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MeganI divorced about 12 years ago and soon afterward met a Vietnamese lady named Sheree. What attracted me to her was that she liked to work out and she had big tits! I would watch other guys hit on her in the gym but she ignored them for the most part. I struck up a conversation with her and we almost instantly became friends. She was about 8 years younger than me. She is 38DDD-27-25 with a great personality as well. We dated and married. She had a young daughter and the daughter’s father gradually became distant in the daughters life. I was her stepdad but she called me daddy. Her name is Cassie.When Cassie was a sophomore in high school she became friends with another Vietnamese girl whose mother was also divorced. This other girls name is Megan. Cassie and Megan became very close friends and this past May they both graduated from high school. Megan is at our house a lot, especially the weekends because of the pool and as Megan has stated that she has a real sense of family at our home.A week before the July 4 holiday Megan’s mom took Megan’s grandparent, who lived with her, to Vietnam to visit other family. She was to be gone for a month. Megan’s mom asked if we would watch Megan while she was gone. We agreed and Megan decided to just stay with us for a few days during the holiday as our subdivision has a lot of festivities during the 4th of July. Also, Cassie and Megan’s birthday are in late June.A couple of weeks before was Father’s Day and my birthday coincidentally occurred the day before Father’s Day this year. My wife was taking me to my favorite restaurant where they made margaritas the way i liked them. Before the date Cassie and Megan made me a margarita at home. I was sitting by the pool and they both brought it to me and a card. I began sipping the margarita and talking to the girls when they encouraged me to open the card. It was a card that had some lovey-dovey saying that a teenage girl might say to her dad. Cassie wrote “Happy birthday to my DAD. You’re fun, intelligent, good to me and I’m proud to show you off to my friends because you’re handsome too. Cassie…XO” I smiled and she kissed me on the cheek and hugged me. Below that was Megan’s written comments. Happy birthday to my adopted dad. You treat me as if I were your daughter and I love you so much. You don’t look your age but you certainly make your age look great…and you are a handsome man. Megan…XO” I read that and just sat there. I looked up a Megan and she bent over and hugged me and kissed my cheek. I didn’t know what to say. Cassie handed me a gift and said it was from the two of them. It was a bottle of cologne from Chanel. My favorite. I stood up and hugged both girls. They then brought out their margaritas and sat with me and we talked about various things. Eventually, Sheree came out and Cassie made a comment about her big tits. Sheree just thrust her tits forward and shook them which always pleased me. I was looking at them and Megan said “Look at Mr.B. All he cares about are boobs” Sheree said “That’s because he is a ‘boob man’, right baby?” I said “YES”. Megan said “Damn” We looked at her and she was thrusting out her chest and shaking her boobs and she said “Maybe one of these days.” I looked over at Sheree and Sheree said “How many margaritas have you girls drank. Megan, said “just 2.” I told them to stay in the house tonight and then we left.The next day instead of going out to eat the girls made me dinner for fathers day. We enjoyed a great tasting dinner and then Cassie and Megan presented me with a small cake and a gift and each girl had a card. I opened the gift and it was an 8×10 picture in a frame with the two of them in a heart. On the photo each girl wrote something. Cassie wrote “To my dad” inside a little hand drawn heart. Megan wrote “To my stepdad” with a hand drawn heart with an X and O inside it. Cassie said “This is going on your desk in your office right after we have some cake.I had an office in my house. It could’ve been a formal living room but I used it as an office because I drew house plans, on the side, for a couple of local builders.Cassie’s card had a comment about me being the dad she would’ve picked if her mom had not married me. Megan’s card had a comment about me being the best dad in the world and she wrote “You are the dad I wish I had. When I get married it’s going to be to a man like you, as you are right now…loving and handsome.”I read it out loud and looked up at Megan. Everyone was kinda quiet. I said, “Well, I’ll try to live up to the high standard you’ve set for me. Everyone laughed and she hugged me and then Cassie hugged me. I looked over at Sheree and she had a somewhat forced smile.Cassie and Megan were enjoying their summer before going to college. They had become quite tanned and I had rigged up a set of misting nozzles for where they lay in the sun by the pool. I would look at them but never pay too close attention to them, purposely. However, I did notice that Cassie was beginning to fill out similar to her mom. Cassie was 34D-21-32 and I tried never to notice or to let her see that I noticed. Megan was about 33C-22-33.On July 4, I got up early to get some ribs and a small brisket to smoking in the