At the Handicraft Shop

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At the Handicraft ShopI really liked that shop. This big department store-like seven-storybuilding in the middle of Tokyo had always had a magic appeal to me.Already some years ago, when I had been on an internet in Tokyo before,I was regularly on my pilgrimage to “Tokyu Hands”. In the middle ofthe building always had been the metal department. A lot of things tostimulate your fantasy. And a lot of things you had to pay a fortunefor in an online-sex-shop.That I liked bondage, especially when steel was involved, was not newneither to me nor to my best friends. In my younger years, at highschool I was playing with them here and then but neither of themdeveloped such a fascination for BDSM. I kept up and grow more andmore into it, desiring to be whipped, gagged, collared, treated as adog.I always thought of the Internet as a blessing for me. I could read andstudy all I wanted to learn about SM. With time I grew courageousenough to first chat and finally also meet masters. These personalcontacts however came of course to an end, when I got transferred bymy company to Japan about half a year ago.What stood always in my way of sexual fulfillment and my inner whishto give all up to be a real slave and live like a slave has to live, was mygreediness for promotion on my job. So when the chance came to getthe promotion, well, I went to Japan.Ê “Won’t be too bad. I will manageto keep up with my hobbies”Ê I convinced myself of the possibility to atleast give my desires some relief by weekend sessions.Ê But reallygetting into it when I arrived wasn’t that easy. MyÊ Japanese, thoughpretty fine for office conversation, lacked the edge to make out on thenet. Finding the right places was also hard, if you still struggle with the Japanese letters.So I first started to replenish my BDSM inventory. Because of baggagerestrictions and fear of the customs I took only some of my toys withme into my new life. On my forays for the right stuff I soon cameacross “Tokyu Hands”. This weekend I was going to buy wide steel handcuffs. And I knew I could find something at the “Hands”. Full of innertense and uproar I drove the escalators up to the fifth floor. Passingby some wooden slab boards I was picturing me in a wooden pillory. Twoboards with three wholes, one for neck, two for my wrists – I wasquite happy to wear a long jacket today, I wouldn’t like to draw tomuch attention to my intensions.I had to admit that I somehow was pretty self assured and fond ofmyself. I was going regularly to the gym, firstly to make me likemyself. And that I did. I had the build of a swimmer, v-formed back,strong voluminous pecks, strong arms and a ripped abs. I liked it togo to the showers after sport and compare myself to the other guy, whomostly lost in my comparison.Ê I enjoyed getting the looks as much as Iliked to see myself.Ê Masturbating while being in chains in front of amirror was a favorite hobby at home. Those cuffs would suit me right.I got closer to what looked from afar like what I was searching for.One guy and a couple with their little son were standing at the stacks.The one guy had apparently the same products targeted that Iapproached. He was examining the same cuffs made in China. 50mmdiameter, 20mm wide. Like cuffs need to be they had a hinge on one anda screw on the other side to make it fit and close around anything ofthis size.The guy, a Japanese maybe in his thirties, with 180cm quite overaverage and pretty sporty looking, was not sure if this was servinghis needs. I had also once already examined those cuffs before andtried to evaluate, which size would suit me best. Since the “Hands”was pretty well stocked, they offered the cuffs in a wide variety. Andthough every cuff was just about a Euro plus tax, it would have beento bad to buy the wrong one and become disappointed trying them outat home and realizing I had chosen the either too big or too smallsize. So I had calculated the right diameter at home to choose theright thing. I didn’t want everyone to grasp the obvious, that I wasnot building a swing in my garden or installingÊ some new piping in mycellar.This guy however, was much more straightforward. He opened the screwof one of the cuffs and fitted it around his wrist. Obviously notcaring for the family or any other person around him. I was almoststaring at him, as he was trying out the cuff. My cock was alreadyappreciating the sight. He took a carbine hook from the neighboringstack and tested if he could securely fasten the cuff around his leftwrist. I envied that guy for his boldness. I came up to him and it tookall my courage to take a cuff in my hand as well.”They seem to fit alright,” the Japanese said aloud, maybe addressingme or just stating it as a matter of fact.Ê “Really?” was all I could bringout.Ê “The quality is pretty good as well, the edges are not too sharp tobite into the skin”, was the expert comment by my opposite.Ê “That’smost important!” I tried to show off some expertise as well.Ê “You buythose for yourself, or for your girlfriend?”Ê ” No, – no, for me” was mysomewhat perplexed answer. “What about you?”Ê “Well, I could needthose from time to time for someone. You know what. You seem to be anice guy. I’ll give you my phone number, we could have some talk aboutirons over a coffee some time.”I was paralyzed and surprised to the bone. That much to Japanesealoofness. I was curious on the other hand and pulled out my mobile totake his number to my phonebook.Ê “Ken” he added, “that’s easiest tofind in your phonebook again”, to give me a hint how to safe his number.”What’s your number?” Ken inquired.Ê Of course, how stupid was I, if Iwas taking his number into my mobile, I certainly had to share mynumber as well. I felt a little insecure about telling my mobile numberto some stranger guy I just met at a handicraft shop. Anyway, I gave it tohim. We parted with the words to some time meet for a coffee atStarbucks and I expected, some part of me even felt disappointed, tonever hear from each other again.I almost forgot to buy the cuffs after that encounter that pretty churnedme up. And I actually couldn’t remember if he had carried awaya pair for himself as well. On my way home by train I was painting somepictures of him, taking my hands, laying the cuffs around them andconnecting them to chains, dangling down from each side of the wallsin a dark, stony cellar. He took a knife and half cutting, halftearing off my t-shirt, leaving me half naked, spread-eagled standingin front of him. My cock rose again as my fantasies were carrying meaway.