Phan ta sia

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Phan ta siaPhan ta sia Initiation Fiction created by A.NonymousI went camping to a local state park, just to get away from life for a couple of days where if you’re lucky, you get to see the a****ls that belong there. It clears the head, the heart and the soul. I’m sitting in a portable fold out chair, enjoying the initial start of a fire, listening to some classic rock and setting the mood to mellow, when up drives a Black Range Rover into my camp site. It is her, the woman determined convert me to be submissive. We met online at a BDSM website texted/chat with each other for weeks, erotically teasing each other, but with the understanding she would eventually be in charge, COMPLETELY!I am a 69-year-old male, committed (obviously should be) for almost 30 years to a woman that has omitted any sexual desires from her life progressively over the last 5 years. There is no fighting, arguing or discord of any kind, there is nothing. But I must digress to the present. Arrangements were eventually made for a rendezvous on neutral turf, I like camping so where better. After finalizing the meet and greet she drives into the campsite and as she steps out of the vehicle a visible black patent leather 5” stiletto heel slowly descends onto the ground followed by the other, both encasing taupe colored nylons. She now steps out of the vehicle and is covered in a black, tight PVC mid-thigh skirt, a white silk blouse that appeared to enclose a black corset underneath barely containing her ample chest. Her blond hair was tied into a pony- tail, her makeup accenting her hazel eyes with darker eye shadow and topped off with red lipstick.She gradually and slowly strolls up to me in my chair, looks down directly into my eyes and deep controlled voice utters” PUT EVERYTHING AWAY, YOU ARE COMING HOME WITH ME. I AM GOING TO TRAIN YOU TO BE A GOOD SUBMISSIVE FOR MY NEEDS, NOT YOURS, MINE! UNDERSTAND? Her manor of authority was simple and to the point. Speaking as an experienced male of the species, this was intimidating as well as something new to me. I got up from my chair, stood in front of and replied, “YES, Mistress. I left the tent up but everting else I put back into the car, strolled up to the passenger side, opened the door only to find 2 nylon covered legs on the passenger seat without the stiletto heels and as I lean forward she commands “KISS MY FEET, TOES AND LEGS BEFORE YOU ARE TO BE SEATED”. I did as instructed starting with kissing and sucking each toe , the sole and as I gradually ascended her calves I noticed her nylons were of the Cuban heel style, held up by garters which I visualized at the upward gaze. I was on my gradual assent to Nirvana when she broke the spell with “THAT’S ENOUGH FOR NOW. YOU APPEAR TO HAVE POTENTIAL. “She withdrew her legs to drive and said “YOU MAY BE SEATED.” I sat down, buckled up and away we went.The garage door opened as we arrived to her place and after the door closed us in she turned to me and commands “Step outside and remove all your clothing and put them in the corner over there and take a shower. Shave your pubic are if you haven’t already and any hair on your body with exception of your head. You don’t want pubic hair getting caught in your chastity device, DO YOU?”. No Mistress, I do not I replied. After drying off she walks up to me and inspects me from top down noticing my response staring straight at me her close presence she proceeds to lightly caress my swelling member, she gradually grabs my balls, gradually squeezing them, pulling both down, now she begins squeezing and stroking the shaft as well, gazing up at my response then suddenly stops everything only now I feel this sudden shock of her slapping my member first to the left then to the right. Hard and fast. She looks into my eyes and with a stern look says “FROM THIS MOMENT ON IT IS NO LONGER ABOUT YOU, IT’S ALL ABOUT ME, WHAT I WANT , HOW I WANT IT AND WHERE I WANT IT! UNDERSTAND! AND THIS”, pointing to my now shrunken member, “GETS LOCKED UP IN CHASTITY, TO BE RELEASED WHEN I SAY, TO USE HOWEVER I WANT AND WHEN I WANT. WHEN YOU ARE RELEASED YOU MAY OR MAY NOT HAVE AN ORGASM, THAT WILL BE MY DECISION. ANY QUESTIONS BEFORE WE PROCEED OTHERWISE ONCE I LOCK YOU IN CHASTITY, THE CLICK OF THE LOCK IS OUR BINDING CONTRACT. AGREED?” YES, Mistress.We proceeded from the garage into her dungeon next to the garage. We walked to an “X” shaped device leaning at an angle from the wall. She looked at me then looked over at the device commanding without a word. I walked over and spread my arms and legs and was methodically cuffed to the device starting with my arms then my legs. She noticed I was