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Another breeding conferenceWhite wife, 45EE-36-45 gave birth to her twins when she was 55 and 4 months of age, all went well, two young (18 & 19 year old) boys each fathered one of the fraternal twins. It’s now 11 months later, wife is now 56 and 3 months of age, took awhile to lose her baby fat but she’s now down to her pre-baby size as per measurements above. She’ll be attending another conference on her own starting tomorrow. First time away from her new twins. She asked me if the circumstances presented themselves could she try for another pregnancy with a stranger? After all she did deliver our 6 c***dren between the ages of 22-34, so getting pregnant at age 54 with twins from two strange young men was quite a thrill. So I told her to be careful and go for it if she’s comfortable with it.First day of the conference went well, she wore a business suit, talked with some other delegates, everyone commented that she was beaming, easily looked 10 years younger, asked what’s her secret? She just seductively said “that’s for me to know and you not to find out!” Good for a laugh.After some dinner, she put on her one piece black bathing suit. Was self-conscience of her little extra weight everywhere but especially those stubborn two inches on her belly that she can’t lose, they jiggle when she walks, so a one piece bathing suit fits fine, definitely no bikini though! She tells herself “at 56 I look hot, but wish I could have a six pack again, but oh well, not to be I guess”. She then exits her hotel room and walks down to the pool. Lovely evening outside, perfect weather, sun is shinning, warm so all’s well.She has a huge smirk and sensual smile on her face as she searches for a folding chair as a man in the elevator on the way down tried to hide it but couldn’t take his eyes off her very ample 45EE all natural breasts. As she exited the elevator with other people she spun around as if she saw a familiar face, this caused her large floppy breasts to sway rather noticeably, she thought the poor guy was going to faint, he almost gasped as her breasts flung from side to side, real turn on for her! She thought to herself “at 56, you still got it babe!”She settled in, enjoyed the rays on her skin and proceeded to walk around after a bit to see if she could attract some attention, picked up a ginger ale and while walking back to her seat noticed various male glances, most were not from guys who would attract her, but some looked potentially promising. As she was soaking up some more rays, enjoying her cold drink she started to think about her periods since her last delivery. She’s only had three in the past 11 months, but feels as though she should be starting to ovulate at any moment, just feels right to her. She grabs a brief nap. Heads back up to her room when the sun sets.As she enters her room she removes her black one piece bathing suit, steps into the shower as she can smell the chlorine on her skin. Upon exiting the shower and starting to dry herself off she remembers some young men looked like they might have been staring at her on the pool deck. She thinks “huh, have to pay more attention tomorrow”. She slides into bed to retire early for the day.Next day at the conference she’s dressed as a professional. But while listening to a lecture around 11:00am her mind wanders back to the pool deck from last night, “were those boys staring at me or not?” When the conference broke for lunch she had a quick bite then said “screw it, time to visit the pool deck again and see if those boys are there. Did they really notice me? Know there was more than 1, but was it 2, 3?” she couldn’t remember. Pool deck was less crowded at mid-day than the evening. No sign of the same boys. She rubbed some suntan lotion on and caught some rays. Felt great, soooooo relaxing! While lying on her front a young voice asked if she’d like him to rub some lotion on her back? She didn’t even look at him and just blurted out “that would be lovely, thank you young man”. Next she felt some nervous young hands applying sunscreen to her back, his hands went back and forth, back and forth, she could tell he was enjoying her soft skin. A little grin came to her face, she liked the attention as well. He asked would you like some more on your feet, back of your legs? She thought “wow, I haven’t even looked at him, but sure”, so she told him again “that would be lovely, thanks ever so much!”Again, he took his time, back and forth, pushed hard into her feet (fortunately she loves this) as she relished the thought of how this young man’s hands felt so firm, yet soft and his voice is mild yet she hadn’t even looked at his face yet. He finished, she turned over and thanked him, first eye contact. It was the young man from last night who she wondered if he was staring at her, particularly her breasts as she walked as being all natural they jiggle and flop without any effort from her.There was a few easy and meaningless sentences but she noticed by his body position and hand placement he was trying to discreetly hide either a partial or full erection. He finally relaxed a bit which gave her an opportunity to look at the front of his bathing suit, sure enough, he had a serious partial erection. Her stare was brief, roughly 5 seconds, one of those stares that isn’t too awkward but lets him know she noticed. She gave him a little smile of approval then looked