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Just a little fresh air, just a little sunshine, and maybe just a little…
He loved being out on the trails on his bike. The fresh air and sunshine rejuvenated him, and the quiet solitude relieved him of the stresses of everyday living. It was a cathartic experience.
Today was no different. This was one of his favorite areas for trail riding since it was not a heavily publicized spot and a bit difficult to find, so he was alone with his thoughts and enjoying every minute. The ride wasn’t terribly challenging, but he still had to pay attention to his route to avoid an accident. He wasn’t a young man – he was approaching 56 – and didn’t relish the idea of a broken bone at his age.
People had left their marks on the area, but those marks were respectful of nature and what the area represented to hikers, bikers, and equestrians. He was riding past a small, shaded clearing in which someone had erected a small bench out of the loose, flat stones that were found throughout the area. It resembled the kind of place one would use for meditation. No houses, no road, no cars – isolated and pretty, it was perfect. Expecting to be alone, he was surprised when he heard her voice call out in greeting.
“Well, hello.” He stopped his bike and turned his head.
The first thing he noticed was her red hair. He had this thing about red-haired women; something about auburn hair really turned him on. Hers was just below shoulder length and flowed around her face and over her collar. Next he saw her glasses – specs always made a woman look smart, and her eyes sparkled with intelligence behind the lenses. A pretty face was graced by an open smile that revealed even, white teeth. She was looking straight at him from the bench.
“And hello to you,” he replied. “Are you enjoying this little bit of paradise?” he replied, dismounting and propping his bike against a tree. Removing his helmet and grabbing his water bottle, he drank deeply.
“Very much,” she said. “I didn’t even know this place was here until today.”
His eyes hidden by his dark shades, he took all of her in – mid to late forties, he guessed, and taller than most women. She was in pretty good shape for someone her ag, and he couldn’t help but notice that the top two buttons of her shirt were undone, accentuating the swell of her larger-than-average breasts. The next closed button was actually below them. She didn’t seem to care.
“Mind if I join you?” he asked.
“Please do,” she answered pleasantly as he sat at the other end of the bench.
The whole situation seemed strange – a woman by herself, far from any habitation, encountering a man she didn’t know, would normally have been frightened. But she didn’t exhibit any fear; indeed, she was open, friendly, and talkative. Within minutes they knew all about each other – occupations, families, likes and dislikes, favorite places and foods. She laughed easily and smiled a lot, even occasionally touching his arm to emphasize a point. He was glad for the shades since they hid his eyes, and the swell of her breasts in the opening of her shirt was distracting. But she obviously wanted the conversation to continue, picking up the slack when it lagged. They talked like old friends catching up on years of news, or perhaps like a couple meeting on an arranged first date.
Her name was Tammy, and she was a lab tech at a local hospital. Long divorced and the single mother of a twenty-year-old, she had developed some serious survival skills and was a good judge of people. The logical part of her brain was telling her to be careful, but the emotional side was insisting that this was a good güvenilir bahis person next to her. She went with her gut instinct.
“I just have to get away from it all sometimes, just leave the rest of the world behind and lose myself in nature,” she continued.
“Well, there’s no place better than this,” he opined. “I come here for the very same reasons you do.”
“So, do you come here often?” she asked, and they both laughed at the words of the lamest pick-up line in the book.
“Actually, yes, I come here as often as I can,” he said. “I actually feel a bit possessive about it, but I’ll gladly share it with you.”
“Awww…” she replied.
Luxuriating in the perfect weather, she leaned far back as if to take in the sun, arching her back and thrusting her breasts even more against the barely-fastened fabric of her shirt and pulling the placket farther apart. He could see that she wasn’t wearing a bra and inadvertently let out a quick gasp.
“Are you all right?” she asked, turning to face him as he quickly looked away.
“Uh, yeah,” he replied. “I’m fine,” he choked out. Alone in the woods with a pretty red-haired woman showing me her big tits, so yeah, I’m okay, he thought. Sensing the effect she was having on him, she continued.