starting to get erect so she walks over to a small fridge and returns with a frozen gel pack and places it on my member and secures it with a belt, then goes to a dresser and returns with a metallic chastity device she called the Bird Cage, allowing erection up to a point in a downward slope. She removed the cold pack and began placing the base ring that needs to be placed first by passing the testicles through then passing the shaft through the ring last. The last part enclosing my penis in a metal cage then gradually connecting it to the base, the final task before the process of submission is almost complete. The lock is in place and before the audible CLICK is heard, she approaches closely looking into my soul and asks “ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT THIS? THIS MAKES YOU PART MY PROPERTY, NOT COMPLETELY THOUGH. WHEN YOU SURRENDER YOURSELF COMPLETELY TO ME THEN YOU ARE MY PROPERTY” I have waited for this moment all my life, I replied. YES, Mistress! CLICK!!!!She was still completely dressed but now begins slowly unbuttoning her white silk blouse from the top down and when reaching the last one she removes her shirt revealing a black latex corset barely containing her beautiful melon sized breasts bursa escort straining against the material. My member is gradually filling the tube until it reaches a point of being impeded from growing any further. It wants to, but it can’t. Sweet resistance. Mistress begins to approach me viewing my plight and reaches out to massage my testicles, oh so slowly smiling as she watches my member struggling against its confinement. Suddenly she grabs both balls and with a firm grasp squeezes and pulls both down. I groan with both pleasure and pain, such a sweet elixir. She eventually lets go and walks away. Her hand goes to the back of her black latex skirt slowly pulling down the zipper then slowly peels off the snug skirt now revealing the bottom to the corset with 4 garter belts connecting the top part of her nylon covered legs. Exquisite vintage She did not have panties exposing a shaved pussy that appeared to be slowly swelling. She walks over to a wall with various BDSM paraphernalia, picks out a black hood and approaches me placing it on my head with the only opening for my mouth, all other openings, covered. I could hear but I could not see. Restrained and blind. I was at her mercy. I felt her nails lightly scratching around my upper chest, then around my nipples, squeezing and pinching them, each sensation heightened by my visual loss. I could now smell her perfume, unmistakably , intoxicating and alluring. She continued lightly scratching all over my body but avoiding my groin region. My member continued to strain against the metallic chastity device to no avail. Complete, restricted submission. Lightly she began assault my nipples by kissing, sucking, and biting them exacerbating my already engorged and restrained member. It begged for freedom and acknowledged the effort was futile, there would be none of what I wanted or needed. It was all about her. Whatever she wanted, whenever she wanted it and however, she wanted it. My endless submission is, was and will continue to be tested at her beckoning and call. A collar was strapped to my neck and she then proceeded to unlock my hands from the X cross, but now she fastened both my wrist restraints with a chain to my collar. She shackled my ankle restraints and connected them with a chain to my collar as well. I was led by her pulling the chain forward until she stopped and told me to “KNEEL” I could hear her sitting on a chair and she spoke firmly “BEND FORWARD AT THE WAIST.” I did as commanded and she grabbed my head pushing it forward into a sopping wet pussy. Oh, the aroma of an excited woman in heat, exacerbated by my restraints to move, let alone resist. I began by blowing then slowly licking the outer lips until I now insert my tongue into her lubricated orifice. I withdrew my tongue and reinserted it again and again. She started breathing hard and told me “SUCK, BITE AND PLAY WITH MY LOVE BUTTON.” I began to lightly flick my tongue over her clit, then sucking it, nibbling it while her breathing became more labored and erratic. This continued for an eternity from my perspective until she began shaking uncontrollably and screamed “BITE MY CLIT, NOW!” I did as mandated and she began thrashing while holding on to my head attempting to push my entire head into her flowing orifice then feeling copious amount of fluid being sprayed onto my face. She continued to baptize me with her hot fluid almost drowning me while riding the wave of total release. Her peak eventually subsided, and she slowly pushed my head away until I was in a sitting