into his eyes. He said he had güvenilir bahis to go, she didn’t like that, but thought “hey, might as well go for it”, so as he awkwardly stood up trying to hide his boner and turned to walk away she invited him to her suit for dinner. She told him the room number and said 6:00 o’clock. He thanked her, said he didn’t know if he could make it and that he was with two male friends, she told him to bring them along too. He hurried off. She thought “maybe I pushed too hard, too soon, doubt he’ll show, but I’ll be prepared if they do”.She walked up and down the strip a bit, noticing how virtually every man couldn’t take his eyes off her swaying breasts and how many after they had passed her looked back to check out her backside. She purchased some items to make dinner.Started dinner at 4:00, made light hot weather food, potato salad, some crusty buns from an awesome local bakery, some great pure meat sausages from a local butcher shop. Some gelato ice cream and a bag of chips for maybe if they watch a movie.5:45 came, no guests, everything is ready. 5:55 no guests. Then 6:05, no guests. She thought “yeah, I came on too hard and fast”. At 6:11 knock at her door, it was her young suiter and his two friends. They entered, her suiter and informal masseuse on the pool deck was Bob, young black man, one friend was Hal a young white man and finally Yoshi a young Oriental man, she found out later from Japan.She was still wearing her one piece bathing suit as were the three boys. As they sat down to eat all talked effortlessly and easily for just meeting. During the course of dinner she casually found out their ages, 18, 18, and 19. Purposely didn’t want their last names. She suggested a movie, all agreed. Young men insisted on doing the dishes, nice touch she thought!She sat between Bob and Hal on the couch. All laughed frequently, then she pretended that her calf was tight. Bob rose to the occasion, offered to massage her feet and legs. Before you knew it Hal was doing her other leg and Yoshi was behind her rubbing her shoulders. All young men’s hands glistened with lavender massage oil, they very much enjoyed her mature body. Hal and Bob both stayed at her knees and below, then Bob asked if he could massage the top of her leg, she nodded yes. Bob would rub right up between her opened legs and just touch every so slightly her pubic hair, then move his hands down a bit and back up to glance her pubic hair again. She knew the little pubic hair sticking out would prove irresistible! Of course her having a serious camel toe didn’t hurt either!Yoshi was skilled at massaging her neck, shoulders and even a little daring as he massaged the front of her neck and her collar bone areas just ever so slightly touching the top of her breasts. Trying to be modest but dying to move his hands down lower, but he didn’t. Movie finished, chips were done, wife felt out of this world. Three boys had given her the massage of a lifetime, she was super relaxed, but very tired. She stood up and told the boys they’d have to go as she needed her sleep, but would they like to come back for dinner tomorrow? Make it a little earlier, say 4:30? She never saw three young men agree so fast in her life!As they stood up with their bodies contorted somewhat in a vain attempt to hide their erections, Bob’s was very embarrassing for him, pointing straight out a good 6 inches. She again as at the pool gave it a good short stare, this time when she made eye contact afterwards both smiled. Boys left. She thought “that went well and my oh my! Their erections at my 56 year old frumpy body was a great complement!”She removed her bathing suit, felt between her legs, very wet. She selected a towel for her shower than there was a knock at the door. Walked over and looked through the peak hole, it was Bob. She was naked, so stayed behind the door and opened it a foot or so and asked what he wanted. He asked if he could stay the night with her. Her face beamed from ear to ear. She said “not today, I’m too tired. But how about tomorrow night?” At this point he stood straight up and didn’t hide his erection anymore.Wife stared at it and said “it’s beautiful, so big and firm”. As she said this she moved from behind the door to standing with the door covering just the left side of her nude body. So her complete right side was nude for his inspection, her right nipple was mostly behind the door, but most of the right breast was visible to him as was a fair amount of pubic hair. Bob gave my wife a thorough up and down intense stare. When both made eye contact they laughed. She gestured for him to step forward, she gave him a deep tongue kiss, his left hand moved up and down her naked right side as he squeezed her right butt cheeks (which she loved), then she told him “tomorrow night”. With that he pulled back, inspected her naked right side again as she couldn’t contain her smile.She wanted to close the door, but then said to him “wait”. With that she moved back slightly and opened the door. He now had full view of her naked body, complete frontal view. She was drawn to his erection, smiled and said “wow, that thing is going to push right through your bathing trunks” as she swears it grew another inch or so. She invited him in. He eagerly stepped inside, she reached forward and removed his bathing suit, his erection was straight up pointing to the ceiling. She was türkçe bahis thrilled as when she pulled his swimming trunks