“I didn’t think anyone else was here,” she said, “and I was about to do something I had never done, just as you came along.” He turned back to face her. “You almost got quite the show.” She smiled again.
Uncharacteristically at a loss for words but sensing an opportunity, he answered, “Really, now. My loss, I guess.” He was quite tongue tied and it showed.
She sensed his momentary turmoil and exploited it. “Come on, it’s not like it’s something you haven’t seen before,” came her coy reply.
Regaining his composure, he said, “Of course not. But then, I don’t often encounter a woman as beautiful as you in the forest au naturel.” Her shirt had stayed parted as she sat upright again, exposing most of each breast. He couldn’t keep his eyes off them; they were about perfect. As much as he loved the sight of great tits, he liked getting there gradually, watching them slowly present to the world. This was exciting and he felt himself begin to harden down below.
“It’s not like I’m naked or anything,” she said with a smile. “We’re just talking about it, wondering what it would be like.”
He figured it was now or never, so he jumped in with both feet and said, “Well then, don’t let me keep you from finding out. I’m sure you’re safe here, but I’ll keep watch for you just in case.”
She was nothing if not direct. With her eyes locked on his, she finished unbuttoning her blouse and shrugged it off, bringing her delightful melons fully into view. Round and perfectly shaped, easily C-cups and pale but with beautiful roseate nipples, they were as nice a rack as he had ever seen. Those can’t be real, he thought. No woman her age could possibly have such a perfect set. But then, who cares? He couldn’t help but notice the tasteful butterfly tattoo on the top of her right breast.
“Mygawd, you are truly gorgeous,” he told her. With another slight smile, she hooked her thumbs into the waistband of her shorts, and slightly lifting her ass off the bench, slid them over her hips and down her legs, kicking them off when they reached her feet. Quick hands removed her shoes and socks and she laid back again, luxuriating in her naked splendor.
A slight smile graced her face as he took in the sight of her. A classically gorgeous face was framed by dark auburn locks tumbling to her shoulders; her slender neck graced well-shaped shoulders and türkçe bahis arms that were fit but not chiseled; her perfect breasts rose above a flat abdomen that in turn flowed into hips just wide enough to add a delicious curve at the waist. Unlike so many other women, she did not completely shave down below; a neatly trimmed pubic strip matched the auburn on her head. Her legs were fit from her frequent hikes. All in all, she was a startlingly beautiful example of what a middle aged woman could be.
“Are you keeping watch for me?” she said teasingly, knowing that his eyes were glued to her body behind his dark lenses. “I wouldn’t want just anyone to see me like this.”
He smiled in return. “Yeah, like I’d be able to turn away right now,” he replied. She turned to lay herself out the length of the bench and propped her feet on his lap. She closed her eyes and said, “This feels as good as I thought it would. Everyone should do this.”
“Yes, everyone should,” he answered, letting his hands come to rest on the smooth skin of her lower leg. His fingers slowly began to stroke up and down its length, from knee to toes. He could feel her leg muscles, firm and toned. Her feet were also well cared for and showing none of the wear one would expect on a woman this age. She obviously took care of herself from top to bottom. At one point his fingers dropped to the back of her calf and he squeezed gently on what was usually the sorest part of the muscle, and she responded by emitting a low moan of pleasure. “Oh damn, you’re really good at that. Are you for hire?” she laughed.
“Oh, this is my treat,” he replied. “Just relax and enjoy it.” He now used both hands to gently knead her calf muscles, first one leg then the other, moving slowly the length of each. He grasped each foot in turn and slowly rotated it at the ankle, then used his knowledge of human anatomy to give attention to each part of it, every muscle and tendon.
A good foot and leg massage could be incredibly erotic, and this time was no exception. His hands again rose the length of her calf and shin, and when they reached almost to her knee she let her legs relax and part slightly, exposing her inner thighs and simultaneously bringing her pussy more fully into view.