Ê When I came home I got undressed, laid my arms in chains and gotinto the bathroom. In the big mirror I could see my biceps bracing whilejerking my stiff cock. My pecks began a strange dance of tension and myabs were spasmodic when I came.At the Handicraft Shop Part 2I was sitting in my office. It was Wednesday evening and I was planningto go to the sports club again afterwards. I needed the workout badly, Ithought, since I had been already two weeks without any sport till today. Overtime and phone conferences in the early nights with ourheadquarters in London had ended for this week, and maybe I could goto the club on Friday in addition, to make up the lost two weeks.My knock off planning was abruptly coming to an end when my mobilegave its mail ring tone. I was curious, maybe some of my old friendsin Europe were giving me some news on the latest that happened athome. The subject was Japanese, however, asking for a coffee. I instantlyknew from who this mail was and opened it hastily.”Hey”, it read, “thought you might care for a coffee next Friday inRoppongi. You know the ‘Bucks over there?”Ê Of course, I knew theStarbucks at Roppongi, every Westerner in Tokyo knew it. Roppongi wasTHE foreign district in Tokyo. Loud, crowded, lots of fun and full of clubs opened all night. I gave it only a short consideration, to be honest. I had expected myself to think it much more over, than I actually did, but Iconfirmed to be there on time.The following two evenings I spent entirely with sports, since the Fridaywas already planned. I enjoyed it to feel my muscles ache after that twoweeks break and I liked what I saw in the mirror in the locker room andthe bathroom afterwards.Ê The rest of the evenings I spent at home,jerking off imagining myself with a big, cold steel collar around my neck.With the connecting chain in Ken’s hands and I was kneeling in fronthim, licking his boots, receiving his hand patting my head gently.When it became Friday eventually, I was awaiting the coffee in a way Ihave never cared for a coffee before. The subway to Roppongi wascrowded with quite some folks. Americans, Europeans, Japanese, all ontheir way to Roppongi for party, clubbing, and making out mostprobably with another nationality. I was not quite sure what thisevening had in store for me, though. When I was coming to the surfaceof Tokyo again, flittering neon was welcoming me to the mostwesternized part of the whole country. Despite the many black hairedaround you, you could be thinking of being in London, Paris, or Berlin.When I reached the Starbuck right in time, Ken was already waiting infront of it.Ê “Nice seeing you”, he casually greeted me.Ê We took ourcoffees upstairs and found a pretty nice table in a quiet corner.Ê “So didyou try your cuffs?”Ê Ken was trying to break the ice.Ê “Yeah”, I somehowdidn’t know any other to answer.Ê “Relax, your affections are perfectly okfor me. Actually, I haven’t tried my cuffs yet.”Ê He was changing the topic,asking me about my coming to Japan, my job, how I feel in Japan, if I likeit and so on. Sometimes we switched to Japanese as well, when he wantedto see if I really would get what he was going to say. After some time Ireally was much more relaxed. He was a nice guy. Working for a foreign company, living in the west of Tokyo, actually already Chiba, the citynext to Tokyo. He had been in the US for some years, learning English and learning to find the best way of dealing with those two culturesinfluencing his life.After finishing our coffee we changed places to a little bar in somebasement, not far away from the cafZ and in sight of Tokyo Tower,glowing in its red-white stripes.Ê It was still pretty early in the evening,so the bar was rather uncrowned.Ê A state of being untypical for Tokyo, acity where it is hardly possible to be on your own at any time of the day.The bar was run by an American, mixing pretty good cocktails, whichreminded me of home a bit, comforting me and let me enjoy this eveningwith rising tendency.Ê “So when did you realize, what you like”, Ken wasgetting interested again in my personal life.Ê I told him the story of mein the last year of high school. I had a good friend, who had somenautical interest in knots. He wasn’t in BDSM at all, he just liked tyingyou up, and that he made pretty well. So I spent quite some time at his parent’s house, which was deserted from the rest of his family all day long. We were tying each other up alternately. Though my knots were always rather simple and he was getting out of the ropes easily, his were more sophisticated. I liked it, finding myself tied up in a long rope, and even if I had tried to really get out of it, I wouldn’t have succeeded.He also had handcuffs and every other day, when we were watching video, I was asking for the handcuffs and taking them on, while he held the key till the end of the movie. I always wondered if he didn’t find that strange of me. And I was hoping that he enjoyed it as much as I did. But one time I overstretched it. We were havingdifferent opinions over some very minor thing and he offered me a bet on who would be right.Ê I wanted to take my chances and offered as a prize that the looser had to serve the winner as a slave for a week.I didn’t really intend to win and maybe he pretty much got thisas well. He refused and from that time our time spent togetherbecame quite rare.”That’s too bad, I would’ve liked to have such a friend at school”Ken tried to show affection for my story. “It had taken me years torealize what I like and really to do it.”Ê After some more drinks I wasfeeling light as flowing through the space of the bar. It had becomecrowded meanwhile and the music was playing much louder now.Some funky girls, with blue glowing hair from the black light andlittle glowing sticks in their hands were raving on the modest technobeats. This reminded me even more of my youth when we were atuniversity some years ago, spending the weekends on formerairbases or in the streets of Berlin, raving to wild techno beats.Ken was rising, waving me behind him and screaming in my ears,that he would have something for me. He directed us to the men’srooms, pushed me trough some guys leaving the place and into oneof the cells.