position on the floor.I could hear her get up from the chair then apparently sitting back down again she grabs my chain connection pushing me forward, this time I feel her buttocks on my face with a command of “STICK OUT YOUR TONGUE”. I did as instructed, only to have my head pushed into her ass. “LICK MY PRECIOUS HOLE, SLOWLY, LIGHTLY AROUND MY PUCKERED ROSEBUD, DO NOT STICK IT IN UNTIL I TELL YOU, UNDERSTAND? Arguing or disagreeing is moot at this point. I complied with her mandate slowly circling her puckered orifice until she’s had enough teasing and grabs the back of my head, pushing me in as hard as she could to get my tongue buried deep into her asshole while hissing “STICK THAT TONGUE AS DEEP AS YOU CAN IN MY ASSHOLE”. I DON’T CARE IF YOU CAN’T BREATHE, STICK YOUR TONGUE DEEP IN MY ASS UNTIL I TELL YOU TO STOP, UNDERSTAND? I complied with her present mandate stuffing my hard tongue DEEP INTO HER ASS for all it was worth. She would clamp down with her muscles thereby making it harder for me to push in but then she would relax and allow me easier passage only to continue the pattern repetitively. The physical restrictions only increased the psychological effect and intensified by lack of movement or sight, increased the intensity of my erection in its confines and reminded me over and over, it’s not about me. It never will be after this point. I will, eventually surrender to her willingly, wantonly and completely, After being satisfied she pushes my head away from her ass and pushes me back to a sitting position, Standing in front of me she says “YOU HAVE DONE WELL MY SUBMISSIVE APPRENTIS BUT THERE IS MORE TO COME, MUCH MORE. YOU WILL HAVE MUCH TO LEARN WHEN IT COMES TO PLEASING ME. STAND AND COME WITH ME.”My hood was removed and after squinting back to normal eyesight I was standing in front of a closet full of lingerie. She took out 3 outfits on a hanger placing each one in front of me and finally decided on a red corset, taupe colored nylons, matching red nylon crotchless panties and red patent leather pumps with 4 inch heels. “YOU KNOW, THERE IS A PROBLEM THAT NEEDS TO BE RESOLVED. YOU HAVE A MOUSTACHE THAT NEEDS TO GO. I NEED IT TO GO SO I MAY APPLY PROPER MAKEUP, FOR THAT MATTER ALL HAIR FROM THE FACE DOWN TO YOUR TOES HAVE TO GO. YOU NEED TO BE escort bursa SMOOTH FOR ME, I NEED TO COMPLETELY CHANGE YOU TO BE MY SUBMISSIVE. CAN YOU DO THIS FOR YOUR MISTRESS? I have had a moustache for most of my adult life along with body hair on the chest, arms and legs now with the exception of the little hair on my head, she wanted it all gone. “YES, Mistress I’ll shave it ALL off for you, if it will please you.” She unshackled me so I go to the bathroom and first used an electric shaver followed by shaving off the rest. She gave me a cream that was to be applied to the rest of the body hair. I later washed off the rest of my body hair in the shower and presenting myself for her approval, clean shaven, she lightly passed her hand over my face and body, with a wicked grin she whispers, “HAVE I GOT THE MAKEUP, WIG AND OUTFIT FOR YOU, “TIME TO GET YOU READY. TIME FOR A GOOD COLON CLEANING BECAUSE WHAT COMES NEXT .IS THE FINAL PART OF YOUR INITIATION. YOU WILL NO LONGER BE A SUB APPRENTIS, FROM HERE ON YOU WILL BE REFERRED TO AS MY OFFICIAL SUBMISSIVE.” I was then led to an elaborate version of a padded version of a wooden horse. I was to straddle the device on my knees leaning forward onto a leather covered pad with my chest. My ankles and wrists were shackled to the device leaving my ass totally open for play. She generously applied a lubricant around my anus then inserted first one finger, followed by 2 then 3 circling and stretching my ass hole. She then shifted all fingers to my prostate and used each finger to massage me internally. The swelling in my engorged cock attempted to expand even more in its confines of the metallic chastity device, Satisfied with her exploring, she removes her fingers only to be replaced by a rather large metallic cold object followed briefly by a rush of warm liquid. My abdomen started distending with the amount of fluid. My cock started leaking pre-cum being unable to expand any further. “HOLD IT IN OR I WILL CANE YOU BEET RED, UNDERSTAND!” She removed the nozzle but because of its size some leakage did occur. She immediately inserted a butt plug in to stop any further spillage. She walked over to a wall with various whips, crops, paddles and pulled out a long, thin cane, and walked back to my rear and the next sensation I feel is a sharp “CRACK” across both butt cheeks, followed by nine more each as intense as the first. When satisfied with the end result she slowly and lightly passed both hands over my sore