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MY SLUTTY SECRETARY – PART 2 (THE REST OF IT)Days went by after the episode with which I ended the first part of my story, without anything interesting to happen.Then came this hot sunny day, it was in the month of May…maybe, I can`t tell you for sure. All I know is that, in that day, I was in a really bad mood. For me it was just one of those days when you don`t want to do anything and don`t want to see anyone, and especially, you don`t want to go to work. But I went eventually, and maybe it wasn`t such a bad thing I did…you`ll decide in the end.In that day came a moment when I went in the same office, with my same female collegues being there. She was also there, wearing a white shirt, so opened at chest that even a saint could become a fucking pervert seeing it. She was also wearing in that day a black skirt, white stockings, high heels and a discreet, sexy make-up. If you read the first part of my story you can realise that this kind of outfit wasn`t unusual for her. Moroever, you know that, no matter her looks, I wasn`t very interested in her and also being in a very bad mood that day…as usual, didn`t pay much attention to her. Speaking of my bad mood, as soon as I entered the office I slammed myself in a chair, looking very grumpy and confused. I think so because everyone asked me: “What happened to you?”, “Why are you so uppset?..” One of them even came to me, caressed my hair and fawned a little bit on me. She was a blonde attractive babe, very well trained at the gym, with one of the sexiest asses I`ve ever seen, a babe that I wanted sooo bad to fuck and I did it, sometime before the story I`m telling you know, but again (and again and again and again) I must say that this is another story that I`ll tell you some other time. It felt good all that caressing so, wihthout thinking, I hugged her and then looked deep in her blue eyes…wow! such a touchy moment… But it wasn`t enough. I must have been looking that I needed more, because her, the main character of this story, looking at me, suddenly said: “ I know how to revive him.” So she came straight at me and, very nice and smooth, with a kinky smile on her face, kneeled in front of me and started to rub my cock through my pants. In the first moment I didn`t realise what`s happening. Then, feeling her hand, touching my cock so lusty, looking straight at her, soo in the mood for sex, I thought : “You really want my cock, don`t you?…” maybe I smiled back at her or something but, whatever I did, it must have been silly, because she started to chuckle. Also, I instantly remebered the episode with the banana, that happened in the same office, with the same persons. I wasn`t the only one thinking about that unfinished bussiness because she said: “I`m sick of bananas, now I want the real thing” and, in the next moment, she unzipped my pants and, with a huge curiosity and lust, she tried to take my cock at the light, out of my underwear. When I felt that, I remember taking her hand out of my pants and slowly removing her. Yeah, I know, I just did it! But a woman like her, the “if I want a cock I`ll get that cock” type, didn`t give up so easy, so she left my cock alone and, with a phony anger on her face, sat on my lap and started to rub her ass on my foot. “ I want you so bad!…Don`t you like me?…” and in the same time she started to open my shirt and rub my chest, even more lustfull than she did with my cock (I thought: “I knew she is attracted by my pectorals”). Then she took my hand and tried to put it on one of her tits. I opposed that. She became more and more firm with that, wanting it so bad, that eventually she literally forced me to do it! Remembering all these now, I think about myself that I was an embarressment for all the men in the world. I was acting like a freaked out virgin! And I felt like I`m about to get ****d by this hot babe that, frustrated by my constant rejection, is going to abuse my cock. And maybe because I acted like a freaked out virgin I took my hand from her tit, looked straight in her eyes and, very angry, I said: “Leave me alone!” She looked at me perplexed, with the “party too soon over” kind of look on her face. Wow!… It was so intense what I felt that moment, looking in her eyes. All the anger, all the frustration caused by my bad mood got down in my stomach and then down in my balls and instantly gave me the sensation that I really need to fuck. Desperately. So, like in a dream, I found myself almost tearing off her shirt and taking in my mouth one of her tits, sucking then her nipple like I`ve never done it before. She became to pant and moan, while I was touching her sexy stockings legs higher and higher, right up under her skirt, where: surprise! She didn`t wear panties! Everyone in the company güvenilir bahis şirketleri was talking about this before, even she told us that, no matter how cold it is, she doesn`t wear panties. I never thought about this but anyway, for a nympho like her, didn`t seem unusual. I mean, when it`s about to fuck, why waisting too much time undressing?