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I am tired of people giving me shit. It started in junior high school and got worse in high school. My brother Todd was the worse. In high school he was the typical sports jock, dating the cheerleaders and popular with all the cool kids. When I was studying math or on the chess club Todd would rib me pretty good and tell all the girls I was gay. His friends would join in too. Sometime they would play practical jokes, moon us and mess with my homework.
After I went to college, my brother married his high school sweetheart Mary. They bought a nice house on one side of town and I have an apartment on the other.
The overall distance is not that far, but I rarely visit. Todd works as a sales guy and Mary works as a sports therapist. Every now and then I am forced to go visit for birthdays and family gatherings. When I do, they act like we are still in high school. they ridicule my clothes, my lack of social skills and lack of dating options.
Mary could be as bad as Todd, sometimes worse. If she is drinking, her personality changes completely. Everything from telling her friends how I was a virgin to grabbing my crotch and asking me if I was a male. Todd would laugh and encourage her to pull my pants down and check.
But enough about me, this story is about how I got back at the both of them and now life is so much better.
It started right around when Mary and Todd’s house was burglarized. They were away for the weekend and some electronics were stolen. Todd called me over to
ask for my help in setting up surveillance.
“How long is this going to take?” Todd asked.
“About another 10 minutes. It would go faster if you helped.” I responded.
“Yeah, well I got money to make. I have a customer appointment and you cant be here.”
Todd seemed nervous and kept checking his cell. About 15 minutes later, I was wrapping up and he comes back in.
“Well does it work geek-boy?”
“Yes, just need to load the app on your phone and Mary’s”
“No, just mine. She don’t know how to use that shit. Show me where to change the password.”
“Why? I just set it up?”
“I want to be the only one to login. Mainly because I don’t want you or your perv friends to be checking my wife out by the pool.”
I showed him and then the doorbell rang. He told me to get out, his customer was here. When he left the room, I setup my own login and alerts. I thought it would be a good idea to check out that bitch Mary since summer was coming. As much as I hated her, I had to admit she was a very good looking girl and years after high school still had that cheerleader body. So what if I see her in a bikini, that bitch “owed” me.
I was done and started walking out when I noticed his customer was a very beautiful blonde. Todd glared at me and I walked out and left. A few days later, I was
at work in my office when my boss advised me that I was heading to a two week conference in Las Vegas. Normally I detest conferences, but Las Vegas is fun, even
for us geeks.
Travel day came and I got there early. I had some lunch and headed over to my favorite strip club. After dropping some money there, I head back to the hotel. I
cruise through the lobby and by the bars and there are lots of pretty girls. Of course, they all ignore me. The next day, I am in a middle of a lecture on internet
security when I get a text from Todd. I dont answer it, figure I will call him back at lunch. I finish my lunch and call.
“What’s up Todd?”
“Danny, where are you?”
“Im at a business conference, what do you need?”
“I need you to setup another security system at my office. Can you come over?”
I relish these moments when I can tell him no.
“What? What do you mean no?”
“I am in Las Vegas, I am here for two weeks.” I tell him confidently.
“Vegas? what are a bunch of propeller heads gonna do in Vegas? I thought you guys congregated in the Silicon Valley?”
I roll my eyes and cant wait for this call to end.
“Hey, Mary is going out there for a week with her friend Vicky for some girlie girl vacation nonsense. Will, you do me a favor?”
“Sure, what?”
“Stay away from them, I want them to have a good time loser.”
Always a charm.
I forget about Todd and focus on my conference. I meet some pretty smart folks and spend the next few days learning new tricks and sharing some homegrown software. Before
I know it, the weekend is here and I decide to spend my Saturday by the pool. I doze off for awhile, but that is cut short when my cell rings. It is Todd.
“Danny, quit playing with your joystick and give Mary a call.”
“For what?”
“She is bitching about her camera or something and needs it looked at.”
I dont like being told what to do.
“Can’t right now, maybe later.”
“Danny, I dont need her bitching at me and complaining. Call her now.”
“I am with a customer so wait.”
Hey, he was getting on my nerves.
“Geek boy is lucky he is in Vegas, or I might get you güvenilir bahis in a head lock. Just call her today”
I hang up. Screw him and his wife.
I Leave the pool, get lunch and go back to the room. I watch a movie and my cell rings. It is Todd. I let it go to VM. After the movie, i am taking a crap and the cell rings again. I finish and check my cell, it was Mary. I give it another 45 minutes and call her.
