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“Sorry ma’am but your vehicle did not pass emissions.” the worker said dismissively.
And there it was she thought, the icing on the shit cake that is my day. “No way!” she protested.
The worker didn’t care though. “I recommend AMS Car Shop down the street. Have them take a look at it.”
“Thanks.” she mumbled as she grabbed the paper and drove out of the testing bay.
“Fuck!” Naomi yelled as she drove erratically down the street. Why the hell was today trying to kill me? she thought to herself. Like being late to work and getting yelled at by patients wasn’t enough, there just had to be car problems on top of it.
Working as a nurse in the ER was the best job in the world but it could also be the worst. Certainly there were more good days than bad but today was definitely bad.
After a terrible day at work she had raced home, thrown on a sundress (much better than her scrubs) and raced to the emissions center. Her car registration expired at midnight, so she was racing against the clock.
Driving into the auto shop parking lot, she made the terrible mistake of wondering if things could get any worse.
One pull of the front door and she realized that things could definitely get worse.
“Seriously?!” She exploded out loud at the realization that the door was locked and the shop was closed.
It was too much for her. She dropped her purse, sat down and let the tears come. The anxiety of the day mixed with the frustrations were a concoction too strong for her. The rage melted into sadness.
“Ma’am?” A deep voice permeated through the sound of her pity party.
Looking up she saw a mechanic staring at her with concern. Falling deep into his eyes, she was almost too shocked to be embarrassed.
“Are you ok?” He asked with a concerned voice “I was just getting into my truck when I saw you walking up to the door. I’m sorry but we’re closed.”
As reality came back to her, the embarrassment seeped in. Realizing that she was in her little dress, with disheveled blonde hair and flip flops just falling apart in front of this hot ass man.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Sorry. It’s been a shitty day. My car failed emissions up the street so I was just hoping to bring it here to get it fixed tonight.” She wiped her tears and stood up trying to gather what dignity she had left.
“We’ll open tomorrow at 8am. My name is Brad.” He extended his rough, dirty hand to her.
“Naomi.” She placed her petite hand into his firm grip. Trying to stay unflustered she asked, “Is there another shop around here? I really need to get this fixed tonight. My registration expires at midnight and tomorrow morning is my only opportunity to take it back through emissions.”
Fuck she thought, I’m rambling. Stay cool Naomi.
“Most of the shops close at the same time… I would take a look at it for you but the shop is locked up with my tools. The only spare tools I have are at home.” His voice trailed off as if considering something. His eyes trailed down her body without apology. She felt her heart skip a beat. “If you want to follow me home and be my assistant, I can take a look at it.” he said with a flirty smile.
She bit her lip, looking into his eyes. They were almost demanding her to take him up on his offer. Normally she would laugh off such a suggestion. Any clearly thinking adult woman would know that you don’t follow a strange man back to his house. That is what Lifetime Movies are made of. Yet something about his muscular build, those green eyes and his messy brown hair, just made common sense seem to evaporate. The sexual tension was suddenly palpable.
“That would be great. If you’re sure… I don’t want to mess up your night.” She almost whispered.
“It will only make my night güvenilir bahis better trust me.” He said flashing a satisfied smile “Just follow my truck. It’s just up the street”. As they both walked back to their cars she kept trying to assure herself that what she was doing was totally rational… even though she knew it wasn’t…
15 minutes later Naomi was pulling up to the house belonging to her hero. He parked his truck on the street and hopped out.
“Right in here!” he motioned to his garage opening up.
“Last chance to back out now” Naomi thought to herself as common sense tried to make a comeback. She took a deep breath, looked towards the masculine mechanic, her heart skipped a beat and common sense was suddenly lost again.
Naomi parked the car in the garage and giggled at how obvious it was that the garage belonged to a mechanic’s. Car parts, tools and grease littered the garage. It was a two car garage but with everything in it and her car, it left little room for the two to move around in. He had a work light on which illuminated the place. Posters of mostly naked women posing with hot rods lined the walls.
“Whew! Damn this heat. Would you like a cold beer?” Brad asked.
“Sure. That would be awesome. Thanks.”
Moments later he returned with two ice cold beers and a smile that could melt the strongest woman.