…I felt her pussy, already soaking wet and freshly shaved, maybe a night before. As you can easily imagine, I got horny as hell and I`m sure she knew it, by looking on her satisfied face (“I finally did it”, maybe she was thinking). On the upper level I continued sucking, kissing and licking her tits, then I went on the rest of her chest, up to her neck and then I took her chin in my mouth, biting it a little. Maybe it hurt a bit, because, between all her moaning, she screamed a little. I wanted sooo bad to kiss her lips and then stuck my tongue in her mouth, but she didn`t want that. After my second try, I got very nervous and, like a raging bull, I stood up, slammed her on the chair we were both siting a moment before, and took my cock out of my pants. I`ll never forget how she looked at it. Like it was the cock she`s been waiting for all her life. Or like a tigres ready to dash over her pray. After spiting it, she took it in her hand and started to handjob me. First smoothly, like she wanted to make friends with my cock, then with more and more courage. Her breathing became more and more heavier, betraying how horny she was. But not too horny maybe, because she seemed that she wanted to postpone just one more moment to get my cock inside of her. And there she was, siting in front of me, handjobing me and almost cumming just whatching at my cock. I realised in that moment why she didn`t let me kiss her. All this time she just wanted sex with me, like she did with all the other men she fucked with. And no matter how degrading may seem to me now my then stance of whore good just for a quick fuck, I had no problem with it, as long as I was fucking a fine bitch like her.So there we were, two people hungry for fuck and nothing else. She was still doing me handjob, almost mechanicly, whatching my cock, like hypnotized, wanting it so bad inside of her but postponing the moment forever. So, because I wanted more, and started to get nervous by her handjob that didn`t seem fun anymore, I just took my cock out of her hand and I stuffed it in her mouth, until my balls went between her teeth and the head of my cock got down on her throat, as deep as possible. I said: “Enough playing and talking and let`s see what you can do, bitch!…” I don`t want you to think that I`ve got a monster cock or something, but I must have been very violent because she almost jumped from the chair, chocked and throwed both hands in the air, then letting them on my buttoks, squeezed them hard and getting my cock deeper in her throat. Then I started to fuck her throat, making short and nervous moves from my ass, fucking her like I was a dog mating. Wow! it felt so good rubbing my cock by the walls of her throat!… “I knew she can deepthroat”, I thought. Then, when she almost chocked to death, she got my cock out of her mouth for a second, and with tears in her eyes, caused maybe by the deepthroat that happened before, looked at me and my soaking wet cock, full of her spit, like I was the god of good fucks, and started to blowjob me, from head to bottom, insisting from time to time with some circular moves with her tongue when she reached the head of it, sucking so eager for my juice to come out, and taking good care of my balls too. She was talented indeed. No teeth, just her lips, wet and warm mouth and soft tongue, used all together giving almost the sensation that I`m actually fucking her pussy already. In the meantime I was squeezing her tits and looked at her opened legs and between them, whatching her rubbing and fingering her wet pussy. She got my cock so hard that it started to hurt. In that moment I had an unbearreable feeling of pain combined with almost cumming, but being unable to do it. I must say that I`m a hard cummer. Let`s don`t forget that, at the begging, we weren`t alone in the office. There were four other female collegues of ours with us. And don’t think that, when the fuck started, they just got out of the room, screaming or digusted. Honestly, from the moment I felt that I desperately need to fuck her, I totally forgot about anyone else. Then, while she was still giving me blowjob, I felt a hand smoothly touching my back, down to my ass, and a female voice saying from behind: “Is there room from others too?” I saw then coming from behind the blonde babe that caressed me just a few minutes before. I didn`t say anything, but I`m sure that tipobet güvenilir mi the look on my face expressed a totally “yes”. I