smoker. I did the yard work and got the pool ready for the girls. Around 10:30 the girls were having breakfast with their bathing suits on. I came in all dirty and sweaty and told them the pool and everything was ready for them. They thanked me and I went to my bathroom where Sheree was stepping out of the shower. I asked if she want to suck my dick and she looked me all sweaty and declined. I bathed and soaped up my cock and balls and played with myself until I had a good hard dick. It was still big and somewhat stiff when I stepped out of the shower. Sheree saw me and came over and dropped to her knees and asked if I could make it quick. I lied and said yes.Sheree started sucking me and give me that mouth jack suck. She took a breather and said “I love my American man’s cock!” and continued sucking. Cassie interrupted with a knock on our bedroom door so Sheree stopped her blowjob and told me that she’d finish me tonight. Damn that Cassie!During the afternoon Megan made me a strong margarita and brought it to me as I was pulling the meat from the smoker. I tasted it and shook my head because it was so strong. She looked at me and said “wait, she took it and took a sip and said, “That one is mine, here’s yours.” and handed me the other drink. I tasted it and it was normal. She was drinking the margarita she took from me in one full drink. I reached for it and by the time she handed it to me it had maybe one good sip in it. Megan said “think you can keep up with me ole man” and laughed. She then took the normal margarita from me and took a sip and said “Yep, this one was mine after all.” she smiled and said she’d make me another and when back inside the house. I stood there thinking about the “old man” comment. I thought, I guess I am old.We had dinner by the pool and talk, but in the back of my mind I’m thinking “old man”. Megan kind of hurt my feelings with the comment. However, yes, I’m getting older.After dinner I went to my office and arranged the picture of Cassie and Megan on my writing desk so that I could see it if I were facing the computer or at the desk reading or writing. The two cards they have me were standing up on the corner of the desk. Sheree came into the room and we talked about tomorrow, Friday. She was going to return some shoes to the mall and then go to her sister’s house to visit. I told her that I had work to finish before the end of July and I had barely gotten started so I’d stay home.That next morning I got up early and made coffee for Sheree and we sat and drank it and watched the local news. I looked over at her and told her that she didn’t take care of me last night. She smiled and illegal bahis said that she would do that after our Friday night date because she wanted to get her day started. I smiled and told her that it would be great. I thought that this morning was the morning that I took my male supplement so I should be ready for her.I had been taking a male supplement for a few months. I was at the local vitamin store one day and was looking for vitamins and such that should help with my ED problem. The lady that runs the place came over to ask if I needed help. She saw what I had in my hands. She looked at them and said, “This is to increase blood vessel tone, this one is for heart health and …hmmm, do you have an ED problem?” I thought…damn, what a bitch…but I just said “Yes”. She took the vitimans from me, put them back on the shelf and took me by the hand and pulled me over to the counter and pulled out a pack of “male supplements” and said, “this is all you need, if they don’t work bring what you haven’t used back to me. I’ve been taking them for about 6 months now and I think they work a little better than cialis.But let me get to the story of Megan as everything that i’ve said plays into what happened.The Friday after the 4th I got up early, made the coffee for my wife and I and we sat and enjoyed the morning. I decided to trim the shrubs in the front of the house before it got too hotI finished the trimming and cleaned the pool and checked it because I knew the girls would be in the pool in a while. I went inside and my wife was getting showered. I took a shower while she was putting on makeup. The herbal supplement works well for me and as I was soaping my dick and balls I got hard so I stroked it a little for my wife’s amusement. She said she would take care of me tonight. I thought “Oh boy, after dinner date sex”. I reminded her about the day before. She just smirked at me. I got dressed in my swim trunks and my Pink Floyd tee shirt and went to my office at the front of the house. The desk with my dual monitors sits with me facing windows looking out the front of the house. To my left is a writing desk with various things on it including the birthday and Father’s Day cards from the girls. On the left-most monitor is a convex mirror about 1” diameter. When I’m working, I can see movement in the foyer and somewhat beyond the door of the office, in the foyer.While I was getting ready to draw and reviewing some messages and notes about the plans I was drawing, I saw my wife in the foyer in the reflection in the mirror. She stopped and adjusted her blouse, primping as it is, in front of a mirror in the foyer. Then I watched her walk to my door and she told me goodbye and came over and kissed me. I grabbed one of her 38DDD tits and kissed it and told it that i’d play with it later in the evening. She left the room and I watched her walk out…oh man does she have a nice ass and as she walked out she stopped at the door to see if I was watching. She patted her ass and said “It’s yours tonight.”