cheeks and whispers: I TOLD YOU WHAT I WOULD DO IF YOU DID NOT FOLLOW MY INSTRUCTIONS, DIDN’T I?” Yes, Mistress, you did. “I WILL LET YOU LOOSE IN A COUPLE OF MINUTES. YOU WILL USE THE MOP OVER THERE TO CLEAN THIS FLOOR, THEN YOU WILL GO SIT ON THE TOILET, REMOVE THE BUTT PLUG AND YOU WILL REMAIN THERE UNTILYOU ARE COMPLETELY EMPTY AND CLEAN. UNDERSTOOD? Yes, Mistress. All tasks being completed I announced that I was ready she strolls over to me from behind ,slowly massages my still burning cheeks then sticks 2 fingers deep in my ass and after pulling them out she raises them to my nose and commands “SMELL, ARE YOU CLEAN? I took a good whiff acknowledging, YES, clean and odor free. She followed by smelling herself and agreeing. “GOOD, NOW FOR THE NEXT PHASE, THE TRANSFORMATION. METAMORPHOSIS IF YOU WILL. FOLLOW ME.”She pulls the chain. She led me to a wooden chair in front of a vanity mirror. The chair had a 6-inch penis shaped dildo secured in the center shiny with lubrication. We both look at the chair then she turns to me and whispers into my ear “SIT!” “STRADLE IT FIRST THEN SLOWLY LOWER YOURSELF ONTO IT” I straddled the chair and slowly squatted down until I felt the head pushing into my virgin ass. The lower I descended the more it filled a void never filled before. The continued engorgement of my cock in its cage lifted it away from my body screaming quietly in deliberate frustration for release from its confines. Lower and lower I descended until, to my amazement, I had engulfed the entire dildo in my ass as I finally sat down on the chair. Sweat was pouring from my face so she dried me off with a towel before applying the makeup. First the foundation similar to my café au lait colored skin followed by rouge on the cheeks, deep red eye shadow, mascara for the lashes, eye pencil for the highlights and Fire Engine Red for lipstick. Satisfied with her art work she then got up and walked over to the wig shelf and choose a RED wig stating “THIS COMPLIMENTS THE MAKEUP AND THE OUTFIT” and places it on my head and backs away to inspect her handy work. She is pleased with what she is creating. “NOW FOR THE OUTFIT, AND WHILE I AM CHOOSING IT, HAVE FUN.” As she smiles and gets up, she flips a switch on the chair and the dildo begins vibrating at various speeds up my ass. Is there no end to this continued and sweet erotic torment?I can hear her rustling through the clothing until finally she reveals “GOT IT, PERFECT!”She returns with a Red Corset with garters, a pair of fine taupe French nylons, red nylon crotchless panties and a pair of bright red stilettos with 4” heels. She sits in front of me re-inspecting her work, touches up a little bit, reaches behind the chair and turns off the vibrator. ‘STAND UP SLOWLY, IT’S TIME TO GET YOU DRESSED FOR THE GRAND FINALE.” First the corset, it was the lace up kind, and she made sure it was tight enough to barely allowing me to breath. 2 small silicone prosthesis were placed into the top filling it in, followed by sitting to now slowly applying the nylons. “IF YOU GET A RUN IN THOSE NYLONS’ I WILL PADDLE YOU UNTIL YOU ARE THE SAME COLOR OF YOUR OUTFIT, UNDERSTAND?” The nylons were slowly applied without a run (Thank GOD) and hooked up to the garters. These were seamed nylons so the lines in the back had to be straight. Mistress would not tolerate sloppiness. Red panties bursa escort bayan up next followed by the shoes. “STAND UP CAREFULLY.” I slowly stood up to balance my awkward legs to the heels. She started giggling and said “WALK, SLOWLY.” She giggled even louder bordering on hysterics until she finally said “STOP, LOOK AT ME AND NOT AT THE FLOOR, STEP FORWARD WITH ONE FOOT NOW THE OTHER, KEEP LOOKING AT ME AND JUST SLOWLY WALK. She kept backing away as I walked towards her, and before you know it I’m strutting around in heels. She clapped her hands and said “BRAVO, ONLY ONE MORE TASK REMAINS, THE FINAL TASK TO INITIATE YOU INTO MY WORLD, MY RELM. ARE YOU READY AND WILLING FOR ME? ARE YOU WILLING TO GIVE YOUSELF TO ME IN COMPLETE SUBMISSION? ONCE I CONSUMATE THE FINAL TASK, YOU WILL NOW BECOME MY PROPERTY. NO LONGER FOR YOUR WIFE BECAUSE SHE THREW YOU AWAY AND NO LONGER WANTS YOU.YOU WILL BELONG TO ME. IS THIS WHAT YOU WANT, WHAT YOU DESIRE? Yes my Dear Goddess, this is what I want, This is what I desire, to submit to you completely and become your property for you to use as you please.