Ê “Open your pants”, his softness and familiarity in hisvoices was fading, he sounded more commanding and demanding.I was surprised at myself that I followed his instruction.Ê “This isa present”, he said while taking my motionless cock in his hand andtaking out a silver shiny cock ring out of its pocket. He firstthreaded my balls trough the ring, than my cock and moved the ringup to the root of my cock. The ring was between my balls and body,taking a strong grip around my cock. Almost instantly my cock swelland within seconds it was hurting from its stretch and the ring wasbitinginto my flesh. This really made me horny.”You have a great cock, I like it. Pretty well hung” where Ken’s wordsof appraisal, that made me proud a bit. I wanted to touch my cock,maybe squeezing it a bit would intensify this great feeling.Ken slapped my hand away. “I haven’t said you should touch it. Takeyour shirt off.”Ê I liked his demanding voice and I wanted to follow his instructions.Ê He stroked my upper body with his hand, over my pecksdown to my abs, carefully, investigating. He again grabbed in hispocket, this time to pull out tit clamps. While stroking my nipplessoftly he clamped them on, which made me wince a little.”Get your shirt on, we’re leaving.” After being on the streets again,passing by doors guarded by some huge black guys, music comingout of the houses, I still had a full erect cock under my jacket. Thesteel felt good on my body, the pain was filling me, but getting lessintensive with time.”What would you say to spending the weekend at my place, huh?”Ken’s voice was charming again, sedative. I didn’t think much aboutmy answer, but just inclined.At the Handicraft Shop edremit escort Part 3We were lucky to get the last express to Chiba, so the ride wouldn’ttake too long. We were talking about this and that in English, so mostother passengers wouldn’t get a word we were talking about.When we finally got to Ken’s station we got off the train and to hiscar. I asked him if he could really drive now, since hadn’t reallyhad time to get sober. “We have no other choice, since I’m living quiteoutside. Com’on,Ê don’t worry, I always drive from the station by car.”When I had seated myself and closed the door, Ken demanded me totake off my jacket. He pulled out a pair of handcuffs from the glovecompartment. It was the kind of rigid ones with three joints betweenthe cuffs, so you can’t twist your arms or reach to the keyholes whenthey are turned to the inner side. So even if you have the key, youcannot free yourself without help. He took my right arm and closed thecuff around my wrist, he then took my left and securely fastening myarms behind my back.ÊÊ My cock, still circumcised by the ring, rose again. He than took out some leg chains and chained my ankles as well. So even if I hadchanged my mind now, this was no longer up to me.The house was really pretty far from the station. The area became moreand more rural, some gas stations, some convenience stores, somehouses along the road, but not much more than that. My tits werehurting more vigorously, but I enjoyed every minute of the ride.Ken seemed to be pretty well off. When we reached his house I wasastonished to find such an estate in the Tokyo area. It was a prettybig house, with a real garden around it, what you could see from thefence around the land. Next to the house on the right wasa paddyield, on the left an even bigger house, or better to say a villa.The garage door opened by remote, of course, and Ken drove into the garage, which was the size of my living room of my little apartmentin Tokyo. Ken got out and came around the car to open my door as well. He helped me out off the car and lead me to a door by my left arm. I felt like a convict deported to a high security jail and my leg chains were rattling with ever step. He led me through the door and sat me on a step behind the door to the house.Ê Ken lifted myt-shirt over my head down to my wrists where he left it. From a little closet he took a steel collar, about 3 cm big, with a padlock and three loops extruding from it all directions. One loop was connected to a chain.Ê When he closed the collar around my neck, I felt the cold steel on my skin, making me shiver.A mixture of fear, arousal, and a feeling of helplessness crawl up myspine. He took off my shoes and socks, opened my trousers whichwas quite a relief for my cock, he pulled them together with my briefsdown my legs. For just some seconds he opened my leg cuffs to pull ofthe clothes, than refastened the cuffs to their old position. I felt, asthough all my dreams were becoming reality.Ken than pulled me up to my feet by the chain. I was, except for thet-shirt hanging from my wrists, naked and chained. We passed somedoors when he finally opened one door. Behind it was a big room whatcould be best described as a private sports room, with some dumbbellstacks to the right, and some other sports equipment. Curtainsblinded the window and the floor was covered with linoleum.However, on the left side was something quite unusual to a sport gym,Êa part of the room was separated by steel bars, building a kind of jailinto the room. The area was completely empty. When he led me intothe middle of the room I also noticed a cupboard on the left of thedoor. I could already anticipate what would be in it. Some things werestanding around covered in another corner of the room.I could feel the cold of the linoleum floor with my feet. Ken connectedthe chain of my collar to a solid peg at the ceiling by climbing onÊa little ladder standing next to me in the middle of the room. I reallywas astonished that everything seemed to be perfectly organizedahead of our arrival. He definitely had calculated to take me to hishome as his slave.Ê I was really curious what he had in store for me.Till now it was like a daydream to me.Ê Ken opened the left part of thehandcuff to remove my t-shirt, thanÊ closed it again around my wrist.ÊI liked how he handled me.