“I’m dying here.” Brad said as he wiped his sweaty forehead. As he walked to a corner of the garage, he began unbuttoning his shirt. Naomi had to remind herself to breath as he pulled his shirt off and tossed it on a table. He started a large fan and pushed the garage door button on the wall causing it to close. “That will help it cool down in here.” he explained. But Naomi didn’t hear him. She was too busy staring at his gorgeous body. How could someone look so tasty? She thought. When she noticed him staring back at her she quickly said a prayer that she hadn’t just said her thoughts out loud.
She smiled nervously and he chuckled.
“Did you hear me?” he asked looking amused.
“I’m sorry, what?” she asked scolding herself for being stupid.
“When was the last time you changed your oil?”
“It was around Christmas.”
“Do you know how to do an oil change yourself? I could show you, it’s real easy.”
Naomi had some of her beer and laughed, “I know how to put gas in the car and that’s about it. Don’t mean to sound like a “typical woman” but it’s true. Now if you have a question about lungs or the cardiovascular system, I’m your girl.”
He looked confused.
“I’m a nurse.” She was use to a surprised reaction when she told people her profession. With her blonde hair, blue eyes and voluptuous breasts, she looked more like an NFL cheerleader than a nurse.
“Cool. So you know how to do mouth to mouth then huh?” he joked as she bit her lip and turned red.
“Well then I’m going to show you how to change your oil then so you don’t get ripped off anymore”.
She felt butterflies in her stomach as she realized she didn’t have the strength to protest or do anything except drink more beer and admire his body in the hot garage. She could feel the sweat begin to accumulate on her forehead and on her cleavage.
“Awesome, I appreciate you helping me out. Will that help with the emissions you think?”
“Yeah, it might be all you need.”
He popped the hood, walked to the front and twisted off a cap. “This is the oil cap… you taking notes?” he joked.
“Don’t worry, I have a photographic memory.” she cooed back.
The sensual sound of her voice got his attention like a hungry animal that hears a nearby prey.
“That must come in handy…” Staring at her hungrily he took another gulp of beer and then put the car jacks under türkçe bahis her vehicle. She watched as he pumped the lever raising the car up. Biting her lower lip she watched him pump the jack, just imagining how good it would feel if he were pumping his cock into her. She took another swig of cold beer.
“You’ll need one of these to catch all the shitty oil when it drains out. You can get one at my shop.” he kicked a black pan under the car.
Then he pulled out two creepers. “Have you ever been under a car before?”
Feeling nervous and excited she shook her head “No, I can’t say that I have. Guess you’ll have to teach me.” she said with a coy smile.
“Hop on.” he said with excitement in his eyes as he held the creeper still for her to sit on. She almost wondered if he wasn’t just talking about the creeper. Sitting down and slowly laying back on it made her suddenly aware of just how short her dress was. She felt completely vulnerable laying next to this strange man in his garage and it was thrilling.
“Ready?” They locked eyes and it felt like they were communicating wild desires without speaking a word.
“Let’s do it.” she said.
Pulling himself away from the moment, he laid on his creeper. He demonstrated how to place a foot on either side of the creeper and push under the car. Naomi could feel the cold air between her legs as she spread them open and held her dress down. Laying under the car next to each other, she could feel her skin tingle with excitement.
Never had she felt such a strong longing for someone, much less a total stranger. Why did this man have such a strong hold on her she wondered.
“Do you see the oil plug right there?”
There was a little light under the car but it all just looked like a bunch of shapes to her. Sensing her hesitation he grabbed her hand and placed it on the oil plug “Let me show you. Do you feel that?” he asked while looking right into her eyes. Naomi felt her pussy getting wet and the heat of his breath but she was pretty sure that wasn’t what he was talking about. “Um, yeah I do.” she said trying to keep her composure.
“That is what I’m goin to take out and the old oil will drain.” he pulled the oil pan between them, under the plug and then removed it. Goopy black liquid came pouring out and into the pan. “Now we just wait for this to finish draining.” he said as he rolled out from under the car.
Uh oh she thought realizing that he was already out from under the car standing at the bottom of her feet and she had to spread her legs to either side of the creeper to roll out thus revealing all her glory to him.
“Need some help?” his voice interrupted her thoughts.
Before she could respond his hands gripped her thighs tight as he straddled her creeper and pulled her out.
