Throat Training, Part 2

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Throat Training, Part 2So, here’s what happened the next time I saw Mr D.It was maybe a couple days after we had our first, um, session? I dunno, the way he talked about it after made it seem like I was in class learning stuff. I wanted to be the best student though! He sent me a text telling me that everyone was out of his house for a few hours and that he could come get me. I texted back right away, YES YES YES! He came over to get me in just a few minutes.He had a nice car, it had comfy seats. I had on a little tank top and little shorts. It was warm, so I was dressed appropriately. He had on jeans and a tshirt. We talked a little on the ride to his house. Mostly about what he was going to do to me and my mouth. I giggled a lot and opened my mouth really wide and said “ahhhhhhhhhhh”.”Can we stop here real quick?” I asked.”What for? It will only be another couple minutes.””I just wanna show you somethin.” I giggled.He pulled into a parking lot for some business that was closed. He turned in his seat and asked me what I wanted to show him. I giggled and poked my finger into my mouth, all the way back down to my throat. I was able to keep it there for like 20 seconds before I gagged! That’s some kind of record, right?”Oh, looks like someone has been practicing. Good girl. Let’s see how you do when I try that.” He brought two of his fingers to my mouth and I opened wide and said “ahhhhhh”. He pushed his fingers into my mouth, deeper than I could reach. I felt it tickle and my gag reflex start. I tried soooooooo hard to keep myself from gagging, but I did after just a few seconds. And it was bad. I spit up a lot of saliva all over his hand and he chuckled and pushed his fingers in deeper. I gagged again, and spit up more. And he kept going! I kept gagging and spitting up.”You still need lots of practice.” he said as he wiped all the spit that coated his hand over my face. My face was covered with my spit and I smiled at him. “Yes, I do. Can you help me?””Of course.” He pulled back onto the road and we got to his house in a few minutes. He parked in the garage tokat escort and I was soooo glad, seeing as how my face was all covered in slobber.We went to the spare bedroom where our first session happened and he told me to take my clothes off. I did so eagerly and stood there naked in front of him. He grinned at me and started touching me all over. I liked when he groped me like this, it made me hot. He reached behind me and spanked me on the butt! Hard! I yelped and squealed! “Why did you do that?”He grinned and did it again! I yelped louder! “Because I felt like smacking your cute little bottom, that’s why.” He stepped back and took his clothes off. I bit my lips when I saw his cock, knowing exactly what he was going to do with it. I knelt down and opened my mouth as wide as I could and said “ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh” then giggled.He stepped forward and my mouth went right on his cock, I pushed myself as far down as I could, gagged right away when it hit the back of my throat, but I tried to keep going. He grabbed my head and positioned it better so his cock could go deeper. “Remember what we learned about angles last time.”I nodded and felt his cock slip deep down my throat. I started to choke. I instinctively tried to pull away but his hands grasped me so hard I couldn’t. “Now, don’t give up so easily. You need to get used to it being that deep.” I nodded, sort of. I stopped trying to pull away for as long as I could. But after, I dunno, 30 seconds, I panicked! I turned and pulled away and squealed loudly! He tried to keep me in place while laughing at me, but I broke free and started coughing and sputtering up spit.”I’m sorry!” I whined and I immediately went back on his cock. Right back down all the way. I wasn’t going to come up for anything this time. I was determined. I stayed down there for almost a minute. I started to wretch and my eyes even teared up. I had to come up. So I did, and Mr D didn’t fight to hold me in place. I spit up and huge blob of slobber all over his cock and legs. He caught as much of it as he could and rubbed escort tokat it into my face. I was coughing loudly and badly.In between coughs, Mr D stuffed his cock deep into my throat. He thrust in and out several times and started to cum. He was groaning and I was squealing. The jets of cum spurted into my throat and I tried my best to swallow it down.Neither of us heard it over me hacking and him cumming, but someone came in the door! :ONeither of us heard anything until Mr D’s wife was standing in the doorway of the room and shouted, “You bastard!”She walked over to me and turned my face towards her. She looked at me with shock and then at Mr D. “What on earth have you been doing to this poor little girl? Oh, I know you won’t answer, so I’ll ask her. What is he doing to you?”She was MAD! I looked at her and told her. “He’s teaching me how to give a blowjob.” I coughed up a little cum and then licked it from the sides of my mouth.”Oh, is that so? And are you learning your lesson?” She actually grabbed my by the chin and lifted me up to my feet. She wasn’t any taller than I was and she was looking at me with these really angry eyes. “It looks like you have. You missed a spot.” She rubbed a little bit of the cum I just coughed up and stuffed her finger down my throat and I gagged.I nodded and said very quietly and sheepishly. “Yes ma’am.” She responded by slapping me across the face, really hard! “OWWWWWWWWWWW!””Oh, did that hurt?” Before I could answer, she slapped me again.”I’m sorry!” I started to cry, but she didn’t care. She slapped me again.”Maybe I should teach you a few things.” My eyes went wide and I looked at Mr D. Ms D then grabbed my face and turned it back to her. “Don’t look at him, you’re mine now.”I looked at her again and nodded. She was really pretty too. Like I said, she was short, like me. But she was really curvy. She had big hips and a big butt and big boobs too! She had black curly hair that wasn’t very long, it was really cute, actually. She had a round face with chubby cheeks. She was so cute! But also, very mad at me!Oh. tokat escort bayan And her voice. OMG. It had this quality to it that made it sound so sexy. (I had to look this up) It was “flinty”. Where that word comes from, I dunno, but she was so sexy.Oh. And she’s Indian, really light skinned. She had a very slight accent with that little like sing songy quality. Mr D was white, btw.She told me to lie on the bed and I did. I was lying on my back. She started to remove her clothes. She had on this little dress that went down above her knee and had a deep neckline that showed off her cleavage. She climbed onto the bed after she got everything off and straddled my face. Her pussy was just inches above my face and I whimpered.”What’s the matter little girl? You can have a cock shoved down your throat but not a cunt rubbed in your face.” She lowered herself onto my face and started to rub herself against me. All the spit and slobber made it very easy for her to grind into me. She was grunting, she was still angry at me and it sounded like it! She grabbed my hair and pulled my face up into her pussy and I found out that I couldn’t breathe. She was muttering at me, I couldn’t understand it because I was busy with my face stuffed in her pussy, but it was definitely angry.I started to panic, because she probably wasn’t going to let me up for air. So, I flailed my arms and hit her legs trying to get her to let me up. She just chuckled and swatted my arms away. She eventually let me up, but barely. Just enough to gasp for air like twice and then she sat back down on my face.She grinded and grinded and grinded. I felt my face getting a little raw from her grinding on me. She started to moan and groan. I started to panic again and tried to push her off of me. She whacked me on top of my head and shouted “STAY STILL!” I stayed still while I felt her orgasm. I was able to gasp a quick breath though. She shook like crazy and her pussy oozed juices all over my face. “Lick my pussy clean.” I started licking and tasting her, it was awesome! She kept grinding against me and I turned my face away. She got off of me and gave me another slap. “OWWWWWWW!”She walked over to Mr D and poked him in the chest. “She doesn’t come over here again. Unless both of us are here. Understand?” He nodded and I smiled a little.

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