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EAGER HORNY COUSIN 3EAGER HORNY COUSIN 3CHAPTER THREE“Did you have a nice morning, c***dren? Goodness, what’ve you two been up to? You both look positively worn out!”Linda Harmon’s tone changed from polite conversation to motherly concern as Pam and Susie burst out of the house toward her, flushed and breathless.“Oh, nothing Aunt Linda. We were just playing, that’s all. Here, can we give you a hand with those bags?” Susie covered up smoothly, scurrying forward and scooping a load of groceries from her aunt’s unresisting arms.“Thank you, Susan.” Linda broke into a smile, her attractive face beaming. But the concern was still there as she reached up to touch Susie’s forehead. “Are you sure you aren’t both catching something? Your faces look so red and…”“Oh, leave the girls alone and stop fussing over them!” Dave Harmon rounded the station wagon, his strong handsome face split with a grin as he easily hefted two overfilled sacks in his arms. “Can’t you see they’re just having fun? Susie’s not used to this clean country air, it’s good for her to get a little flushed — get some color into that city skin of hers! And as for you, young lady,” he fixed Pam with a playful glare, holding the sacks up, “come and help your poor old dad before he collapses from the strain!”Laughing, Pam hurried to do just that.“Well…” Reluctantly, Aunt Linda gave in.A voluptuous redhead in her mid-thirties, she was just about the most beautiful woman Susie had ever known. High cheekbones and full soft lips gave her the features of a magazine model, but she wasn’t a bit slender like the typical model. Instead, wearing a modest light cotton dress that didn’t do a thing to hide the curves of her body, she was voluptuous to a degree that made even Susie look skinny in comparison. Her tits jutted out enormously, and her hips swayed with natural sensuality. Her red hair was a rich glorious burst of fire cut short in clipped curls.“All right then,” Linda said, unaware of her niece’s scrutiny. “Just don’t overexert yourselves, all right? After all, Susan’s only been here a few days! You both have the whole summer ahead so don’t try to do everything at once. Agreed?”“Sure, Mom.” Pam shrugged, keeping her expression perfectly innocent, lugging more groceries up to the house.The station wagon was loaded with bags, the booty from their trip into town. As the girls carried their first load in and rushed outside to fetch more, Linda started putting things away.It was while she was re-stocking the kitchen shelves that Dave came up behind his wife and slipped his large hands about her slim waist.“What do you say you and I go upstairs and leave this to the k**s, huh? They can put the stuff up just as well as we can, and I’ve been waiting for a chance to get you alone all morning…”“Dave!”Linda gave a shocked gasp as his hands slipped up to cup her ample tits in a loving squeeze, hefting their large jutting tit swells.At that moment the girls returned with more packages. Fortunately neither of them noticed, chattering to each other in that teenaged staccato of two close friends who had everything to talk about and only one short summer to do it in.She pushed him away, her cheeks going rosy. “Now stop that — do you want them to see? Be nice!”“Oh, I’ve got something very nice for you.” Dave lowered his voice to a lustful murmur, his grin broad and knowing. His crotch was swelling, nudging into the folds of her summer dress until it pressed against her ass. “I’ve got lots of nice stuff all stored up and waiting, and if I don’t give you some in about five seconds the girls are going to see a lot more than this, believe me.”As if intending to carry out his threat he reached up and began to unzip the back of her dress, easing the zipper down several inches.“Dave Harmon!”Linda’s voice was a shocked hiss, but she couldn’t hide the smile on her lips as she twisted about to face him.“You coming, babe?” His grin spread from ear to ear at his wife’s familiar flushed expression, and the way her hips rolled just a bit to acknowledge the stiff bulge of cock pressing against her crotch.“Oh, all right, if that’s what it’ll take to calm you down! And in the middle of the day — you really are absolutely depraved!”With those admonishing words and a glint in her green eyes that meant that she was feeling a bit depraved herself, Linda caught the two girls in mid-chat.“Darlings, would you mind putting the rest of these things away for me? There’s something Dave and I have to discuss, and… it’s too important to wait. güvenilir bahis şirketleri Okay?”