The Inspection

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Samantha’s day started around 630 Friday morning. The weekend was so close she could smell it. After work she had to rush over to the travel agent to book her next overseas adventure. With some luck she might even get time for a sunset surf before a big night with her girlfriends. Life was busy, but that’s the way she liked it.

As a property manager it was one of Samantha’s responsibilities to inspect properties to ensure that the tenants were looking after them. It was a necessary part of the job but one she enjoyed. While she wouldn’t snoop as such she found it exciting and interesting to see how different people lived.

Today she had two new properties to inspect. two wonderful opportunities to explore. She looked over the files, the first was a young couple, their first inspection since moving in. The second was the house of a young professional woman who worked in insurance. She hoped their homes were more interesting then they seemed on paper.

She was about to down the remainder of her caramel latte with soy milk before leaving for the first property. Suddenly her phone vibrated between her legs. She felt like she had jumped a metre out of her skin as she looked around to see if anyone noticed.

She had sent a text earlier and intended to put it away but something had distracted her. She sat it in her lap nestled amongst the folds of her long skirt, pressed firmly against her groin.

She caught her breath as the shockwave passed through her. She had been on edge for weeks, it had been months since her last sexual encounter and these days it didn’t take much to get her going.

Retrieving the phone from between her legs, she gently pushed it against her groin without thinking. Closing her eyes to soak up the pleasure then trying to focus on the screen, she rolled her eyes at who it was from. Squeezing her thighs together as she read his messages was almost automatic. It was from James, an old flame, they occasionally still texted one another teasing each other with their exploits.

The message explained the night of hot sex he had just had but not in the level of detail Samantha wanted. He always left her wanting more but she didn’t mind. It seemed to arouse her even more. She rolled her eyes and bit her lip before putting her phone in her bag with an amused sigh.

The short drive to the first property gave her time to recover from her arousal. The hot air whirled inside the car from the open windows. She tried not to think about sex as she drove but she couldn’t stop the flashes of passion firing through her mind. She checked her phone as she pulled up in front of the first house, no more messages. Relieved she put the phone back into bag.

She walked to the front door looking around the front yard and making sure it was all in good order. She knocked on the door, No answer. She knocked again, louder, stating her companies name. There was still no answer. She sighed as she fished around in her hand bag for the key. It was just so much easier when they were home (but less fun).

Finding the key she inserted it into the lock and turned it. As she entered she loudly stated her company’s name again but there was still no response.

Entering more confidently, she put her handbag on the counter and began looking around. Admiring all of the holiday snaps and paintings. This was her favourite part, it felt so exciting and dangerous looking through someone else’s house while they weren’t there.

She found photographs of a couple (whom she assumed were the occupants) on a beach in some exotic location. The woman in a bikini and a man in board shorts without a t-shirt. The photos showed them laying on the sand, fooling about in the water and others. The photos were taken close up, ‘selfie’ style by the couple themselves. Her favourite was a picture of them locked in an embrace, kissing. They were both gorgeous. While Samantha knew she was straight she had often wondered what it would be like to be with a woman.

She returned to the counter and fished out the properties checklist and began the official inspection. Walking back into the lounge room she stopped cold when she heard a sound coming from down the hallway.

She couldn’t be sure but she thought she heard a voice. She knew she was allowed to be there but her voice caught in her throat when she tried to declare her presence. She waited, hearing only her own breathing. A few moments passed and she returned to her inspection, thinking she must have been hearing things. A moment later though she heard another sound, this time much louder. A woman’s squeal of delight, she knew she wasn’t imagining it this time.

The photograph of the couple flashed into her mind, then a flash of naked flesh, bodies entwined. She shook off the thoughts of the couple having sex from her mind, She’s just on the phone, yes, that’s why she didn’t answer the door. Samantha walked down the hallway “hello? It’s Samantha from Property Solutions, I’m here for your inspection.” Her bahis firmaları heart leaped into her throat as a door opened and a man appeared.