“Danny, where the heck have you been?”
“What do you need Mary?”
“My camera is not working and I cant get the chip out. Come over and take a look.”
I think about being a dick.
“Cant you go buy one? I am getting ready for dinner.”
Mary starts laughing.
“Danny, is it dinner for one?”
Shes laughing, shares her comedic skills with her friend. Her friend laughs too.
“I gotta go.”
I hang up, I don’t have time for this.
I got out to the strip, check out a show and head back to my room. I am asleep when the cell goes off. Mary is calling again. I look at the time, 2am. fuck, I answer.
“What the hell Mary it is 2am.”
“Shut up, I need your help.”
“What is it?”
“Just come over, quick”
I get her location and head over. I am amazed at the number of folks walking around at that hour. I knock on her bedroom door. She lets me in. She still is dressed to party wearing a nice short black skirt and white blouse. She looks great, but drunk.
“What is it?”
“Shhh, Vicky is sleeping.”
I look around the suite. There are two beds, Vicky her friend is passed out on one of them. I knew her from high school too, she was part of Todd and Mary’s little clique. She lives on the same block as Mary. She is married, hubby’s name is Derrick and is a buddy of my brother.
“What do you need?” I whisper.
“We partied tonight and I spent a little too much. Do you have some money?”
“Are you fucking kidding me? You woke me up at 2am to ask for money?”
“Shhh, keep it down. Look, Vicky and I got carried away at the craps table. We fucked up. I get paid in two days, just need some cash until then.”
“I don’t think so, why should I loan you cash?”
“Don’t be a dick, we are family. We fuck with you because, your, uh, come on, don’t be a pussy.”
She is slurring her speech. Almost dozes off while standing. I grab her before she falls down.
“Are you OK?”
“Please Danny, hook me up?”
I figure it is less pain to just give in.
“Fine, I got to go down to an ATM.”
“Take the room key, I am gonna lay down, just place the money in my purse. You are my favorite geek.” she whispers.
I head down to the lobby, interact with the ATM and head back. I let myself in and go wake her. Mary is passed out. Looks like she was going to change, there are some PJ’s next to her. She is practically nude. She has no bra, but panties are on. I start to get an erection just looking at her body and her boobs. Always wondered how they looked and even thought they may be fake, but they are not. I cant help myself and take out my cell and take a pic or two. A little more payback.
I was about to leave, but couldn’t resist. I reach out and touch one of her breasts and feel my heart r as it is so soft and I cant hold it all in one hand. She seems to feel it and begins to move. I let go. I head over and put the money in her
purse. I notice the camera and take it as I might as well fix it. As I pull it out, I notice something a married woman alone on vacation should not have. It is a pack of condoms, and it looks like at least one has been used. I start to wonder what kind of partying they did and what they spent their money on.
I head back to my room and check out the camera. Seems to be ok, maybe it was user error. I connect it to my laptop. I start browsing the camera and see if there is anything on the chip. I find some images and video on there. I check the photos first and see the girls drinking and eating dinner, then pics on the Strip. Then things get a bit raunchier. They are in a male strip club and the girls are real hands on with the guys. In one photo Vicky has her hands down the pants of a male stripper. In another shot, Mary is getting her nipples pinched
by a male stripper. In another Vicky is french kissing some other female.
The photos end there, but there is video. I run the first video and it is the beginning of the night, they are toasting and laughing. They get to dinner and the video ends.
The next one is at an adult video store. they are laughing and playing with the dildos on display. Mary gets hold of one that is freakishly large.
“This is what I have been missing.” She says into the camera. She then faces the dildo. “Where have you been all my life?”
The girls are laughing hysterically. Some of the male patrons cover their faces. The girls find the blow up dolls and crack jokes.
“We should get this for your brother-in-law. What’s his name?” Vicky says to the camera.
“Danny would not know what to do with a doll, let alone a woman.”
“Then türkçe bahis maybe we get him that dildo?”
They keep giggling. Mary follows Vicky around the store when suddenly Vicky waves excitedly to follow her to the booths in the back. They come up to a peep show booth and Vicky is peeking through a curtain at someone in a booth. She looks at the camera and motions to the camera that some dude is jerking his meat in there.
Mary tells Vicky to go in. Vicky does. Mary gets to the curtain and pulls it to the side to poke the camera through.