Ê From the time he attached the cuffs in thecar there was no chance I could have evaded from him. He alwayscarefully paid attention to keep me under his control. I was a little bittaller and some years younger, and maybe also quite a bit strongerthan he was. Even if I had wanted to resist, I couldn’t have freed myself at any time.Ê This was always something that I didn’t like toencounters with masters before.Ê They needed my cooperation to bindme or chain me.Ê Ken, however, could have handled me if I hadn’t beencooperating.Ê This gave me the feeling that I needed to be helpless, tobe on the mercy of the top and could not control what was going tohappen.Ê I always had dreamt of being captured.At last he connected the leg chain to a peg at the floor. I was now standing in the middle of that room, wearing a collar connected to theceiling, that grew heavier with time, handcuffs holding my arms to my back and leg cuffs chaining my ankles to the floor. My cock was still erect from the constant and good feeling of Ken treating me as his slaveand the cock ring. I hardly felt my nipples any more from the tit clamps.Ê Ken hadn’t said a word till now when he said: “You’re pretty hairy. I have to take care of that.”I didn’t shave my body hair since I have came to Japan because I somehow feared the looks of the people at the gym. Well, I had toendure the looks now when I would go there next week. That was for sure. Ken had a roll of kitchen towel anda little bottle in his hand. I didn’t at first got it, but then he sprayedsomething on my breast and wiped with one of the towels over mypecks. I could see my hair off my skin and on the towel when Iremembered to have seen such a hair removal spray on TV.Ken worked his way all over my body, removing every hair on mybreast, stomach, lifting my arms behind my back to also get rid ofthe hair inmy armpits. The cock ring was only a little obstacle forKen and finally he had also cleaned my legs.Ê “You look perfect now,you know that?” Ken said.Ê “Sir, no I didn’t know that, sir!” Ianswered what I thought was the most appropriate answer.Ê Kengave me a sharp, thoughtful look. I had surprised him with myobedience, but was he really pleased by my answer? His facialexpression changed to encouragementÊ “You’re a born slave, eh.Actually, a guy who’s submissive and with such a nice body is bestthe material forÊ becoming a good slave.Ê Anything else would be aÊtotal waste. I will have lots of fun with you!”At the Handicraft Shop Part 4It felt strange to have been taken of all my body hair again. It had beenalready quite some time when my last master had required me to regularlyshave my cock and pecks. I was getting goosebumps from the cold air on mybody or maybe from the rushes of fear coming in intervals to me. I think Iwas some kind of adrenalin junky. I liked bungee jumping as much as I fearedto jump from a bridge. The fear was what made the difference. If I hadenjoyed the jump I could not have enjoyed my fears. I was, of course alsofearing what was coming up. This was all in the business of me becoming aslave: no stop word, total dependence on the good and woes of the master.I examined the room some more.ÊÊ I was hanging from the ceiling like somemeat pack in a cooling storage.The bars of the cell in front of me looked pretty solid. As far as I could tellthey were let into the concrete of the floor and ceiling. The cell wassomething like three to two meters. I saw some rings fixed to all sides of it, ceiling, floor and walls, to comfortly tie or chain someone to it. I wonderedwhat the craftsmen had thought when they built the cell. How many othermen had been in this cell before?Ê Ken was in the meantime searching for something in a drawer to my right, when my thoughts were wandering around. He returned with a little camera, stood before me and shot some photos even before I realized. He examined the shots in the LCD and seemed satisfied. Ijust hoped that I wouldnÕt find these pictures soon on every web side aroundthe world, or if so, at least with my head unrecognizable.He laid the camera aside and came back to me to the middle of the room. Icould see in his face that he was quite turned on from the sight of an athletic, shaved guy chained in his house. With his left hand he stroke over my pecksand abs again, with his right he was at my butt touching and kneading it.I felt like the luckiest man on world. I liked it how he touched me, how he watched me, the whole thing was really turning me on, too.Ken went to the left of the room, next to the cupboard, and pulled off acover from some big piece of furniture-like thing. When he pulled it closerI could examine it in more detail. It was some kind of metal pillory. Ametal frame with built-in collar and cuffs to securely fasten oneÕs head inthe middle and the arms to the sides of it. Ken placed it in front of me,some 50 cm away and locked in to the ground. He then opened my collar andordered me to my knees. The freedom to my neck lasted only seconds, when hepressed my head down to the pillory and closed itÕs collar around me. Againit was well planned. He loosened the cuffs, but my head was securred and myfeet still chained, so I couldnÕt have done much with my free arms. He tookthem and locked them to the pillory as well.He went around me, and gave me a slab on my butt, before he reached for thecupboard. I saw him coming over to me again with some tubes or little hosesand a little machine in his hands. I remember to once have seen somethinglike that at a doctorÕs office. They called it colon therapy that time.Ê ÒOk,slave, I have cleaned you already from the outside by removing all that hair.So its time for some inner cleansing. Actually this is a very good machine,I donÕt need to empty you manuallyÓ.Ê With some Vaseline he was lubricatingmy ass hole before he pushed the opening of the tubes into me. It was coldmetal, but didnÕt hurt too much.Ê When he had it pushed deep into my ass, the machine was switched on. Water was filling me gradually, but it wasnÕt too bad. I wanted to take a look at that procedure, but the collar around my neck didnÕt allow that much liberty of movement. I was looking down my ripped abs, but couldnÕt see anything of my behind.While the machine was humming and pumping water into and out of my gutssimultaneously, Ken was going around me again and knelt in front of me,almost resembling my kneeling. He took off the left tit clamp and give mynipple some rubbing.