As his hands again traversed the length of her lower leg, she felt his hands stop at the knee and said, “No, don’t stop there,” rotating her legs outward even more. He leaned slightly toward her head and began massaging her thigh, his hands coming within an inch of her pussy. Like the rest of her, her legs were well muscled but not overly chiseled, with silky skin that told of regular care. Man, she is about as perfect a woman as I’ve ever seen, he thought. He crossed to her other thigh and continued his ministrations. Her eyes were closed and he could hear soft moans of pleasure escape her throat.
His hands stopped moving and they sat in silence for what seemed like an eternity, but in reality only a few minutes had passed. Her voice was husky when she spoke again.
“Don’t you think that turnabout is fair play?” she said, her hand reaching out and unzipping his cycling jersey. He let her finish that task, then grabbed the hem of the shirt and smoothly whipped it over his head. She ran her fingers over his chest and shoulders, impressed by how he had maintained his physical condition despite his age.
“Wow,” she said softly. “You’re in good shape.”
“I may be old, but I’m not dead,” he answered. “I like to exercise.” He reached down to remove his cycling shoes and socks, then stood and quickly stripped off his cycling shorts. He briefly considered whether he güvenilir bahis siteleri wanted her to see him reaching such an aroused state so quickly, but decided that since this was not only about feeling the sun on their skin, his erect response was entirely in order. In any case, his physical response was something he couldn’t control at this point. He joined her back on the bench, leaning back comfortably, his now fully erect shaft standing tall and proud.
“Seriously?” she asked when she caught sight of his erection. “You are a rather randy fellow, aren’t you?”
He wasn’t going to play any games with her; at their age he felt they were well beyond that. He answered, “I suppose, but someone who looks like you shouldn’t be surprised, especially under these circumstances. Are you?”
She considered his question and said, “Rather pleasantly, actually. It’s nice to know I can still have that effect on men.”
He wanted direct eye contact and removed his sunglasses. “I imagine most heterosexual males would react the same way” he said, looking directly at her face. “You’re extraordinary.”
“Thank you,” she whispered, leaning toward him and planning a soft, lingering kiss on his lips. “You’re a nice man.”
As if it was the most natural thing in the world, she swung her legs over his and straddled his lap facing him. Her arms encircled his neck and she planted another kiss on him, a longer, deeper one this time. His arms encircled her narrow waist and he could feel her marvelous breasts planted against his chest. Their tongues darted and explored, and his hands slowly caressed her firm, shapely ass and curvaceous hips, finally resting on the indents of her fabulous waist. Ohmigawd this woman is fantastic, he thought. I cannot believe this is happening. Their kisses had become deeper and longer, and a soft moan escaped her throat. Their bodies were pressed tightly together from shoulder to hip.
Breaking their kiss momentarily, she lifted her weight slightly to reach underneath herself and grasp his shaft. She expertly guided it into her already wet pussy, and removing her hand lowered herself onto its full length with a contented sigh. Pulling his face tight between her fabulous globes, she began slowly rising and falling on him, one moment fully engulfing him and the next barely containing the tip of his cock.
In his excited state he could feel the heat of her marvelous chamber around him, and the feeling of her breasts against his face was as stimulating as anything he had ever experienced. His hands found and cupped the soft, round cheeks of her ass and followed her up and down movements. Twenty minutes ago I was riding my bike, and now here I am fucking this goddess, he thought. “Perfect” is an understatement.
They continued to move in rhythm, her rising and falling on his shaft while he followed her movements with his hands and his mouth took in the skin of her perfect tits. They couldn’t get enough of each other and her arms pulled them tightly together.
All good things must eventually end, and this was no exception. He could feel his balls starting to boil, a sure sign his orgasm was imminent. He felt her give a final thrust against him and hold herself tight, taking his shaft as deeply as she could as her orgasm washed over her. Moments later he reached his own final release, filling her with his juice as each spasm shook him. They remained in that position, bodies and lips locked, for several minutes as they caught their breath.
Finally, she sat back slightly and looked deeply into his eyes. “I can’t believe I just did that. I’ve never done that before.”
“Uh, I’m confused. Did what?”
“Fucked somebody I just met, silly. I usually make them wait. You’re my first.”
“I’ve been honored, then.”
“Yes, you have,” she said with a giggle. “How long before you’re ready again?”