season was fast approaching and frankly we were not doing well! Injured players, and a few losses meant the team and moral was low. Dave had a bad shoulder, I had a badly bruised foot from being trampled and Colin a right cracking good black eye.It was a Saturday night and we needed some team spirit… well JD provided the spirit and we supplied the coke and glasses. Soon the world looked a whole lot better, a couple of beers and JD and we started to talk about how we were going to win the last few games and take victory from the jaws of defeat.It was also time to play order the Pizza….!Yes we had an empty bottle……A simple Game which involved ordering the pizza then spinning the bottle, whoever it stopped and pointed to removed an item of clothing and we all had a another small drink and spun the bottle again. When the doorbell rang whoever the bottle was pointed at, or if it pointed to you and you had nothing to remove, then you were the one to open the door, no matter what you had on, or not. Clearly you had no idea when the doorbell would ring.As it turned out it took a little time and I had lost 3 times already, and only had boxers left, Dave was in jeans, Colin in socks and boxers, and Jayne in bra and thong, but the bottle just landed at her as the doorbell went, PIZZA……..we shouted…Shit…..Jayne stood up unclipped the bra dropping it on the chair and opened the door topless and paid the guy.. We all watch as he struggled to count the money, preferring to look at her tits, before she brought it back to the floor where we were all sitting, now just in boxers just for comfort, and clapped her for her efforts.Pizza gone, JD gone, and only the last few cans and bottles of beer left we started again to talk about how we were going to win the crown and be champions.Then the bravado started in the form of dare’s we would do if we won, (Not much chance of that we thought so say what you like was a safe bet).Dave……..I will have a full body wax, back, sack, and crack, and video it all, and post online named as The Victory Boy….A few cheer’s…Colin……. I always fancied doing a streak around the club grounds on a match day, with WINNERS on my ass and chest in lipstick, then serve the night away dressed as a scantily clad serving wench in stockings and basque in the club bar……We thought there was something Colin wanted to tell us but felt he couldn’t………They turned to me. Lets ramp it up I thought. Well if you’re going to do the wax, I will match you on video and raise you, and have my dick and nipples pierced whilst still naked, fuck I will even serve all night in just stockings bra and pantis with Colin…..Well if your going for the piercing so will I, Prince Albert and two nipple rings. said Dave.YEAH…….We looked at Jayne…….Well?She paused as if caught out….Errr…You can all come and video me having my pussy waxed, my nipples pierce, and you can group fuck me !“Good on ya” Colin said.“Nice one….all holes then?” Dave asked, He didn’t look that happy about it, but we were pissed, it was hard to tell…“So why don’t you come here and let the guys see what they might win? drop your boxers boys and Jayne can give us a suck?”Jayne crawled over to Dave and gave him a kiss as he lifted his ass and slipped off his boxers and threw them on the sofa on the other side of the room.Jayne slipped down to his rising cock and closed her lips over it and slid up and down on its shaft.Dave looked across at us, “Get them off then guys, don’t be shy”Colin and I stripped off and I started stroking my cock. I was looking directly at her thong which had disappeared into her fanny lips and she was as wet as hell. I was soon very hard.“Suck Ian Jayne look at that hard cock”She turned her attention to me, giving me a kiss on the lips, straight from Dave’s cock, then slipping down to suck on mine. Fuck she was good, warm and gently, and what a tongue!Dave knelt behind her, took her thong and ripped it apart, before licking her wet fanny.“What you recon Colin, should I fuck her now?Colin was wanking and getting closer to me hoping Jayne would soon suck him.“Sure she looks ripe for it, let us all have a slip up that juicy fanny”Dave slapped his cock on Jayne’s ass a couple of times, then rubbed it up and down her wet opening and slipped in her, slowly moving in and out of her.Jayne slipped onto Colin’s cock and I carried on wanking, moving my head round to watch Dave slipping in and out of her.Jayne you happy to let them slip up you? we got a shake of the head…..!!! or was she just sucking.Dave slipped out and moved onto the floor and Jayne sucked on him again,. After a minute or so she positioned herself on Dave cock and lay back on her knees allowing him to move up her whilst still playing with her breasts.Colin and I stood at the side of her as she took turns to suck us. I was soon ready to cum and said so.“Fuck I’m gonna shoot off on your tits” Well Colin beat me to it and we both fired several loads on her breasts, It dripped down onto her belly then to her pussy and lubricated Dave’s cock sliding up and down her.There was a moan, then a little scream as they both came together, her pussy gushing with Dave’s cum.A moment of silence…….”Wait till we win the championship türkçe bahis Jayne your going to get 3 full loads like this….. Dave said.Well the season was still some 8 weeks from finishing, and was it by good luck, or the other teams now starting to take injuries, but we started to tot up the points and to the final game we went, simple math’s the team that won, will win.A week later, the 4 of us arrived for a private sitting at the Wax and Piercing centre. We had told them about the dares, and the guy laughed and agreed to do the work and let us video it.We walked in and were bullish about the work.