. In a few moments I saw her through the window as she backed her mercedes out of the driveway and leave.I began working and I heard the girls come in from the pool. I was not aware that they were even awake but they must’ve came down and went to the pool while I was taking a shower and soaping up my cock to amuse my wife. The door opened and closed several times as I heard them talking to one another. After a while you just don’t pay too much attention to doors opening and closing.Thinking about my wife’s big tits I went to incognito mode in chrome and went to I did some searches for my current favorite porn which is amateur oral creampie where the woman keeps sucking a guys dick after he starts cumming. I love it when the woman keeps sucking and you see gobs or streams of warm cum dripping out of the corners of the woman’s mouth and she uses her tongue to lick it up. The good girls then squeezes the last few streams of cum from the mans dick. Damn that shit is hot to me. I was looking at a few different videos and my cock was bone hard.I heard the girls come into the house and they were in the kitchen. I minimized the incognito browser and kept working. They would come into the house and then back out. A few minutes later back in and out. Each time I’d hear talking, laughing and the typical banter between two young ladies talking about boys and music and their tans and whatever else was on their mind. I’d hear the sound of the door alarm tingle when the door opened and shut and then the banter and then the tingle again and then silence. Over the next hour I heard it several times.It had been a while since I heard them so I got up and went to the kitchen. I could see them by the pool, laying in the sun. I went back to my office and sat down, switched back to the incognito mode and picked up on the video where I left off. The women giving blowjobs to lucky guys had some great skills that they had to learn at an early age. Someone taught them well.I was watching this one compilation video and about half way through I found the jewel of blowjobs. She was the queen of oral creampies! She was sucking this guy and got all of his cock in her mouth, or throat, and wiggled her head a little and as she pulled it out of her throat you could see her tongue wrapping around the shaft. She pulled her mouth off his cock to where her lips got to the head and you could see her tongue swirl around the head a few times, all while her lips remained behind the ridge of the head. Then when she went back down on the guy, slowly, her tongue was sticking out, working the thick cum-vein as she swallowed his dick and obviously into her throat. When she got it in her throat, she was working his balls with her tongue. I was imagining how damn, fucking good that had to feel. MY cock was rock hard. I looked around at the door to my office and then back to my mirror and saw nothing. It had been a while since I heard the girls so I pushed my swim trunks down in front and pulled out my dick and started stroking it. I was taking it slow and loose letting the precum oooze out and I’d massage it around the head and go back to stroking. In the video the woman was giving the guy some good head and continued wrapping her tongue around the shaft on the upstroke and across the cum-vein as she went back down. You could see her picking up the pace and then I saw it! OMG! On the next outstroke suck and as her tongue was grabbing cock shaft, cum started oozing from around her tongue. She closed her lips around the head and you could see cum dripping from the corner of her lips as she worked her tongue around the head. When she opened her mouth to go back down on the guy a gob of cum and saliva ran down the shaft and she chased it with her lips, around his cock, and with her tongue and you could see her suck it back into her mouth. On the next outstroke suck she pulled her mouth almost off the cock, past the cock head crown and you saw her swallow and then more cum drain as the mans cock throbbed. She pulled off and licked up the stream of cum and swallowed again. I thought, I got to cum. I was slowly stroking my dick and I took a firmer grip and started stroking and watched some precum oooze out of my cock. I thought, I’m going to cum in my hand and just massage the warm cum around my cock until it gets’ sticky and then I’ll get a tissue from my writing desk. Another few strokes and I could feel the pleasing joy in my groin begin to form. I leaned back in my chair to stretch. I said something like “I would love to have Megan do that to me.” I kept stroking slowly so I could extend the feeling. I slowed down, let my cock throb in my hand to ease the urge to cum and after about 15 seconds I went back to stroking and said “Oh, yeah, Megan” and then I felt the urge, I’m going to cum. I turned to illegal bahis siteleri get a tissue and there stood Megan in the doorway. I froze! The urge to cum went