The guy in there looks about 45 and looks to be a construction worker. His dirty shirt, jeans and cement covered boots point to that profession.
He realizes he is not alone.
“What the fuck is this?”
“Hey, sorry, I didn’t know the booth was being used.” Vicky says.
The guy looks a bit startled, but stays cool and takes a second to start jerking his meat again.
“Can we watch you do that?” Mary asks.
“Sure darling. You can touch it if you want.”
Mary puts the camera on Vicky and then back at the guy. The guy is scooting down to the edge of the seat and pulls his pants down more.
“It is nice and thick” Vicky says.
She reaches out and feels his shaft. She jerks it a few times and then moves her hand down to his balls. Construction guy closes his eyes and smiles.
Mary zooms in on his penis. All we see is Vicky’s hand stroking him when the camera zooms out and we see Vicky getting down on her knees.
“Can I suck it?” Vicky asks as she already has the tip in her mouth.
Mary says “OMG” and the man just grunts and grabs Vicky’s head and pushes her down completely making sure she swallows each inch.
Mary is starting to breath harder and is also enjoying the show. I am too as I have inadvertently started rubbing myself.
Back on the video, the guy stops Vicky, pushes her off. He gets up and pulls Vicky towards him. He starts to kiss her, pulls up her blouse and feels her breasts. His exposed penis is pressing against her belly. He breaks the kiss and swings her down on the stool. He lifts her skirt and spreads her legs. He reaches in and pulls off her panties. Vicky looks at Mary and closes her eyes when construction guy starts to eat her out. Vicky is thrashing about and grabs his head and shoves his face and tongue deeper into her vagina. He suddenly stops.
As he stands back, he tells her “Open your legs up and hold your skirt up. Let’s fuck.”
Vicky says nothing, and looks at Mary.
“Hold on girl.” Mary heads back to the front of the store and the video is all over the place. I can hear Mary asking the sales guy for some condoms. She pays and doesn’t wait for the change. She gets back to the booth and goes all the way in. She is too late. Vicky is humping him already and she is moaning. Mary tries to get her attention. When she does Mary shows her the protection. Vicky does not care as she is completely focused on her Vegas lover.
“Yeah baby, you are hot.” construction guy tells Vicky as he starts pumping her harder. She is moaning and totally enjoying her little fling. Construction guy reaches for her breasts and starts to play with her nipples. He has a breast in each hand. Vicky grabs one hand and sucks his middle finger. He pumps harder and she keeps pace.
Mary is moaning too and she inadvertently points the camera down to her crotch area and we see she also has her skirt up as she has been fingering herself. She points the camera back to the hot couple. Construction guy looks over at her and tells Mary to get closer. When she does he takes his hand and reaches under her skirt. He is fingering her pussy as he fucks Vicky. I cant hold it any longer and make a mess in my pants.
Construction guy isn’t done and he pulls out his sticky fingers from Mary’s pussy and makes Vicky lick them. He looks back at Mary.
“Are you two married? Seems you are with those fancy rings?”
Mary and Vicky are silent, he starts to finger Mary more. He also makes a request to our camerawoman. “Make sure you record when I cum inside your friend.”
Mary backs up and the construction guys removes his fingers from her. She keeps filming. Construction guy grunts and fills Vicky with his seed. When he finishes, Vicky does too. They slow down and eventually stop as they are spent. Vicky eventually gets off construction guy. Mary is filming still and we see some cum drip out of Vicky. Mary helps Vicky gather herself and they try to leave. Construction guy stops them.
“You’re next gorgeous” he tells Mary and starts to kiss her. she tells him to meet them out back by the dumpster. he buttons up his pants and takes off.
Video ends. There is one more. I play it.
It is back in the room. I seee the floor, the wall, the table. Someone is talking while holding the camera. I hear Mary and Vicky.
“Do you want me to stay?” Vicky asks.
“No, go gamble or something. Make sure you turn off that camera, Todd would kill me”
“How come you filmed me?” Vicky protests.
“It was güvenilir bahis siteleri all of a sudden, a mistake. We will erase it.”
There is a knock at the door. Vicky has the camera and places it on the table. But it is still recording.
“Go” Mary says. She sits on the bed, waiting for her gentleman caller.
“Hey, come in.” I hear Vicky say.
No response from their guest.