down his penis pushed down then whipped upright super fast and smacked against his stomach, she thought “this is for me at my age, wow!”She held his hand and walked him to the shower, she said “let’s have a shower, but you have to be gentle, I’m very tired”. “Sure, whatever you want is no problem with me” came his eager and willing reply.They showered, dried each other off, she then walked him to her bed all the time she’d repeatedly stared at his penis pointing straight to the ceiling and telling him how incredible it looks! That just made it seem to grow even more.Bob insisted on giving her a massage, she liked that he didn’t want to just pump away. As he massaged her he left her genitals until last, commented on how big and soft her pussy lips were. He asked about “this green stuff”. She reached down, excitedly sat up, rubbed between her pussy lips and was clearly thrilled as she was ovulating. Bob still didn’t know what this “green stuff” was. She explained it to him. He then was in a panic and said “I’ll have to get some condoms then”. She gently deep tongue kissed him and said “no condoms, and no pulling out either. I came here to see if I could get pregnant, I’m fine with it. Don’t tell me you full name, I don’t want to know. Are you interested in possibly becoming an anonymous father tonight?” She said with a massive and excited smile.He next didn’t say what she had expected as he said “what about my friends? They all think you’re absolutely gorgeous, we all want to make love to you”. “Call them, invite them over, the more the merrier!” Came her reply. Bob bolted off the bed, erection still pointing towards the ceiling, grabbed his cell phone and made the calls.Wife and Bob walked to the kitchen to make some tea and wait for Hal and Yoshi to arrive meanwhile Bob’s penis is at full attention with pre-cum oozing over its top. Didn’t take long, 15 minutes later and all four are butt naked in wife’s room, all three young men have massive erections trying to reach up and touch the ceiling. Wife loved how they were all as she said it “standing at attention for this frumpy and lumpy 56 year old woman”! All walked to her king size bed, she had them sit on its edge as she moved back from them. She did various poses highlighting her large floppy all natural breasts, lightly rubbed her belly as it jiggled, stood sideways showing them her slight belly sticking out, turned sideways while she grabbed the bottom of her butt at its sides highlighting the extra 2 inches, turned to face them saying “so I don’t have any six pack abs, take a look my thigh gap has been gone for several years. You boys are 18, 18 & 19, I’m 56, that’s 38 YEARS older than you. I’m ovulating, delivered 6 babies between being 22-34 years old and delivered a pair of fraternal twins at 55 and 4 months old. I’m fine with possibly getting pregnant by one or more of you, depending on whether I can start more than one baby tonight. Are you still okay with fathering a c***d with this mature woman?”Boys erections looked like they were ready to explode, they all said she the most drop-dead gorgeous mature, big breasted woman they’ve seen!! She almost cried and told the boys to move over a bit as she crawled onto the bed, turned over and lied on her back fully opening her legs. She laughingly said “your penises are about to explode, so let’s get the first sperm deposit over with then we can make love some more and in the morning.”Bob slid inside her first, he couldn’t last even a minute, next thing you know he pushes deep inside holding there as his penis starts to unload inside her blasting his sperm against her vaginal walls. As he finished she gave him a quick kiss then looked away and said “next”.Hal entered her, same thing, he couldn’t last long, he grunted and groaned as his seeds of life were pumped deep inside her ovulating womb. Then Yoshi’s turn. Took less than 10 minutes for all three to unload. Wife was tired and yawned, Yoshi said “okay, let’s go to sleep, you really are tired we can make love in the morning”. Wife thanked him for his consideration but then said “look, Bob and Hal are already pointing skyward again. I can’t get into it, too tired. But go ahead boys, each of you make another deposit to see if you ‘little guys’ can get lucky tonight, I’ll just lie here”.With that Bob re-entered her, this time he lasted much longer, in fact it took the boys 40 minutes to make their second sperm deposit. After they were finished wife rolled onto each one, thanked them, gave them a kiss and said “more in the morning my little sex hungry young lovers just itching to father a c***d in me”. With that all laughed and fell asleep in each other’s arms.They woke up at 3am, room was very dark. One after another the boys slid into my wife’s eagerly waiting vagina, she had no idea which one was inside her, they’d make a sperm deposit sometimes othertimes they wouldn’t. At one time they repeatedly slid inside her, pulled out for another boy to enter in rapid succession. She loved not knowing which one was in her and when. She guesses each made another two sperm deposits, or as she likes to call them “baby makin’ deposits”!They woke up at 9:00am. Wife made a hearty breakfast for everyone as they were all famished. After resting a bit to let their meal digest güvenilir bahis siteleri wife said how much she enjoyed not knowing which one was in her and when last night, she asked for them to blindfold her and