Ê ÒThat cock is incredible. YouÕre the first slave with a hard on for like all the time.ÓÊ He was actually pretty right, since he had given me the cock ring some hours ago my cock was upright all time long. Yet it felt good and didnÕt hurt by now. He shook his had when he stood up again, slapped my head gently and going to my back again. He switched off the machine, pulled out the tube andcleaned my butt with some paper.ÒI will put a bucket under you, you still have some water in you that wantsto come out soon.ÓÊ Anyway I felt pretty embarrassed when the water was coming out, while Ken was putting the machine back in the cupboard. I also felt the need to piss, but with my hard on this was impossible. Ken again cleaned me up, when the water was finished coming outof me and put the bucket aside. Once more I could feel KenÕs finger putting petrolatum in my ass. He was kneeling behind me.Ê Ken cleaned his fingers before he ran them over on my breast and stomach from behind. He was playing with my nipples when his cock was coming into me. I gave a groan, when I felt his cock crawling up my ass. I was stillsomehow tight and his cock was or felt bigger than I expected.At the Handicraft Shop Part 5I always had been switching between men and women for sex. I enjoyed both alot, though I couldnÕt really figure a woman as my mistress. Maybe because Ihave never met the right one. However, being subdued by a man was a muchstronger, intense feeling of suppression and demanded obedience. I needed astrong hand slapping me, a real guy forcing me to my knees. Moreover, I muchmore enjoyed sucking cocks than licking pussies.KenÕs cock was getting harder in me. He sometimes was stroking my cock aswell, but mostly worked on my nipples. I closed my eyes, when finally hepulled out again, groaning of lust, leaving me in this feeling ofunsatisfied ecstasy. He rested some seconds on my back, I was just wishing he would have milked me, since I was close to orgasm: ÓSir, may your slave askyou somethingÓ.Ê With a relaxed and almost smiling voice he answered: ÒIknow what you want to ask, but you wonÕt get it. Not today. If you satisfy myÊ needs I feel that I could reward you, I may let you come as well.ÓHe came around and stood before my head. I just could see his legs andhalf erect cock.Ê ÒWhat are those questions all about anyway? I canÕt remember giving you permission to ask about your needs. I think I’ll have to show you that it is not about what you want or need. You will get the appropriate punishment tomorrow.Ê For now you can do some more work on my cock.ÓÊÊ With these words he went to the cupboard again, getting a ring gag out. He squeezed my cheeks with his left handÕs thumb and forefinger to push open my mouth and placedthe ring into it. When Ken had closed the gag he put his cock through the ring into my mouth. I was still horny and he didnÕt need to convince me of doing my best on it. First I licked just its tip and the rim of his glands to make it stiff again, than almost swallowing it, licking it from the lower side. I didÊ my beston him and quickly made him moan again. The handcuffs of the pillory were holding my hands away from my cock, which desired for a hand.I already tasted the salty flavor of his precum. Ken took my head in hishands snatching my short hair as much as he could get and pull it. The painjust made me crazier and finally made him cum. Ken took off the gag after heretrieved from my mouth and just said:Ê ÓYou know what to do, right?ÓI swallowed his cum all way down, even though I was now getting a bit concerned. But by now it would have been too late anyway.Ê ÒYou must still escort edremit be hungry and we donÕt want you to dehydrate, right?ÓÊ ÒSir, yes, sir, I am pretty hungry, sir.ÓHe took my hands out of the pillory just to rebind them with the pair ofhandcuffs on my back again. He opened the collar and helped me to get myupper body up again. Ken left the room. I tried to relax a bit and recallwhat have had happened today. I wondered what time it was, but I guessed itmust have been around two in the morning. This was an almost perfect day,except that I still was horny and no relief in sight.Ê After some time KenÊ returned to the room, carrying two silver aluminum bowls. I alreadyexpected something like that. He took himself the little ladder he usedearlier to tie me to the ceiling, sat down on it and placed the bowls betweenhis feet with me kneeling in front of him.In the left bowl was clear water, in the right some rice with vegetables.Not so bad, I thought, even though dog food is pretty humiliating, it is notso nutritious to man. And every Master should take care of the health of hisslave as well. So I was glad he had real food for me. When I bent down toget some water I felt a striking pain on my cheek, a blow that almost had metumble over to my right side.Ê ÒHave I allowed you to start?ÓÊ Ok, I was loosing some concentration by now, that I should have known and I was embarrassedto show such bad manner.Ê ÒSir, IÕm awfully sorry, Sir, please forgive my stupidity.ÓÊ ÒYou donÕt need my forgiveness, you will pay off your mistakes by receiving an adequate punishment ? also tomorrow. BoyÉ, this will be a hard day for you tomorrowÓ he said, shaking his head a little in displayed concern.He finally allowed me to eat and drink. I bent over and enjoyed the feelingof being fed at my MasterÕs feet. It was pretty hard to keep balance with myarms still on my back. I was thirsty as hell and the water, even if it hadbeen from the tap, tasted wonderful to me. I pictured myself out of anaudienceÕs viewpoint, kneeling naked in front of a man I just knew for somehours altogether, my muscular body in chains, eating out of bowls. I thoughtthat might have been quite a good view. After I had finished, I really had topee now. I had forgotten about it for quite some time, but now I couldnÕthold it much longer. However, my cock was still erect, already for some hours since I was fettered in the car.