He was naked, for the most part, his groin covered by a shirt he held in front of him. He held the door half open and stood between the gap. Samantha caught herself staring at the shirt imagining what was underneath. She adverted her eyes towards his face but took the scenic route. He was no body builder but it was obvious he worked out. Defined muscles, flat stomach perfect skin.

“Can I help you.” he said smirking.

“Oh, Ah, My names Samantha, I’m from Propertity Solutions, I’m here to do yoo… your inspection. ” She smiled shyly, unsure whether it was a mistake or not. He smiled modestly back, he knew his current appearance was having an effect on her but spoke confidently like nothing was amiss.

“You don’t suppose you could come back a little later? We’re sort of… in the middle of something.” he gestured inside the room with an upward nod of his head. Opening the door ever so slightly. The ruffled bed sheets and long naked legs of a woman with red toe nails was all she was game to see.

“Ah, yeah, yes… sure of course… no problem…” She lowered her gaze down and away from him. She turned to walk away.

“Unless, you want to join us? He said in the most calm and matter of fact tone. Like he was close friend asking her if she’d like a cup of tea.

Samantha was speechless but she stopped walking away, turned and met his gaze. He dropped the shirt revealing himself to her with a cheeky smile. She drank him in, images of his large cock pumping her as she kissed and touched his girlfriend flashed through her mind. Her eyes glazed over, she took a step toward him.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing!” the woman’s voice screamed returning her to reality. His girlfriend pushed him forcefully out the door and into the opposite wall of the hallway. Samantha took a step back as his naked girlfriend screamed at him. Samantha continued to back away, embarrassed. She turned around and made for the door, with a look over her shoulder she saw he had now pinned her to the wall and they we’re kissing. Her legs wrapped around him. Samantha giggled in disbelief at the pure outrageousness of the situation, scooped up her bag and ran to the door.

She fell into the front seat of her car, throwing her handbag into the passenger seat. She laughed again inadvertally squeezing her thighs together. It was then she realised just how aroused she was. Then the images returned. Her mind saying what if his girlfriend was up for it? What if she had just kissed him? what if she fell to her knees in front of him and took him in her mouth? what if? what if? what if?

She was grinding into the air now breathing heavy. Her nipples ached to be touched. She pinched one though her clothes for an instant before whipping her hand away. She had to stop. she couldn’t remember bringing her hand between her legs and slowing running her finger tips up and down over the fabric covering her dripping pussy. It took all her will to take her hand away from her groin but she did it, regretfully.

She turned the ignition and drove, one more property she thought, that’s it. Afterward she planned to stop in at home and get acquainted with her brand new vibrator. Then a nice a cold shower before heading back to work and onto her errands.

She leaped out of her car when she arrived, she wanted this inspection done quickly. All she could think about was pumping her dripping pussy with that vibrator. She knocked on the door announcing herself. In her haste she didn’t wait for a response, just opened the door. She peered in, the house was empty, thank god she thought.

She put her bag on the counter and started to look around. As she waked around the corner a man appeared, startled she stepped back cautiously. Oh Great! she thought not again. Then wow as she looked at him. Maybe it was just her arousal or maybe he really was the sexiest man on the planet!

“Can I help you?”

YES! she thought, you can bend me over that bench and fuck me like there’s no tomorrow! She bit her bottom lip at the thought. “Oh… hello, I’m… ah here to do the inspection”

“Oh, Yes, I remember Christine mentioning she had an inspection today. I ‘m her brother.”

No, she thought as he smiled, melting her. His deep blue eyes seeing right into her.

She didn’t notice that he didn’t give her his name. She broke from his hypnotising gaze and started the inspection. “So how long you been doing this?” he asked.

“A couple of years,” she replied, keeping her answers brief to discourage conversation.

“It must be hot out there, you look like you’re on fire.”

She was thankful that he had confused her out of control arousal for the summer heat. “Would you like a drink?” he asked. She figured she best play along, she didn’t want him to know the truth, or did she? Flashes of flesh distracted her once again. Ahh! kaçak iddaa she screamed to herself, co-operate brain, don’t do this to me!