“I’ll be down in the casino Mary” Vicky says off camera and the door closes.
Finally a male dressed a little nicer walks in. I assumed construction guy changed, but it is the male stripper who was pinching Mary’s nipples in the photo. He is an African-American built like a football player. He walks over to Mary and starts kissing her, but not before she stops him.
“Do you want a drink Roy?” she asks, her voice trembling a bit. She gets up from the bed.
“It’s Ray, and Im good. Come over here and sit with me.” he motions her back to the bed. Mary pours herself a drink and downs it. She heads over and sits o his lap.
“Girl, you be looking fine tonight. What are you and your girl celebrating?”
“Nothing really, just had to get out of the house.”
“Oh shit, you’re married.” he says as he grabs her hand and checks out her wedding ring.
Mary is silent and it seems she did not like to be reminded of that. He leans in and kisses her on the neck and with one hand reaches up and squeezes her tits.
Mary closes her eyes and reaches down and starts rubbing Ray’s manhood. And so it begins. The next 2 hours are incredible. Ray and my slut sister-in-law put on quite a show. I cant watch more than 10 minutes without making a mess.
I made a copy of everything and then went to sleep. I slept like a baby knowing I had Mary where I wanted her.
It’s Sunday so I get up late and eventually make my way to the buffet. After that, I head back to the room and do some studying and get ready for another week of conferences. It is about 1pm, when my cell rings. It’s Mary, the slut.
“Morning precious, how are you feeling?” I inquire.
“Do you have my camera?” she sounds worried
“Why yes, I do. I was gonna take a look at it later. But I can start now.”
“NO! don’t worry about it, where are you? we will pick it up.”
I tell her what she wants to know and hang up. About 30 minutes later the gals show up. I let them in. Vicky and Mary look like they just got up.
“Where is it?” Mary demands
“Where is what?” I ask with a smirk on my face
“Don’t fuck around, the camera.”
“Oh that, it is over here.” I show them over to where it is hooked up to the TV and playing the videos. Vicky starts to cry and Mary’s covers her face.
“Turn that off right now fucker!! I told you not to mess with it. You stupid fucker, I hate you!” Mary screams
Vicky is sobbing and wont look at me.
“My marriage is ruined. I just wanted to have some fun. Derrick is always gone. Why did I do that?” she screams into a pillow on my bed.
Mary is a bit stronger. She is fuming and wants to smash my face in.
“Give me the camera. you better not say shit to anyone or I will fucking strangle you!”
I disconnect everything but let her know some things.
“I wont tell anyone, but on a few conditions.”
Mary gets the camera and sits down with Vicky. I walk over to them.
“Lets get one thing clear. Shit is gonna change between you two and me.” I get right up in their pretty little faces.
“You are not going to talk shit to me. In fact, don’t talk to me ever. I don’t care about either of you.”
“I do not want to hear fucking comments, jokes or shit.”
“I expect your husbands to do the same. And finally…”
I get up next to them and drop my pants.
“You will suck me, fuck me and do whatever I ask whenever I ask until I am tired of your asses. Start sucking.”
Mary glares at me, but Vicky is already inching forward and reaching out to grab my dick. Mary stops her.
“You little fuck, you want to extort us? You want to stick that pathetic cock inside us? Fuck You!”
“OK, I guess Todd and Derrick will be getting some video to watch.”
“Fuck you. First of all, Vicky fucked that guy. All I did was watch. So fuck you. You can bang Vicky.”
Vicky is surprised by how quickly Mary turned on her.
“Fuck you Mary. I knew you filmed me on purpose. Danny, I will do what you want, I beg you not to show Derrick!”
I take the camera back from Mary and connect it again.
“What the fuck are you doing?” Mary asks.
“Just want to show you some other video.”
I fast forward to Mary’s encounter with Ray. She turns white, She is caught.
“So, like I was saying. I don’t show the videos to your husbands, you do what I say. Deal?”
“Yes.” they both say in unison.
“Great, start sucking.” I declare triumphantly.
“Not yet, please. I know we just promised. Its just that we are hung over, need a shower and are hungry.”
I think it over. I didn’t think about that, but no problem.
“Fine, be back here at 3pm.”
“Can we suggest something Danny?” Mary asks.
“What is it?”
“Can you help us with a fantasy?”
I am surprised by Mary’s quick change in attitude, but then she is a slut.
“What are we talking about?”