away. I had my cock in my hand but I stopped stroking. All I could hear was the faint sound of the woman swallowing again and the guy grunting and saying something like “damn”, in the video..I said “Megan”.She turned away and I said “Megan, STOP! Don’t move.” she did.I grabbed a couple of tissues and wiped my hand and put my cock back in my trunks as I stood up. I closed the incognito browser. I walked toward the door where she was waiting, standing, looking toward the backyard and the pool.I looked as well and Cassie was still laying outside by the pool.I said “Megan, I thought you were outside.”She said, “I was but I came in to fix us something for lunch. I was going to ask you what you wanted for lunch but I didn’t know what to say when I say what you were doing.”I said, “I didn’t hear the door chime when it opened.She said, “It didn’t shut all the way, the last time we went out so it didn’t make a noise when I came in.”Megan was looking down at her feet. I said “Megan, look at me.” She did. I said, “I’m sorry, I didn’t know that you were there. I’m ashamed that you saw me doing this. I’m embarrassed with myself.”She said, “I didn’t know what to do or say. I was stunned.”I asked “How long were you standing there?”She said, “Just a few seconds. Then you said my name! I didn’t know what to do. Then you stopped moving your hand and I thought you saw me so I just kind of froze and then you said my name again.”I muttered“Oh fuck!…….Megan, why didn’t you turn around and walk away when you saw me doing that?”She said, “I don’t know, I guess I just froze when I saw what you were doing. I think I was afraid to move because I didn’t want you to know I was there and I was afraid it would disturb you. I’ve never seen a man do that to himself before. After hearing my name a couple of times I guess I was shocked and didn’t know what to do.”Oh man I thought, she heard me say her name both times. I quickly realized that she had been watching about 30 seconds or more. I said “Would you come over here and have a seat?” I directed her into my office to my sofa. She came in and sat down and I asked if I could sit beside her and he nodded that I could.I said “I guess you no longer want to find a man like me as a husband.” She looked at me kind of puzzled and said “What?”I reached over and picked up the birthday card she gave me and read the inscription she wrote. “You are the dad I wish I had. When I get married it’s going to be to a man like you, as you are right now…loving and handsome.”She sat and looked at the card and took it from me. She sat in silence thinking she would rip it into pieces but she stared at the card. I sat there and finally I said, “are you so upset with finding me like you did that you can’t talk?” Then before giving her a chance to say anything I said “Megan, men do this all the time. It’s a form of stress relief and sometimes it just fun to fantasize. I’m so sorry that you found me doing this and even more so that you heard me mention your name. I don’t know what to say and I hope you’ll forgive me for it, for the fantasy of you, i mean, I’m so, so sorry you learned about it.”She held up her hand and said, “I meant every word I wrote on this card. I do want to find a man like you. I realized as you read it out loud that I maybe should not have written it because I saw that Sheree was not happy.” she paused to take deep breath and then she said “First, I”m not mad about anything you said, or you saying my name while doing what you were doing or watching what you were watching, or how I found you. OK?”I said “Yes”She said, “now, second, I’m more certain now, more so than when I wrote this inscription, that You ARE the kind of man I want, just as you are now. I’m definitely certain now.”I sat there for a moment and I said, “what are you talking about Megan?”She said, “do you have fantasies about me?”I said, “Well, yes sometimes.”She then said, “but you’re married, you have a wife with big tits and I’m certain she pleases you every night.”I laughed and told her “I wish it was every night, Maybe once a week if I”m lucky.”Megan looked at me as if she did not believe me. I asked Megan, “Are you telling me that your inscription in the card was your way of telling me that you fantasize about me?”Megan looked at me as if to say “dummy” but she said, “I do. I would love to wake up next to you. I would love to have your arms around me all night. I would love to make bring your coffee to you in bed and to do whatever it took to make you happy but I’m not built the way you like….I don’t have big titties!”I sat there and I looked at her breasts and I said, “Your breasts are perfect, I think you are built so cute and sexy.”Then she continued,”I think you are handsome and I’ve always had a fantasy of you seducing me and part of why I like being here at your house is that maybe one day you would notice me and flirt with me; but I didn’t think you were interested because I’m so young and I’m not built like Sheree. I don’t have big boobs like I know you like. I’ve even told Cassie that if you ever divorced Sheree that I would try to get you to like me.”I sat there for a few moments and took in what she was telling me.I said “I don’t know how to seduce you. I’m not that much of a Casanova.”