“Sure, Aunt Linda.” It was Susie who answered for them both, glad to help out her aunt and uncle. “We’ll finish up. And we’ll even fix lunch too. You just go ahead and don’t worry. Pam and I will take care of everything. Won’t we, Pammy?”Pam nodded agreement. “That’s all right, Mom. We don’t mind.”“Thanks, girls.” Dave was already steering his wife toward the stairs. “Shouldn’t take too long, but you know how it is.”Linda tried to give him a shocked glare, but by this time she was fully aroused too. Her cunt felt steamy and hot, itching furiously. The short trip up the stairs to their bedroom only took a moment, and as soon as they were alone Dave caught her in his arms, murmuring a deep throaty chuckle.“Ah, this is what I’ve been waiting for all morning. Come here, babe. You’ve got something I want, and if I don’t get it real soon you’re going to be minus one husband because I’m gonna explode!”His strong hands were already pulling at the shoulder straps of her dress, deftly tugging them down. The light material slumped against the rise of Linda’s oversized tits, and she giggled as it stopped there, refusing to go any further.“Oh, you! It goes over the head for your information, David Harmon! Now why don’t you just let me do it while you take care of your own problems? Maybe then we’ll see what we can do about saving your life!”With those words of surrender site pushed back and hiked her dress up, then jerked it over her head and off in one fluid motion.Obediently Dave tore off his shirt and kicked his shoes into a corner, then worked the snap of his jeans. He froze with an appreciative stare as her voluptuous body undulated into sight, nude except for bra and panties.Frankly, Linda had to admit she enjoyed the way her husband always stared at her, as if he was seeing her for the very first time. She reached up and unhooked the bounteous white confines of her bra, then pulled it away and tossed it aside with a slightly theatrical gesture.Her enormous tits spilled free, big and pale and lush. They bobbled with almost embarrassing blatancy, their huge rosy pink nipples swaying before him and instantly spiking into fat, distended peaks, aching to be sucked.A burst of cunt cream oozed ticklishly from her heated pussy, and with quick precision Linda peeled her panties down and off, then kicked them away.She was a natural redhead, and her fiery rich tangle of cunt hair glinted in the streaming sunlight as if all aflame, shining with little dewbursts of juice at the tufted curls entwining between her thighs. Linda had a sexy body, and she knew it.“Well?” she said, planting her hands on her hips and letting an extra lilt of excitement creep into her voice. “I thought you were in a hurry to keep from exploding. Is that all you can do, just stand there and look? Or aren’t you in the mood anymore?” Her hips swayed, adding to the taunt.“Oh Christ,” Dave laughed, breaking out of his spell. “You’re really asking for it, aren’t you? Well, I’ve got just the answer you need. Right here, babe, waiting for you.”He shoved his pants down and his cock swung up. It snaked into the air, massive and stiffened to full hardness, strumming out its whole eight inches toward her bared pussy.Linda couldn’t resist a hiss of breath and a blast of fresh juicy need as she surveyed her husband’s cock. Its sheer enormity made her cunt ache, just as it always did. Blossoming out to erection, veined had her pussy drooling.She smiled, more turned on than ever as he kicked out of his jeans and stood before her, his muscular, tanned body tensed with arousal and his cock soaring out like a missile from his thick tuft of cockcurls and heavy bloated ball-sack.Somehow they merged together, both moving at once. Instantly Dave’s hands captured her hefty tits, fingers rippling along their large ripe nipples and making them quiver obligingly as he grunted deeply, his prick nuzzling into the rich red fuzz of her cunt.“Oh yeah, I’ve got action for you right here, babe. You’re just begging for it, aren’t you? We’ll see who gets the last laugh around here, right now!”Suddenly he twisted and caught her in his arms, hoisting her into the air. Linda barely had time to let out a playful scream as she was lifted and dumped in the middle of their bed, her legs failing.Dave was still grinning as he sank atop her, his lips seizing one hard pointed nipple and sucking it into his mouth.