Ê Ken stood up and walked over to the cell. I didnÕt dare to look over or move without permission. I already had two punishments up for tomorrow, and I was in eager anticipation on what he would do to me tomorrow, I didnÕt want to annoy him too much. I heard him rattling with chains and opening and closing the cupboard again. He than came back to me, loosened the leg chain from the peg in the floor and escorted me to the cell.He had put some chains with shackles fastened to the wall of the cell, twochains hanging down with wrist cuffs, one big in the middle with a steelcollar similar to the one in the middle of the room. How was I supposed tosleep then, I asked myself. Maybe I was not. He made me sit down at the wallto the chains and first fastened my neck to it. He than opened the handcuffson my back and locked my left and right arm to each of the two cuffs hanginglow from the wall, leaving me sitting with my back to the wall, which wascold to the ruff, arms halfway up and my head far away from a recliningposition. He wished me to sleep well, closed the cell door and before heturned off the light to leave the room he once more looked back in satisfaction.At the Handicraft Shop Part 6I tried to relax as well as I could at the wall. I was tired and exhausted,but my mind was rushing over what happened today. My arms started toache soon, as I was chained to the wall. I managed somehow to sleep forsome halves of an hour some several times, this was all relaxation Icould get.Ê The cock ring and the chains were holding me from deepersleep. I must have emptied my bladder some when in one of the shortsleeps, as I felt relieved and wet at the same time. I just couldnÕt holdit any longer.The night was terrible, I wanted to let it end soon, and make Ken come backto take some more care of me. The curtains hiding the windows of the roomwere light beige and as the sun was rising after some hours of half sleeping,half waking it was becoming clearer inside. I looked around the room. Itwas efficiently trimmed to be used for slaves without resembling a medieval dungeon. It was neither clinically cold, nor radiating a warm feeling.Ê Iheard some noise from some other rooms in the house and began to worryabout the piss I had let out during the night. It was almost dry, but stillobviously adorning the floor.Finally the door to the room opened and Ken, clothed into a Yukata, aJapanese cotton Kimono-like robe, entered with a smile:Ê ÒLooks as if my slave has enjoyed this night. But maybe a bit too muchÓ, he said looking at the stainin front of me.Ê I just watched embarrassed with my eyes to his feet, I was too tired to think of an excuse.Ê Ken opened the chains around my wrists and took the handcuffs back in place before he also opened the collar.Ê ÒYour chance to get rid of all the unnecessary is right nowÓ he said, while getting an empty bucket from the closet. He sat me on the bucket and I feared it could breakdown below me. This was not the first time I had pissed and shit in front of someone else. I once knew a guy who you liked to be pissed into his face. So it didnÕt take too much of an effort to do the necessary things. It felt good to shit and also I could let out some more liquid. Ken took some paper, after he had shook my dick, made me stand up, bow over, and cleaned my back.I liked to be handled. It made me feel powerless, somehow like a c***d. Thenhe shuffled me over to the middle of the room again and I was alreadylooking forward to some food. I knelt down, he hooked me again to the floorand brought the bowls in again, he had me eat down to his feet. I was stillterribly tired, however I did not repeat my yesterdayÕs mistakes. Ken wasvisibly pleased.Ê ÒYou think you can avoid the punishment by behaving well, eh. TodayÕs punishment is for your former failures, it is just good for you that youhave already learned something!Ó Ken clarified my situation.After I had been fed Ken kicked the bowls to the side and ordered me tostand up. My body was all stiff from the night and I had some troubles tocome up quickly. When I finally stood, Ken closed a collar around my neckand spread-eagled me. He hadnÕt been too brutal by now, so I somehowexpected some heavy blows. Nervously I tried to straighten my body some moreand shake off the tiredness. Ken again went to the closet. He returned withthe words:Ê ÓI hope you will like this, boy. This will be new to me as well, so Iam at least as agog as you are.ÓI didnÕt like the evil outlines I saw in his smile. After all, I hardly knewthis man I was standing in front of spread-eagled. I relaxed a bit when Ifelt him connecting electrodes to my balls and nipples. I had done thisbefore and it was more tickling than hurting. He sat down on the littleladder again, when he had finished the electrical stuff.Ê As he turned it onI felt this tensing feeling like tiny needles being pierced into your flesh.It wasnÕt too bad. Ken stood up leaving the machine on and returned with oneof the bowls refilled with water. He poured out the water over my breast andstomach, the water was cold and made me shiver and feel chilly. Immediatelyafter the water ran down my muscles I felt the tiny needles much moreintensely. The electricity ran through my whole upper body. My musclescontracted uncontrollably. When Ken intensified the electric pulse I feltlike an almost dead body being reanimated. The feeling was strange and ithurt quite a bit. As I was moving spasmodically I was biting on my lips touphold the pain. This was terrible, I wanted to scream ÒStop itÓ but said nothing.Ken turned the devise off and instantly my body relaxed and I took three orfour deep breathes, I had held my breath of pain so far. He took off theelectrodes from my nipples, but returned to sit on the ladder. With his handreaching to the dial of the electro device he said:Ê ÒThis is what I do to youif you are a very disobedient slave.Ê I want you to obey to every word, dowhatever I order you without questioning or hesitation. This is kind of a warning, an exemplary punishment.Ó As saying so he turned on the electric pulse.Ê At once I felt a gruesome pain in my testicles as if they would explodeand burn down at the same time. The blow of electrons hit me in my weakest spot and hit unbelievably hard. I just screamed until he stopped. It may have been just some seconds, but it had felt as if it were hours of pain.I had read about that kind of torture. In the Middle East they used or stilluse to torment convicts to make them confess. Very often the testicles wereso much damaged that the victims become infertile. Why was he doing that, hecouldnÕt know if I wanted to have c***dren sometime. This was really a steptoo far. I would tell him when I depart. I had missedÊ not to discuss limits, dosand do-nots with him in the beginning, I had to make that up as soon aspossible.