mean, I fucked her before, but didn`t have the chance to give her my cock to suck. Without getting upset at all, my blowjob godess made some room for the other and, after she passionately took it in her mouth a few times more, she passed it to the other saying: “Let`s see if you can do it as good as me and suck this motherfucker till his last drop.” “Let`s see” said the other, with a smile and look of a prostitute on her face. And she started. And hmmm…what can I say…no matter her prostitute look on her face, she gave me some kind of a girlfriend blowjob. Good, but too “clean”, if you know what I mean. At least she kept my cock horny as hell, but I couldn`t wait to get back to my previous fuckmate. And speaking of her, not loosing even one second the eye contact with me, while the other blowjobed me, she started to touch her and rub her pussy through her jeans, From time to time, the blowjob was interrupted by long, sexy passionate french kisses between them. At a moment I felt another hand on my ass, squeezing my buttoks, and a crystal voice from behind saying: “I want some too!…” . Damn, this really thrilled me. And in my sight came this female collegue of mine, long haired brunette, kind of skinny but very sexy, with a beautiful face and a pair of lips that gives you only three options: kiss them, kuck them or both. I chose the third option, so I took for a second my cock off the mouth it was (who knows who`s mouth was then?…) and I passionate kissed her lips, then I stuck my tongue in her mouth and, for some time, I just lustfully licked her lips, teeth and tongue. She tasted very sweet, like strawberry and mint. I couldn`t ge enough of it and, looking for a second at her, I realised that I totally messed up her lipstick. I would have eaten her if I could but, before even finished thinking, she ate my cock. Unfortunately, this is just a story, not a novel, so I won`t describe more about this girl`s blowjob. I`ll just that she really was the undisputed champ, the perfect lover and the best hooker in the asme time. I mean, she almost made me cum. But, because I didn`t want to dissapoint my audience, I suddenly got my cock out of her mouth and said: “Enough with this. I want to fuck now. So which one of you bitches want her pussy stuffed with this hard cock of mine?” “Me, me!…” They started to phony fight for me, because they knew there is plenty for all of them. So, I decided to first take the slutty secretary, because she was the main culprit for all this, so she deserved it. So I took her up from the chair, made some room from the others, slammed myself again on the same chair and stuck her on my dick, with her ass and back on my face. Moaning and panting, she started to ride it, first slowly, then faster and faster, deeper and deeper. It was good feeling her pussy lips touching my balls. Her pussy was very wet, tight and warm, so the fucking was great. While she was riding my cock, I kept squeezing her tits, touching her legs (her stockings were driving me crazy) or rubbing her clitoris. She was telling me, breathing very heavy and moaning: “Oooh, yeah! Fuck me, you dirty motherfucker! Can you fuck this slut right?…Show me! Fuck me! Fucking looser!…Can you fuck this bitch right?…” and she kept it this way, while I felt my cock so wet with her cum in her pussy like it was in her mouth before, full of her spit. Then came the blonde babe, with whom I had a crazy good fuck before, and now we did it again. She was (as I already knew), less talkative but much more noisy, moaning loud.Then came the brunette, with whom I had then one of the best fucks of my life. She rolled her jeans down just as much as my cock could get in her pussy and I started to fuck her, just like that, dressed, like I did with the others too. Don`t want to get you all upset, but it was so good that I`ll keep this part just for myself and her. All I can tell is that, when we wanted to french kiss again, like we did before I fucked her mouth, a shy voice interrupted us: “Can I try that too?…” So, when she was so close to touch my lips with her tongue, that I almost could feel it, she turned her head, while still riding my cock and, with one of her sexy tits jumping in my sight from the ride, I saw another female collegue of ours that was in the office from the start. Maybe she got cock hungry too. Eventhough I wanted to keep my cock in the heavenly pussy I was fucking, I decided to try something else too, so I said: “Sure, miss. Why not?