“Ahhhh, tipobet güvenilir mi oh you bastard, that’s just what I like!” She gasped with wicked pleasure, arching up to shove her tit in his face. Its fattened spike tingled with electric sparks that soared right to her cunt, drenching it. “Suck it, suck it for me baby, ohhhhh…”By this time she was hotter than a firecracker. Her pussy was sopping wet, and the throbbing press of his prick against her pussy made it gush all the harder.Linda reached down and clutched his bloated cock, pulling it up until its engorged head nestled between the wet plumped lips of her cunt hole.With a single fluid undulation their bodies meshed, and Dave’s stiff prick slid effortlessly up inside her.The familiar feel of his cock slithering deep into her cunt made Linda groan with delicious delight. She clutched his ass with one hand and his head with the other, purring ecstatically as her tit pushed between his lips and her pussy stretched wide to take the full length of his pulsing prick.“Ohhhh God baby, that’s wonderful! This… uhhmmm… this is the best idea you’ve had all day! Oh sweet lover, give it to me! Give me your cock, yehhhsss…”He sighed in complete agreement, slurping at his wife’s huge inflamed nipple with new vigor. His tongue rolled roughly across it in the way he knew she loved best, making it pop up urgently in response. His hips began to undulate, casing his prick around in the snug squeezing sheath of her cunt. After all these years Linda still managed to keep in shape, and her pussy was just as tight as it had been on their honeymoon. It caught his shaft in a soft vise-like grip, sucking at it like a hot greedy mouth. She bunched up, working herself on every inch of cock meat, and her voice turned to panting moans of uninhibited need.“Yes, yes damn you, do it to me! Fuck me, fuck me and suck me good! Now that you’ve got me going, give it to me hard! Stick it to me, lover! Stick it — to — meeee! Ahhhhh!”Fresh floods of cunt juice poured over Dave’s balls. Linda was really going now, as the last of her hesitation dwindled away. She surged under him like a dynamo, plunging onto his cock in a rhythm that perfectly matched his long, slow strokes. Eighteen years of marriage hadn’t diminished their sex life a bit. If anything, Linda got sexier as the years went by and her drives got stronger, as well. Right now she was proving that fact with upward thrusts, taking every bit of his cock and grinding her cunt mouth against his cockbase as if to suck up just a fraction of an inch more. Her cries grew more frantic, urging him on.“Yesss, oh fuck yes! Drive it in me good and hard! Suck me and fuck me, oh sweet bastard that feels so nice! Fuck it to me! Give me your big fucking cock — ahhh — annnhhhh…”She wailed, rising to the first explosion of orgasm in a blast of juicy heat. This had been their first chance to fuck since Susie had arrived almost a week ago, and right now Linda was enjoying it to the fullest. Her pussy smacked greedily on Dave’s prick, picking up speed. The first tremors of release went spiraling through her and she hunched even faster.“Oh my God, I’m coming! Do it honey, make me come good! Yes, yes — aaaaahhhhh!”Linda bucked off the bed in a fury, climaxing in delirious waves of completion on her husband’s lunging cock. Her fiery pussy slapped against his balls, and Dave slammed down with a last explosive heave that shoved his meat all the way into her, pinning her ass back to the bed.“Muhhhmmm!”His cock jerked, and the first spurt of hot cream geysered up her cunt in a long wet arc, ripping deep inside her. Linda mewled and writhed with luxurious ecstasy, taking that blast and the ones that followed. Cum shot up her pussy in thready eruptions, until she was overflowing with it. Cum dribbled down the crack of her ass and oozed from her stretched cunt hole as his prick continued to slap in and out until every drop of jism had been torn from his balls.Dave and Linda heaved and thrashed in unison, captured in mutual orgasm. After having gone almost a week without fucking, neither of them was satisfied until they’d wrenched every single spasm of completion from each other.It was Dave who slumped first, releasing his wife’s big wet nipple and groaning with open appreciation.“Jesus… oh yeah babe, that was worth waiting for! Now isn’t this better than putting away groceries? Or wasting a whole morning shopping, for that matter?”Still twitching, Linda had to smile. If anything, tipobet giriş he knew her all too well. “Ohhhhh, that was… uhhhhmmmm…”She gyrated to soak up the last little splatters of jizz, then sank back on the bed in a sated heap.