Words were of no use for the moment, they both looked into each other’s eyes with desire. He held his hand out to help her to her feet.
“Thank you.”
“Anything for you pretty lady.”
Brad’s mouth curled into a dangerous smile and he walked to the sink in the corner to wash his hands.
Standing there, her thighs never felt so abandoned, she wanted his hands back on her. She was so thirsty for him.
“You have really strong hands…”
The sink turned off. Brad’s eyes looked her over and as if he made a decision right then, he walked right up to her, and pressed himself against her.
Naomi held her breath. His lips brushed her earlobe and his hand reached up grabbing a handful of her hair.
“I can do a lot with my hands” he whispered.
A quiet moan escaped with her heavy breath as she wrapped her hands around his neck and her leg instinctively pressed into his hardening cock.
With one hand still clutching her hair güvenilir bahis siteleri tightly, Brad’s other hand reached between her legs to feel her moist thong.
“Mmmmm I knew your pussy was wet.”
“Oh fuck.”
Naomi could feel waves of passion overcome her body from head to toe. His fingers lightly ran along her thong, putting pressure on her clit as he came to it. Their breathing grew heavier. Brad pulled his face back to look into her eyes while he lowered his hand into her thong, feeling her shaved soft pussy. His fingers slipped into her, overwhelming her body with sensation just in time for him to bring his lips to her mouth. Her soft lips responded eagerly kissing him with release like a dam that broke open.
Brad’s fingers pumped into her pussy with rhythm while his palm rubbed her clit.
“Ohhhhhhh” Naomi’s head tilted back with pleasure.
Tasting her neck so exposed to him, Brad’s fingers increased in speed and his handful of her hair gripped tighter.
“Does that feel good? Do you like that?”
“Oh fuck, yes.”
The heat from their bodies just kept rising. Their tongues danced together in lust.
“I want to feel you cum on my hand Noami.”
A shock went through her body just hearing him say that to her.
Brad removed his hand from her hair and pulled the straps of her dress down, kissing her neck along the way. He pulled the straps down more, exposing her breasts. He grabbed her tits with his free hand and then licked her right nipple hard before taking her whole breast in his mouth.
Naomi threw her head back and moaned.
He stood back up and kissed her hard while his palm began vibrating against her clit and his fingers were deep inside her.
It was enough to send her over the edge, into the thrawls of an intense orgasm. Her whole body shook as she came on his hand like he had wanted.
Once she had regained control of her body, her hands began to undo his pants, frantic to get to his hard cock.
“I want to taste you.”
He stood back up to her eyelevel, kissed her mouth hungrily and finished undoing his pants for her revealing his throbbing hard cock.
Naomi pulled herself back, keeping eye contact with Brad as she lowered herself to her knees. Her soft hands grabbed his cock and she brought it to her mouth without breaking eye contact.
“Ah fuck.” Brad groaned again.
Naomi teased his swollen head with her tongue as she finally got to taste the delicious mechanic. Moving down to the base of his shaft, she licked the length of his cock and moaned out loud, “Your cock tastes so good”.
Her wet lips wrapped around his cock head. With one hand gripping the base of his dick and the other cupping his balls she moved down his manhood taking more of him in her wet mouth. Naomi bobbed up and down on his dick at just the right pace, staring into his eyes. It was so wet her lips slid up and down with ease. When she heard Brad’s moaning increase she began stroking his dick, sucking in just the head and popping it back out of her mouth. The sound of wetness filled the garage as she pleasured Brad’s dick.
“You’re a good little cock sucker aren’t ya?” Brad said through his panting and he grabbed her hair.
Letting him guide the pace with his handful of her hair, Naomi plunged down to the base of his cock, taking him all in. She sucked his manhood like she couldn’t get enough, like it was the best thing that ever went in her mouth. Brad’s breathing became faster and his moaning louder. Naomi was moaning too, bobbing up and down, sucking Brad’s cock with a lustful desire.
“I’m going to cum!” Brad cried out.
His cock exploded cum into her mouth as he shook from the intensity. Noami swallowed every drop and licked him clean.
Both trying to catch their breath, they pulled their clothes on and then leaned against the wall.
Looking into each other’s eyes, Brad said, “You’re the naughtiest assistant I’ve ever had.” causing them both to chuckle.