…” This one is a kind of sexy babe too, about 5 years older than me, wearing that day a black dress and high heels. tipobet giriş So I fucked her too in my “fucking” chair. Her pussy was wet and warm but not very tight. I could imagine, because this one is the mother of two or three c***dren so…what could I expect? After I fucked her as good as I could, in a few seconds break between changing the partners, I saw the last person in the room. This was the oldest of them all, over 50, not very attractive. Me and the other guys in the company always joked that, after a few shots of tequila, you could fuck anything, even her. But I realised then that I as wrong. Not only tequila would help, but just a hard, horny cock would be enough too. I thought: “What a hell!…Her pussy might be good for something too. Why not try it?…And most of all, maybe she`ll feel offended. I fucked everyone in the room, except her…” She was standing at her place, trying to ignore our orgy, to keep her mind at work, but I could bet a million dollars that her mind was only on riding my cock. So, I said: “Well miss, don`t be shy, you could try it too.” She starteled and turning at me said with a very insecure voice: “Really? Can I?…” “Of course. It`s free and it`s all yours today.” I was sure she wanted it, but still didn`t move, so I stood up, went straight at her like I was, soaking wet of sex sweat, with my shirt opened and my cock out of my pants, took her up of her chair, grabbed her ass and getting her up on the desk, removing her panties and stucking my cock in her pussy. Well, what can I say…it wasn`t that bad at all. Her pussy was so tight and soft, like she was a virgin. She was kind of shy at the beginning but then, when the blood restarted to run through her body, she got in the fuck, touching my whole body, kissing and licking my neck. I didn`t touch her too much and I kept my eyes cloesd, thinking about the hot babes I just fucked and to whom I was going to return very soon. She even tried to kiss me, but I didn`t let her, she would have spoiled my mood. I can`t tell for how long she hadn`t been fucking, but I`m sure it was veery long. She really needed it so, while I was going deep in her, while she was moaning and getting wet as hell, I was thinking that I was doing a good deed fucking her. All in all, I took advantage of the best part of her, and I pumped in her pussy. Wow, it was so good that it was the second time that day that I felt like almost cumming. But I stopped just in time, because I wanted to do it with the main slut. So, I returned to the secretary, bent her over the first desk that came in my way, and started to fuck her pussy from behind. I`m sure she liked it a lot, because she instantly became soaking wet again, while I was pumping in her, with my balls hiting in a loud way her buttoks. She was moaning so loud that I thought she`ll scream. It was then when I remembered that we were at work and that in any second someone could catch us or hear us in our orgy. But it didn`t matter. I was thinking that, eventhough we`ll get caught, and maybe fired, at least we had one of the best fucks of our lives. At least, I had. So, we continued fucking like there was no tomorrow. At a moment she said: “Fuck my asshole!…” I didn`t pay attention to it, I just pumped harder in her pussy. “Please!…” she said between moaning. I pretended again I didn`t hear it and, soon after, she practically begged me. And I was thinking very satisfied, while I was licking and biting her shoulder and squeezing her tits: “So, I finally subdued you…” I said: “So, eventualy I`m good enough for you bitch, ha? You love my cock fucking you, don`t you?…” while she was still moaning and saying: “Fuck my asshole, I beg you, please!…” Maybe I would have done this too in the end, but it was too late. My balls exploded in her and, with a moan more of a bull than of a human, I cummed. Just like she wanted, to the last drop. After that, we all came back to work like nothing ever happened and I can say that the rest of the day was much better for me. Not much happened after this episode. About two years later after the orgy, our secretary quit her job and haven`t seen her since last month. The best part is that I don`t remember using a condom. All I know is that, not much before quitting her job, she had an abortion. I know it wasn`t me, because this happened more than an year after we fucked. So, what can I say: I`m a lucky guy! I had a good (unprotected) fuck, with no consequences.After that office orgy, I remember her telling me one day that, after work, we should go at her place, because she desperately needs a cock in her hands. And who was I to oppose her desire?…I went, but this time there was no blowjob, no fuck…I even offered to fuck her asshole this time, but she refused. “You blowed your chance with that, mister.” She said. So she just gave me handjob, I cummed on her face and tits, and this is it.After the handjob episode, to make the girls at the office jealous, she told them that I went at her place and I “whitewashed” her walls…What a girl!