“Yes, Please.” He caught her with his smile again and grabbed a glass from the kitchen cupboard, filling it from the dispenser in the fridge. He handed it to her using his free hand to cup the back of hers as she took the glass. She quickly raised the glass to her lips and away from his electric touch.

“Please, take a seat you look like you need to lay down.”

Another flash streamed through her mind of her laying on a bed, this stranger between her legs, fucking her. Breathing deep she sat onto a kitchen stool and pushed the images from her mind. He sat next to her but leaving a spare stool between them.

“So what are you in such a rush for?”

“Just eager to get back to the, err, office. It’s been a crazy morning.” She took another sip of water to hide her devilish grin.

“Really?” he said with a chuckle picking up on her awkwardness.

“Ah… Yeah… but you don’t want to hear about that,” Her breathing had steadied a little but her arousal had not. “I should really get back to work.” She stated, emptying the glass of water.

As she went to stand he placed a hand on her thigh, just above her knee. Taking her glass with his other hand he said casually with a subtle smile, “That can wait, relax a moment… tell me about your morning.” His genuine wish for her to take it easy was shining through as he truly believed the heat had gotten to her.

There was something about his authentic, caring nature that caused her to tell him the truth. With a deep breath she began the short version “Argh, I can’t believe I’m telling you this!” She tried to tell the story as casually as possible, trying to brush it off like it wasn’t a big deal. “I just walked in on a couple having sex, at the inspection before this one. I made a quick escape but not before being propositioned by the woman’s boyfriend. Evidently the offer was without her consent and she flew off the rails at him and started hitting him” she laughed “then started to kiss him! I got out of the house just in time to miss watching them well.. you know. His eyebrows raised high at that, she laughed again wondering if he actually believed her.

“Wow, you’ve had quite a morning! Would you have taken them up on the offer if she was keen?” Samantha was speechless, her mouth slightly open stunned by the question. “I’m sorry, bit personal to ask someone you just met.”

“No, no it’s ok” She said finally regaining a bit of her composure. “Would you have? I mean if you were me?” Throwing the attention back on him to avoid answering the question.

“Probably, why not? It’d be an experience. Do you want to be 90, looking back on all the things you’d wished you’d done good or bad.” He stared deep into her as he spoke.

“No, I guess not.” she said smiling. “Have you ever done it before?” She blushed “if you don’t think its too personal.”

“No, not at all. Once. A girl I was dating and her a best friend.”

“Wow. I’m not sure I could, I mean I have thought about it of course but I’m not sure I could actually do anything with another girl.”

“Have you ever thought about watching?”

“Maybe,” She blushed again.

“Could always watch and see what happens. Never know unless you try it.” She tried but couldn’t fault his logic. She immediately started thinking about it again and the what if’s returned.

“Have you ever watched people having sex?”

He laughed as he picked up her empty glass and refilled it in the kitchen returning it to her hands. She smiled thankfully. “Oh I have watched many things.” He had such a knowing smile as he spoke. She knew there had to be more too it but didn’t want to dig too much for fear of being too forward.

“Sounds like there is a story there.” she giggled, deflecting, trying to get him to tell her more without her having to ask.

“I saw a lot of things where I used to work.” He smiled again teasing her, making her want to beg for more. There was a pause before she finally asked.”

“And… Where did you work?”

“A nightclub.”

“People grinding each other on the dance floor?”

“Not exactly. This club was different.”

“Different how?” She didn’t care about being forward anymore. He was teasing her, making her gag for more and more info. He was playing with her and she knew it.

“It served clientele with certain… tastes.” She sighed undetectablely at his cryptic replies annoyed but unable to help being excited by the direction their conversation was taking.

“What sort of tastes?”

“Darker, not exactly normal” With every answer their stares grew more intense, the world seemed to shrink.

She swallowed and took a breath. “Like a sex club?”

“Sort of. It was more of a… fetish club.”

“fetish club?” She knew what it meant but she wanted to play the game.

“Yes, people would come to satisfy their particular urges and desires in a kaçak bahis safe non-judgemental place.” He seemed to emphasise the words urges and desires but that could have just been the effect of her extreme arousal.

“What is it called?”