Ê ÒSir, please, stop it, please, I canÕt stand it, SirÓ, I pleaded.Ê ÒAs a warningÓ he replied.He removed the electrodes, which quite relieved me and made me believe thatthe worst was over. I was worried, too. I hoped that I was not damaged forall time.Ê ÒYou have still one punishment to take, slave, you know that.ÓÒSir, yes, Sir, I know that, Sir.Ó I put as much Sirs into it as possible to please him.Ê He returned the electrical device back to the cupboard, but what he carried back to me wasnÕt inspiring much more confidence. He held a thick long bull flogger in his right hand as he walked around me. I was still terrified by theelectro shocks when the blow of the whip hit me. I had been whipped sometimes before, but that was a novelty to me. The pain struck me, I felt as if myskin burst, I guess blood must have run out of a long gash across my back. Ken didnÕt stop with just one stroke, he continued and soon tears came to my eyes.I was grapping for the chains that connected my wrist cuffs to the ceiling and enclosed them tightly with my hands, however, I didnÕt feel the finger nails biting into my hands, I was too much absorbed by my aching back.Ken stopped, finally, dropped the whip, and came around over to my face.ÒThis is a terrible pain, rightÓ, he asked while he was taking me into hisarms, hugging me softly and almost snuggling. ÒItÕs Ok to cry, let the painout.Ó I started sobbing and crying, feeling comforted by his arms. The pain wasstill aching over my back.Ê After some minutes of consolation Ken took off my cock ring I still wore from the last night. He also removed collar, exchanged the wrist cuffs with hand cuffs, but this time closed them on my abs, and made me kneel on the floor.At the Handicraft Shop Part 7While I got down to the floor kneeling, I still was feeling this strikingpain from the whip. I didnÕt know what my back looked like, but I feared itmight look terrible, littered with wounds. I just hoped Ken knew what he wasdoing and that it didnÕt look as bad as it felt. He was lubing my ass with some Vaseline, simultaneously working on my nipples, which were stiff again as soon as he touched them. He was pinching and stroking them, creating alternately pain and lust in me. My cock felt wonderful free again, now the cock ring was taken off it. It swelled again and I was slightly getting horny once more, while Ken worked on my ass. When I felt his cock up my arse I had already forgotten the pain of the electro shocks and the memory of the whipping was fainting. Still, I had been horny for the last 16 hours or so and I really whished Ken would this time give me the chance to come as well.His left hand grabbed around me and aimed for my cock. He struck it gentlyfirst, then more fiercely. Feeling him working on my inside and outside mademe soon groan and moan. His body was moving rhythmically fore and back andhis dick teased my prostate. I was soon coming to an end, I was sure andhoped it would go on. This time Ken was willing to let me come as well. Justwhen he pulled out to shot a load from below me on my abs I came under hisstroking hand as well. I felt relieved, felt ecstatic, and felt rewarded.Ken kept lying on my back for some seconds before he got up and patted myÊhead.Ê ÒYou see being a good slave has its advantages. IsnÕt it much better thanbeing a bad slaveÓ, Ken added to his generous gesture.Ê It was much better for sure. He has made his point, if I wanted to enjoy it IÕd better become an obedient slave to him. And I was willing to do so.ÒI will give you some rest. I have right now nothing to for you to do.Ó Bysaying so he took me back in the cell, giving my body a brief cleaning fromhis cum. This time however he left my hand bound on my back and just securedmy ankle chains to the floor and my collar to the wall, while I wasreclining on the floor.Ê This felt pretty good. I hoped he would give me some hours of rest. The whole weekend had already been extremely exhausting, and we still had half of the weekend for us. My nipples were aching from KenÕs work and the clamps he had been using. I was lying on my breast, hands on the back and not much room for movements. The floor felt interesting, a little bit cold, but I could feel it was getting warmer by the heat of my naked body. It was notreally soft, but neither was it hard as concrete. Somehow the flooring had soft touch, which felt almost as a comforting futon to me. I relaxed my bodyand just recalled my situation. My hornyness was, of course, tamed, and Ifelt wonderful being treated as a slave and I just wanted to thank this shopwhere we first met, Tokyu Hands, in the heart of TokyoÕs Shinjuku district.This was the most exciting adventure I’d ever had. I had some wild times inEurope and the States as well, but this was the top of it all.I must have fallen asleep, lately, since the sun was now more brightlyshining through the curtains than this morning. I didnÕt quite know, howlong I had been asleep, if the room were pointing westward it would beafternoon already. But maybe it was only noon by now, I couldnÕt reallytell. I felt a little bit stiff from sleeping on my stomach and hands to myback, and tried to shift my body back edremit escort bayan and forth. My arms felt a little dumpby now, so I tried to relax my shoulders to get some blood into them again.Just when I shifted my head to the direction of the roomÕs door I noticedthat Ken was sitting over there, watching me. He didnÕt say anything for thetime being. Just sitting there and looking gorgeous. He wore leather pants,some heavy black leather shoes and a very cool rubber shirt. This was thefirst time for me to realize, that Ken was pretty buff, not that athletic asI was, but still looking in pretty good shape. His brown eyes and hispitch-black hair went very good with his white skin and the black leatherclothes.I could see that he was enjoying looking at me. He liked this set-up, Icould tell by seeing a glance in his eyes. This somehow comforted me aswell. I was enjoying it and wanted to meet on some other weekends ahead aswell. So I was glad that he was enjoying himself, or to say it better: me,as well.