“VERY WELL MY SOON TO BE SUBMISSIVE. I WILL TEACH YOU AND CARE FOR YOU, BUT, YOU MUST OBEY ME AT ALL TIMES, DO AS I REQUEST, REMAIN IN CHASTITY UNTIL AND WHEN I DECIDE TO RELEASE YOU FOR MY NEEDS, UNDERSTAND? I WILL NOW RELEASE YOU FROM CHASTITY FOR THIS OCCASION, COME TO ME.” She removes a chain from her neck that holds the key to my release and proceeds to unlock the device slowly removing the cage from my engorged cock. She removed the remainder of the device and placed them on the top of a dresser. When she returned, she had applied lubricant to her hands and began squeezing and stroking my already sensitive cock which could erupt at any moment if she continued. Sensing this she abruptly slapped my cock to the left, then to the right. Problem solved. We walked back to the padded sawhorse and I assumed the same position I was in before, ankles and wrists secured, ass open for business. “NO MATTER WHAT, YOU DO NOT CUM UNTIL I GIVE YOU PERMISSION TO DO SO, UNDERSTAND? IF YOU DO, YOU WILL SEVERLY PUNISHED.” Yes Goddess, I won’t cum until you allow me to do so. “VERY WELL, LET US CONTINUE THEN.” She grabs a jar of clear viscous fluid, scoops some up with her right hand and begins applying a thick layer around and in my ass. She then again begins massaging my cock as well. This slow torture continues for an eternity then stops. She goes to a wall and returns with a blindfold that she places over my eyes. “YOUR INABILITY TO SEE WILL ENHANCE THE SENSATION EVEN MORE. YOU WILL HEAR AND FEEL EVERYTHING MY LOVE.” She returns to massaging my cock and ass methodically alternating between both. She stopped fingering my ass only now inserts a butt plug that was larger than the one before but was a vibrator as well, then continuing to tease and edge my cock. I was going insane with all the stimulation as well as not being able to move, see or resist. “SURRENDER TO ME SUBMISSIVE, SURRENDER IT ALL TO ME AND I WILL GIVE YOU THE RELEASE YOU DESIRE BUT YOU MUST SURRENDER YORSELF TO ME . TELL ME YOU WANT TO BE MY PROPERTY. MY TOY, MY PLAYMATE.” I give myself to you Mistress Goddess. She turns off the vibrator in my ass and removes it. I hear movement behind me then application of more lubrication followed by the insertion of a much larger object being slowly pushed in. My ass is being stretched beyond its limits and I start screaming like a bitch, it’s too big, it hurts. She stopped for a moment and withdrew only to return with a ball gag which she quickly applied and said “I LIKE IT WHEN YOU SCREAM BUT I CAN’T HAVE THE NEIGHBORS HEAR. She again began reinserting the pegging device deeper then backing off, then deeper and deeper with each stroke increasing the intensity until she backed out completely. I was totally out of my mind. She was fucking me, in total wild abandon, NO MERCY. Dressed like a woman, fucked like a woman, I was now her bitch. She leaned forward with her breasts mashing into my back and whispered,” YOU ARE NOW MY PROPERTY BUT WE ARE NOT DONE YET.” With that being said she pulled out of my ass admiring her work with my now stretched ass hole. She undid my restrains and helped me off the device only to lead me to an exam table with stirrups where she places me with one foot in each stirrup securing them in place with leather straps, then she shackles my wrists to the side of the table, opened and ready for her final assault. She gobs on more lub to her pegging device then on and in my asshole grabs her device, stares straight at me and says” WE ARE ALMOST DONE. I WANT TO LOOK INTO YOUR EYES WHEN I MAKE YOU CUM WITHOUT YOU OR ME TOUCHING YOUR COCK. I WILL FUCK YOU UNTIL YOU DO. THAT WILL SEAL OUR COMMITMENT TO EACH OTHER. AFTER THAT POINT YOU WILL ONLY CUM WHEN I PEG YOU IN CHASTITY MAYBE ON AN OCCASSIONAL RELEASE AT MY DISCRESSION. ARE YOU READY?”She removed my blindfold and I now saw her pegging dildo was at least 12 ‘ long and about 3” wide as she approached my hole and began pushing it in. Slowly the head fist, then wait then push a little bit more, then back out, then in on and on until the entire length was deep in my ass. We looked into each other’s eyes entwining our souls as she continued to increase her present tempo until I started feeling increased pressure in my groin building up. My cock was starting to signal the promise of hands-free orgasm while being taken by this woman. She smiled knowing I was going to pass the point of no return, so she increased the angle and tempo striking the prostate directly now. I was losing my mind with the inevitable buildup and she knew it and said, “CUM WITH ME, CUM FOR ME, YOU ARE NOW OFFICIALLY MY PROPERTY, MY BITCH, MY TOY, CUM NOW!” I came like I never had before, I shrieked loud enough that she had to place her hand over the ball gag I already had in place. My brain and body both celebrated a cacophony of explosions augmenting the most intense orgasm I ever thought possible, or ever had. I cried like a little bitch and then passed out.The journey continues…

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