.Megan said, “I never expected to see you like this before you seduced me. Maybe after we got to know one another. I’ve seen videos of men playing with themselves and I like watching it but I never thought I’d see you doing it…and saying my name! It’s just not how I pictured you.”I sat there and finally said, “You’re beautiful and sexy in a way that only you can be. Let’s stop for a minute and think about this. What if you finding me like that, just now, was the universe trying to put things in place. Do you want to look at how you found me as a means of the universe breaking the ice between us…so that we would be open with one another and that we can let our relationship grow in the direction it is meant to grow?”She sat there and said, “I don’t know, maybe that is how we should look at this. I know I was never going to make a comment or pass at you and you’re too much of a gentleman to make a pass at me.” then she laughed and said, “Well, I thought you were a gentleman, I find out you’re a dirty old man that watches porn when no one is looking.” then she laughed.I said, “Be honest with me, are you saying that you never play with yourself?”She smiled and said “Nope!” and then laughed.I said, “Wait a minute, you called me an old man yesterday. Why?”She looked down and said “I hurt your feelings and I saw it in your eyes. I didn’t mean it like it sounded. What I was trying to tell you was that I wanted you to flirt with me and it came out wrong. I felt so bad all afternoon and you ignored me as well. I came close to going home last night.I said “I kind of thought you were flirting but I wasn’t sure. Telling me that I can’t keep up with you is certainly a challenge. Now that I know what you meant, I’ll take the challenge but I could get into some serious trouble if you say anything about what you’ve seen today or what we’re talking about right now.”Megan said, “Yeah, Sheree would not be happy, especially if she knew I caught you with your pants down.”I begged, “Megan, please don’t say anything to anyone about what you found me doing here ok?”She smiled and said that she would not tell anyone anything. We sat that for a few moments and I said “Ok, here goes, do you want to see me finish?”She looked at me and said “Maybe”.I thought about it and I got up and went to see Cassie still in the sun at the pool.I sat back down beside her and I pulled my dick out and watched her eyes. She was looking at my canlı bahis siteleri face instead and i directed her eyes to my dick. She looked and watched as I began stroking and getting it hard again. I asked if she wanted to help but she said no. I stroked it a few more times and it had regained its rigidity and then I let go and it was standing at full mast. I looked over at Megan and said “go ahead, I know you want to touch it.” She just sat there looking at it. I reached for her hand and she resisted a little but let me pull her hand close to my cock. She said “I don’t know how to do it. I don’t know what to do.” I took her fingers and wrapped them around my dick. Her hand was so much smaller than mine. Her fingers did not wrap all the way around it like mine do. I moved her hand up and down for a few seconds and then I let her hand go and she kept stroking me. She said “it’s hard.”I leaned back on the sofa and said “oh my god, Megan that feels so good.” she kept stroking me and some precum oozed out. She said “Am I doing ok?” I told her that she was doing great. I showed her how to massage the precum around the head with her fingers. Oh man, did it feel good to watch Megan stroke me. I got a little brave and said “I’ve always wanted to feel you sucking me. Would you please do that for me?”Again, Megan said, “Now, I don’t know how to do that. I’ve seen videos but I just don’t think I can do it so that you’ll like it. Maybe you need to send me that video you were watching so I can learn.”I told her that I would. I stood up but she never let go of my dick. I turned toward her and she let go of my dick and said “what are you doing, what did I do?”I said nothing and I put her hand back on my dick and I stood in front of her and said, “Suck it for me Megan.” She looked up at me and said “But I can’t. I don’t know how.” I told her that I’d teach her and I put my hand behind her head and pushed my dick toward her lips. She opened her mouth and I pushed myself into her mouth. I felt her tongue on my head and then i felt teeth. I told her to try to not touch my dick with her teeth. She started using lips and I thought. she is going to be great. I showed her the mouth-jack and how to swirl her tongue around the head on the outstroke suck. She let go of my cock with her hand and tried to get it into her throat but gagged. I told her that just takes experience and time.After sucking on me for about 5 minutes she said, I want to watch you make yourself cum. I told her ok. I started stroking myself and asked her to lick the head a little. She did for a moment and she watched me. She looked up at me and ran her hand across my abs. She said “You look so manly stroking your dick for me. It excites me Mr. B.” Then I felt that feeling, that getting ready to cum feeling. I said, do you want to suck my cum and she said that she didn’t know what to do but would try. I increased the pressure