“Uhhhmmm, I suppose it’ll do… for starters!”Her green eyes glinted, and Dave laughed. It was the same old story. Once she got started, she never wanted to quit!Suddenly Linda twisted, pushing him onto his back.“Hey!”Shouting with surprise but not resisting, Dave floundered as his prick slid wetly from her cunt and plopped free, all glistening and slick with juices.“Ohhhhh, damn you Dave Harmon! Now I won’t get any work done all day! Now I’ll just be horny and tired and wondering when you’ll get around to performing your husbandly duties again — and damned if I’m going to wait another week! You’re going to get yours, while I’ve still got you here! We’ll just see who gets the last laugh — mmmuuuhhmmm…”Even as those defiant words came out Linda was wiggling around on the bed. She swooped, capturing his drained cock between her full lips, and her tongue slid across its dripping surface with angry determined strokes, lapping it clean.“Ahhhhh…”Dave smiled, letting his wife take her revenge. He watched as her pink tongue flicked across his wrinkled balls and lolling cock, licking off the juices of their fucking. Then she began to suck his limp prick in earnest, taking it in the moist warm pocket of her lips and working it hard again.It didn’t take long, not long at all. If there was one thing Linda could do as well as fucking, it was sucking him off. Soon his cock nudged up, swelling once more to full hardness. She sucked harder, her red hair glinting in the sunlight and her round, firm ass squirming before him as her head started to bob up and down with hungry suction.“Ahhhh, that’s it Lin.” He murmured his approval, fondling her lush ripe ass and urging her on. “Yeah, oh Christ you know how I like it best! Give it to me babe, give it to me real good…”Linda was concentrating on doing just that. She loved to suck her husband’s cock. She loved the taste of his cum, the warm sticky feel of its thickness gliding down her throat in furious fountaining spouts. During the past several days all her attention had been focused on the c***dren, and Susie’s presence in the house. But now things were back to normal, and all she wanted at the moment was to make up for lost time.Her head moved faster, bobbing up and down on the fully swollen shaft of his huge veined prick in a sweet abandon of sensation. Within moments she had him groaning, twisting under her and shoving his cock between her lips as they rode up and down even faster.“Yeah, that’s good. Faster babe, faster… aaahhh…”His cock filled her mouth and throat, wagging with life. Eager to taste more of its precious jism, she sucked until her jaw ached. Dave’s fingers slipped down to tickle at the fat hooded nub of his clit, and Linda gave a muffled moan of pleasure as she pumped her head on his prick with horny need.Rolling his fingers across her clit bud, he arched. His prick strummed up between her lips and a warning tingle seemed to come from it. Linda could practically feel the fresh load of cum boiling up in his balls, and increased her suction with ravenous delight.“Yeah, yeah that’s… oh Jesus, I can’t take it! You’re asking for it Lin, and I’m gonna — ahhhhh!”That was all he could stand. Hunching up with a suddenness that crammed the full length of his cock down her throat, Dave let his second load of jizz rip loose.“Muhhhm!”She purred as it jetted into her mouth, gushing across her tongue in huge globs. Swallowing again and again, she took it all. Each and every blast of cum slid between her lips, and she drank them up.Clutching her head, Dave heaved. “Oh you sweet sucking bitch, you’re sucking me dry! Yeah, yeahhhh…” His voice came out in a harsh little chuckle as she mouthed his cock empty, not satisfied until she’d licked the last tiny droplet from his pisshole.Then she lifted her face, beaming with a wicked smile.“There! Now you won’t be causing me any trouble for a while — at least through supper! But just you wait until tonight, buster! I won’t forget this little incident, and I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if we didn’t have another discussion just as soon as we get the k**s bedded down! Oh, you’re going to pay — just wait and see!”Dave grinned back. “I can’t wait. And if you forget those threats of yours, don’t worry. I’ll be around to remind you.”Linda was giggling girlishly as she collapsed in his arms, enjoying one last hug before they had to go back downstairs to face the c***dren.Dave and Linda Harmon were a happily married couple, without a worry in the world. Neither of them expected the changes that the next few days would bring.

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