“Hellfire. No it’s not in Townsville, it’s in Melbourne.”

“What did you used to do there” She asked immediately, deflecting again, being caught out trying to find it.

“I worked as a master.”

“Please explain” she said flat out flirting now.

“Well, I would help people… indulge, giving them a release of sorts. One they couldn’t get in normal life for one reason or another. Perhaps they didn’t know anyone else into that sort of thing or were too embarrassed to tell their partners what they wanted. It is shocking how debilitating it can be to have a fetish or desire and have to hide it because you’re too scared to satisfy it.”

“So what would you do… exactly?”

He Smiled “What ever they liked, within the clubs rules of course”

“As in like…” She lowered her voice like it was a secret “Sex.”

He laughed “Oh no, not sex, that was against the rules, but it didn’t stop me getting a few phone numbers slipped into my pocket.”

“Wow, so you really took some of these girls home?”

“No never,” He laughed again. “I like to keep a line between the women I see on an intimate level and those I see in a more professional capacity.”

“So do you do this stuff with the girls you’re intimate with too?”

“Sure. If they want me to. But not to the same level. If I am intimate with a girl it can be uncomfortable and inappropriate. Some of the more extreme elements require a certain distance. If I’m in a relationship it’s hard to do things that might cause harm, even if I know she wants it or I know it turns her on. It can be difficult to take that step. So I find it easier to just keep the two worlds separate but I do tend to dabble sometimes.” He smiled.

“So why did you do it, do you like hurting people?” she asked suddenly concerned.

“No! of course not, its not about pain. While many of the girls are aroused by pain It’s more about trust. It’s difficult to explain the feeling when someone trusts you, I mean really trusts you. So much so they allow themselves to be totally open, totally honest, allowing you to see everything they are. Trusting you to do… well anything” He smirked.

“Anything? ” returning his smirk. “What kinds of things have you done.”

“I think the better question is what haven’t I done.” He stood and got himself a glass of water.

“Ok,” she blushed. “what haven’t you done.”

“Hmm…” he thought as he turned around and walked over toward her again. “I’ve never had sex with someone I just met without knowing her name.”

“But you have had dozens! probably more! in the club.” she said startled, completely missing the point swivelling the chair as he walked around her an sat back down. This time on the stool right next to her.

“Ah Yes, but remember I never had sex with them.”

“So do you ever give up control.”

“Sometimes, it depends on the girl.” he said laughing.

“What’s your favourite thing to do?”

“Teasing.” he leaned in closer and spoke seductively. “I like to tease and titillate the senses until she can’t bare it any longer, then I tease some more… Flooding her, with wave after wave of pleasure.” He stared into her eyes as he spoke.

She swallowed unsuccessfully, her mouth dry forgetting she was holding a glass of ice cold water. “Show me” she whispered, breathless.

Without a word he moved himself even closer to her. One leg positioned in between hers, his knee a mere inch from her groin. He took her hand from the glass and rotated her arm until it was facing palm up and laid it on the bench. He dipped a finger tip into the ice cold water, smiled and let little drops fall onto the bare skin of her forearm. Drip.

The cold was like electricity through her as each drop touched her skin. Each time she felt a drop she tried to squeeze her thighs around her clit but his leg prevented hers from closing. She realised he had done this on purpose to tease her before he had even touched her.

After several drops had fallen he lowered his finger down and began to connect the water droplets. He continued to caress the skin of her forearm. She started breathing even deeper and closed her eyes soaking up every tickle as the water evaporated on her skin.

With his other hand he traced little circles around the back of her hand as it sit on her thigh just above her knee. gradually applying pressure and occasionally scratching with a finger nail. He did this to for what felt like an eternity.

Suddenly he stood and she opened her eyes aware of her surroundings once again. Is this really happening! she thought. She couldn’t believe what she was doing. This whole crazy morning had culminated into a state of arousal causing her to loose control. It was unprofessional and wrong. She was in another women’s house being touched by a stranger on a level rarely felt in a relationship. Do you want to be 90, looking back on all the things you’d wished you’d done good or bad? His voice reverberating in her head.

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