on my cock and I felt my cum beginning to come to the top. I said, open your mouth and she did. I told her to lick the tip of my dick and she did and about 5 seconds later the first cum spasm shot a long stream of cum into her mouth. She gagged and coughed a little and backed up and the second cum-spasm shot a stream of warm cum across her upper lip and some into her left nostril and then down the left side of her cheeks. I told her to swallow and she did and I said open up again. I had squeezed my cum-vein at the bottom of my cock to hold that warm, gooey white joy in as much as i could. She opened her mouth again and I pushed my cock head into her mouth and shot the third and fourth cum-spasm into her mouth at the same time. It was a large gob coming out at once. She gagged and coughed again. Cum splattered all over my dick and stomach and this time I saw cum dripping from both her nostrils. Oh man, this is an excellent oral creampie. I squeezed my cum-vein again and told her to relax and swallow. She did. I told her to let me push my dick into her mouth again and she opened up her mouth and the fifth cum-spasm emptied in her mouth as I let go of the squeezed cum-vein and she pulled back again and swallowed hard. She pushed me away and looked up at me and swallowed a second time. She wiped the cum from her nose. She then looked at my dick and saw cum oozing from the head. She said “Fuck, that’s a lot of cum!” She took a breath and took hold of my dick and pulled it back into her mouth and jacked out what cum was left in me. She mouth jacked me for about 30 seconds. She had cum dripping from her nose and down her left cheek and I felt some fall to my bare feet. I pulled my dick out of her mouth and she sat there for a few seconds. Her face was gooey, messy with my cum and it was dripping from her nose and chin. I thought “holy fuck was that a great oral creampie or what?” I started complimenting her on her ability to keep going despite chocking on my cum. I got some tissues and handed them to her. She cleaned her mouth and nose. She just sat there.I said, “you ok?”She said, “Damn, Fuck! I told you I didn’t know what I was doing.”I told her, “Oh Megan, you were perfect. I absolutely loved it. You made me cum more than I can make myself cum. That was the best creampie I’ve ever had.”To that she smiled and I could see that she felt proud and she added “That didn’t taste as bad as I thought it would but it was so messy.”I told her, “You are so damn great and forget about messy, that’s the beauty of it.” and she told me thanks again. I continued with, “if we practice a little more it will be so much better for both of us.”She said “what about Sheree, you’re married? Should we be doing this?” and I told her to not worry that I would not say anything to my wife if she wouldn’t. She agreed.I pulled her up from the sofa and I said, “Can I kiss you?” she seemed shocked and said “Now, right after I’ve sucked your dick?” I said, “I want to show you that I appreciate you letting me cum in my your mouth. If a man will never kiss you after you’ve sucked his cum then he thinks he did something dirty to you. I don’t think that at all. What you did was loving and so wonderful and I love you for it.” With that I kissed her on the lips and she parted her lips and I french kissed her while hugging her tightly. She was right, my cum don’t taste that bad, especially from within her mouth. We let go of one another and I said, “I want to suck your pussy.” She said “Ok” and then the door chimed.I smiled at her and said, “See, I didn’t hear that the first time.” She stood there, I checked to make sure no cum was on her face and I sat in my chair and asked her to sit down. She gave me the tissue with cum on it. I threw it away as Cassie called out for Megan. Megan responded and Cassie came to the doorway. She said “I thought you were going to fix us a drink, ummm, i mean, a sandwich” and she smiled at me. I said we’ been talking about work and stuff.Megan, said “I came to see If Mr. B wanted a sandwich and we got to talking.” Cassie came over and sat on the sofa and we all talked for another few minutes. I saw Cassie sniff and she leaned toward Megan and Megan stood up and said “Let me fix us a margarita” Megan got up and walked away. Cassie sat on the sofa and looked at me. I said “what is it baby?” Cassie said “nothing dad”. Cassie got up and went to the kitchen. After a few moments of hushed conversation I heard Cassie say “you bitch”.A few moments later Megan brought me a margarita and wispered “Send me the video so I can see what it is you want me to do.” I told her I would.Cassie followed with a sandwich and said “are you hungry?” I looked at her and she handed me the plate and turned around and the two of them went back outside and sat at the pool.I got up and went to the family room and watched them at the pool. I was watching Megan eat the sandwich and thought, Just 10 minutes ago she was sucking my dick and now she is just being a teenage college girl.Stay tuned, Megan invited me to her house a couple days later and that is a different story. Cassie found out what Megan had done so I’m waiting to see what happens. I think I’m going to get blackmailed.

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