“Ok guys your having a full body wax, then top and bottom piercing done so total strip please and sit on the towels, Miss I need you topless for the piercing, and bottomless for the wax please, so you can either strip or do it bit by bit.Who’s first Ladies or Gents?”“Gents, ……..I’m not getting caught out in one of your plans again” Jayne quickly replied,“OK I will be first” and stood up, moved to the table and the wax was applied!!Well fuck me…. it hurt enough on the back. The ass was ok but the crack and sack… fuck I whimpered, and cried almost as much as those watching me, but for different reasons. I thought he had ripped off my dick at one point, how the hell Jayne was going to take this on her pussy I was not sure. I was soon completely hair free, chest, pits, legs, even my toes got it. I was sore and red raw but now it was Dave’s turn.Ok the cheat had been shaving before hand, and had very little stubble to remove, but he was still it tears when his crack and balls were ripped apart.Up next was Jayne as she spread her legs nice and wide the wax was smeared on a small section of her and ripped off, all we got was a grimace!, no yelps, or moans!Soon the front was bald as a coot, she popped herself over and offered up her rear, it was dispatched with equal vigor and no moaning, just a little rub at the end! Disappointed I was, but well impressed.Into the next room and onto the couch, 5 mins later I had two barbels in my nipples, now came the cock, well that took some lining up to miss the veins I was told, breath in deeply 3 times and on the third in went the 10 gauge needle, I had changed my mind about a PA and had decided to go for the full top of the head to the bottom piercing an Apadravya, normally done in 2 stages first a PA then the full piercing when healed, but I was only going to do this once…..Having inserted to my urethra, he lined me up, told me to get ready, this was going to hurt a bit. Like what did he think had just happened!!! Steadily he pushed till the needle tip pushed against the head before poping out of the head of my cock, Yes I called out, and called the guy a few choice words, nothing I guess he never heard before, it takes maybe 1-2 seconds to do it but feels like a red hot poker being pushed up there.Dave was as white as a ghost as the blood gushed from my cock, the bar and a bit of pressure soon stopped it and it was his turn.Whilst still a little faint his cock was done, followed by his nipples and in no more than 10 mins he was recovering in a chair, shame he missed Jayne….lolShe was soon marked up and it looked to hurt far more than mine did as she lay there with two needles, one in each nipple waiting for the jewellery to be inserted. A coffee later for each of us and £170 we left the shop red and sore, but kinda proud with it all.How did Colin get on I hear you ask…..Well after his attempted streak on a match day, he was brought down in an almighty tackle by one of the under sixteens, he spent the night with the police, and a further 2 months having his broken arm heal, he was a much quieter guy after the event, the performing in stockings never happened for either of us thankfully.So we move forward to the start of spring and the annual dinner and dance, the influx of extra cash from the win gave us some brand new changing facilities, with a massage area and new showers, the old bath now a thing of the past.It was the afternoon of the dance and was a black tie affair that evening, we all made the effort the 3 of us in dinner suits, and Jayne in a stunning red dress to the floor, plunging neckline showing off a sheer red bra under it and deep slit up the side. Topped off with high peep toe stilettos and seamed nylons. How do I know? because we all got ready in Dave’s flat..Dave had the video, we had the normal camera and took turns to pose with each other and Jayne.We headed off towards the venue, but made a detour to the club and the changing rooms in order to complete something Dave told Jayne.We invited her in to see the new place as it’s not like she will be doing it on a match day.Dave unlocked the door and held it open, and in we all walked.It already smelt of Deepheat and testosterone, it had only been used a couple of times for practice matches. The floor was still wet from use at lunchtime from the showers etc but at least the heating was still on.Jayne took a couple of steps and her heel slipped. “Take off the shoes, don’t break a leg” Dave called out, and she did so holding her dress clear of the floor and walked in stocking feet further in looking at the padded tables for the massage area and the showers.“not much privacy is there” she said turning to us.Colin and I had sat down taken off our jackets, and now removing our shoes and socks. Dave waited for Jayne to look in his direction and then locked the door and stood barefooted on the tiled floor filming Jayne and us.“Time to finish the rest of your dare Jayne, you did say you would fuck us all”Colin and I started to undo our shirts and remove the dicky bows, güvenilir bahis siteleri fully expecting her to have a mild freak at what was happening.She stood looking, watching us hang our shirts on the hooks, I removed my trousers and put them with the shirt. It was clear this bluff was not working the way we had hoped, Jayne never batted an eye, so I slipped off my boxers and stood nude in front of her rubbing my cock as it grew in excitement.She walked over to me.