repeat the rapid succession of changing partners. At one point two of the boys entered her vagina at the same time. She asked them to be gentle, but after 5 minutes she screamed at them to pump away, it felt awesome!! Still, she didn’t know which two were inside her.More love making ensued at noon, wife was totally into it, orgasm after orgasm, all the guys were blown away at her stamina. Boys said they had to leave the next day, wife was disappointed it couldn’t last longer, to hell with the conference as she said!After an extremely intense love making session the final morning my wife was thoroughly exhausted, breathing heavily, didn’t know she could have so many orgasms. All three young men were pretty much finished as well, all balls were running on empty, every last drop of their respective sperm was swimming inside my wife’s ovulating womb. Bob wanted to give my wife his contact info, she said no. “We met for a short time, you tried to plant your seed in me, let’s leave it at that. Who knows, will I get pregnant at 56? Will I have a white, black or Oriental baby? OR, maybe more than one baby? In any event I’m fine with us just ‘passing in the night’ so to speak. Besides you’re all healthy young, virile men, your testicles make a lot of sperm, that’s your mission to breed a 56 year old woman who wants you to breed her!”All went their separate ways. Wife came home, relayed her sexual escapades, was very fulfilled with her three young lovers, she could barely walk for two weeks though. She said “at 56 I think I overdid it. Three of them pounding me, I’m so sore between my legs”. I then asked her if she had any regrets in view of being so sore? Her face beamed when she answered “not one single regret! Loved the experience! Truly hope I’m pregnant! Who would have thought I’d say that at 56? But I mean it, more babies!”She slept for at least 15-18 hours per day for a month afterward. She commented “wow, that really did take a lot out of me. Loved it, but in hindsight I’m glad it didn’t last longer. Would have loved it to last longer, but don’t think my 56 year old body could handle it”.Because her periods were infrequent since her delivery at 55 and 4 months of age she had no idea if she was pregnant. Therefore, at 10 weeks after her romp with the three boys she did an in home pregnancy test. Came back positive. She was thrilled, but who became a father inside her??Appointment with the doctor confirmed she’s pregnant, then an ultrasound. Wow, what a surprise! At 56 she’s pregnant with triplets! Doctor looked concerned asked her if she’s good with getting pregnant with twins at age 54 and now with triplets at age 56! Wife told him in no uncertain terms, “I’m thrilled, wanted to get pregnant! Triplets is just a bonus!” Question remains; who are the father or fathers?? No idea.Last two months of her pregnancy were tough, when 8 months pregnant she was 56 and 11 months old. She turned 57, no delivery yet. But at 57 and 1 day old she went into labour. Wife was interested to see her babies, after all they could be black, white or Oriental? Delivery room was hard on her, three babies at her age, she screamed, cursed but refused the epidermal as she’s always had a natural delivery and felt the pain. First baby’s head started to come out, she screamed and pushed, first baby was black. So, Bob got lucky. She was exhausted but bared down to deliver baby number 2. Second baby was white, so now she knows Hal got lucky and fertilized one of her eggs at least. She felt like giving up but looking over and seeing her two beautiful babies and knowing they were from different dads gave her the strength to push hard to bring her precious third baby into the world.Third baby was the hardest to deliver, doctor had to reach in and maneuver the baby, finally, head came out, then a couple more pushes and baby number three was delivered, clearly from an Oriental dad. Although exhausted she was thrilled as all three young men got lucky with her and fathered a baby inside her on those fateful couple of days. She had the doctor check for any STDs, thankfully none. She know she was playing with fire as her last two deliveries which blessed her with an amazing 5 babies were with strange men she had just met. After arriving home, she retired from work, my work paid very well and we were rich, so work for her was an option. She decided 5 more babies to look after at 57 was enough, she was thrilled to have them, but no more encounters with strange young, very virile and potent young men. She also said delivering her fraternal triplets was brutal, doesn’t know if she could risk doing it again! But no regrets regarding her 9th, 10th and 11th babies!! As she also said she had delivered babies from age 22 to 57, impressive record of 35 years from first to last baby!So here we were. 6 babies all adults together and her having twins at two years of age and triplet newborns with all five having a different father. She had secretly always wanted a black baby, so having Bob’s black baby and Yoshi’s Japanese baby was all pure bonus!!!She did a very short assignment for her old boss and one ignorant associate said my wife was a “typical racist, old white woman” because this associate clearly was the true racist and had issues and my wife shut her up so fast and forcefully with a picture of her three newborns, one being a black baby and another being Oriental, wife thought the occasion was priceless!!