“Can you unzip me please” I smiled and undid the clasp and the zipper and helped as she took it off over her head.She stood in her red thong and bra, both see through, her piercing shining in the light under the fabric.She kissed me, our tongues flicking into each others mouth.Then a more embracing kiss followed She whispered, “Unclip my bra then” I was more than happy to oblige.“Right you two sit on the bench and let her suck your cock in her stockings”As we sat Jayne drop to her knees and in turn sucked each one of us, all the time Dave filming her whilst trying to strip himself.“I’m going to cum I called out, but Jayne was still sucking on my cock, her teeth clicking on my piercing, her tongue flicking its head, it sent little electrical signals all down my cock,“Oohh Fuck” I shot off a load into her mouth, it dribbled down the side of her lips but she carried on sucking, My legs went to jelly and I twitched helplessly as another load went into her. I pushed her head off me forcefully and fell back on the bench to recover, my legs like jelly. Colin was now getting the full attention, and it wasn’t long before he was spent as well.I took the video off Dave as he finished stripping.“Take off the stockings” as soon as Jayne had removed them he led her into the shower and tied her hands spread apart against the piping with them and kissed her with passion, biting her neck lightly, slipping to her breasts and nibbling her nipples, then her belly and down to her thong, he roughly pushed his hand between her legs making her jump, before ripping the thong off her and licking her wet pussy, all caught on video. He walked back to the 2 of us and took out the camera and started to snap her tied up then with each of us sucking her pussy and holding her lips apart, it all seemed wrong somehow.“Right Video this” with it running Dave turned on the water, it was cold and Jayne squirmed trying to escape the stinging cold water from the spray heads but tied to the pipes she was trapped, Dave advanced on her quickly, and kissed her firmly, lifting her legs.She got the idea and clamped herself around his waist. with a swift movement he slipped his cock up her. The water was still on cold but Dave was going like a piston engine fucking her cunt, moment later he moaned and his cum dripped out of her. As he slip out, a massive load of cum ran down Jaynes legs and Dave untied her leading her into the massage area where he lifted her onto a table.“Right boys I expect your keen to try out her holes, she nice and lubed up now”I would like to say we didn’t, but the truth is she was smiling, and looked happy, and so horny! so we did, bareback, as no one had thought about condoms, hell we never thought she would do it in the first place.I have to say my piercing was a hit, rubbing on her g-spot with every thrust, and boy did she scream on orgasm.Both Colin and I fuck her twice up the pussy, then she decided to suck Colin off as he lay on the bed. Her wet cum filled pussy looked so inviting as I climbed on the bed slapped my cock on her assa couple of times and slipped up her Jayne, she seemed very happy to be occupied at both ends. I slipped out and rubbed my cock up and down her anus lubed by the cum from her pussy, I pressed on her hips and her little bottom winked at me. I had to try! Pushing on the hips again I pushed my cock head up to her hole, slipped a finger from her pussy into her ass and moved in and out, then tried 2, she seemed happy. I pushed my cock head against her hole and applied pressure, in slipped my head, then the shaft, my balls slapping her fanny. It was my first anal and I have to say I lasted a very short time maybe only 6 strokes, I made no attempt to pull out and fired my load deep into her and finished off with playing with her boobs.Dave took no part other than filming and taking snaps, the only other thing he did was rip the nylon out of her bra making it just and under-cup but with no support.It had taken about 2 hours of play to get in the state we were so we all went and showered in warm water this time. we dried and dressed, only Jayne, only had a dress left to wear her stockings now laddered could not be worn, her bra and thong destroyed.“Well you’ve done your dare, well done, you looked great fucking the boys, but now you have to do the dance wearing nothing under that dress, a right little tease, filled with our cum. I bet you start to dribble before the end of the night and you won’t know who’s cum your dripping” he laughed, kissed her. Jayne slipped the dress back on her naked body, without her bra for support, the neckline allowed the sides to flash open as she turned showing off her breasts with the odd glimpse of a nipple.We locked up and left. The dinner went well, Jayne and I danced a few times and as the night went on her breast slipped out of the side of the dress a couple of times. Once she noticed, once she didn’t till we got back to the table, I thought it was kinda cool to let her expose her bare breast to the guys, I kinda got a liking for it.It was a few weeks later that we found out Dave was leaving, it was the end of using the flat and Rugby for me as well, Jayne did not go with Dave and it would be a few years later that we met again by accident but a worthwhile one.The pics and video? we are not sure where they are but I suspect in time they will appear on the web now it’s more accessible to all.

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