Ê When Ken was standing up from his chair he has been sitting on for who knows how long, he opened the barred door to my cell, loosening my chains to give me the chance to use the tentative loo. After he had cleaned me upvigorously, he led me to the middle of the room again. My comfort I just hadfelt some minutes ago was vanishing. I could not predict what he was up to.IÕd rather forego a similar treatment as this morning. My sleep had somehowmade me edge out what happened earlier today, but now all was coming back,the pain in my balls, on my back, the fear of Ken and of the pain. The fearthat I may have been damaged beyond hurt.Ken made me spread-eagle again, which let my cock become solid once more.Looking on my swelling dick Ken could not hide the smile in his face. Afterhe had securely tightened me to the room, Ken was getting a leather strip tobind my balls. The strip was squeezing my balls already tightly, before Kenattached some weights to it, what made the feeling even more intense. HedidnÕt stop with hurting me in this most sensible place a man has, but tooksome tit clamps, also with seemingly small, but still pretty heavy weightson them. As he put them on I was exhaling abruptly to cover the pain. HedidnÕt say anything, while preparing me for some more torture, and I didnÕtdare to do anything what would make him angry again. When he had finished hejust left the room, leaving me standing there in my boosting pain.I was short of breath, since I still tried to hold up with the pain by somekind of weird breathing technique that had no reasoning whatsoever. Timemust have been creeping, I wasnÕt really enjoying myself and I got thefeeling that every minute would extend to an hour or so. The pain wasbecoming worse. My nipples had already been treated the whole weekend, andthough I can take some pain, they became quite sensitive by now. And balltreatment had always been my weak point. Maybe it felt so bad because of theelectro treatment that morning.Ê After some time I felt likes just crying out all my pain. I wouldnÕt know if it was wise to do so, but I was up to risking annoy Ken this time.Ê I still feared I would pay a high price for bad behavior, but he hadnÕt forbidden screaming out, and I couldnÕt hold it much longer anyway. Afterwards I felt much better, as least for some seconds. The door opened just shortly after my voice must have filled the whole house.ÒIt hurts, right?Ó was the only thing Ken said, when he had re-entered andstood just a blink away from my face.Ê This was a rhetorical question? I answered anyway: ÓSir, yes, it hurts like hell, Sir.ÓÊ ÒYou want me to free you from this?Ó Was he teasing me?Ê ÒSir, yes, I would be happy if you would free me from the pain, SirÓ I somehow managed to say despite the pain.Ê ÒWell, I want to hear something from you. I want to hear that you totally surrender to me, that you will serve me obediently as my slaveÓ he said, but didnÕt wait for my answer. He just left the room again, giving me no chance to say what I already would have said willingly.I didnÕt get it at first what he expected me to do. I was standing there inmy amazement, still suffering and getting angry at him.Ê ÒFuck, get back here and let me tell that I am your slaveÓ I said half aloud and directly regretted it, thus happily I didnÕt say it too loud. He obviously didnÕt hear me, I felt lucky for some instant, just as the pain was coming back to my mind and annihilated this state of happiness.I was standing some more minutes, hours, who knows, until I understood whathe wanted me to do: cry it out, cry out to him that I was his slave, that Iwould be surrendering to him. Somehow I started to dislike his game, I wasgetting mad at him. He should have known, that I would have said it to himdirectly, why was he treating me like that, leaving the room when I wasgoing to say exactly what he wanted me to say. I was really getting angry athim by now as my mind was circling in those thoughts, and the pain in mycrotch and my nipples intensifying this feeling. Somehow this mixture ofpang and mope made me irrational. I was suffering, though my willingness tosurrender was vanishing. I wouldnÕt say a fucking word to him, not untilhell freezes, I swore to myself. I bit on my lip and endured some more.I donÕt know how long I was in that angry state, but to the pain a crumblingstomach had joined. The room was getting slightly darker by now, maybe lateafternoon, I thought. And I was getting thirsty as well. Since Ken had leftme here, standing, with weights to my nipples and balls, he hadnÕt come inagain. Where was he? Was he still in the house, or maybe has left forwhatever? What if I would say it now, scream it through the house, and hewouldnÕt even hear it. I was really thirsty by now, the pain was not gettingbetter, I couldnÕt really get used to that pain. Whoever said you could hasnot received such torture, it is nonsense, the pain was getting worse, thanI was thinking about it, actually.ÒSir, I am your obedient slave, I will follow every command youÕre givingme, SirÓ, I finally screamed out. But no answer, no one was opening thedoor. He must have really left the house. I wanted to end this: ÓSir, I dowhat ever you want me to do, SirÓ I exclaimed. Still, no motion in thehouse, no sign that Ken had heard me. Was he asleep? ÒSir, please, Icannot stand it any longer.ÓÊ I was close to panicking by now. I had never thought about it, but what if something would have happened to him. Noone knew where I was, if he was not coming back to the house for whatever reason, I was doomed. I would starve or die from the pain. I rattled on the chains, which had, surprisingly, no effect on my painÊ ÒSir, I’ll do whateveryou wantÓ I was screaming, tears came into my eyes, and I felt close to collapsing. ÒSir, pleaseÉÓFinally, I heard steps in front of the door, the door opened and Ken wasentering. I felt relieved, saved, never before I was so glad to see a managain.At the Handicraft Shop Part 8ÒYou know, what I want you to say, right, slave?ÓÒI said it, I screamed it a thousand times, Sir,Ó I said still in a shakingvoice, my body was trembling with horror.Ê ÒWell, say it again.ÓÊ ÒSir,please, I will do what ever you want me to do.ÓÊ ÒYou are myÉÓ Ken began a sentence, which I quickly took up: ÓI am your slave, obedient slave, Sir, I am yours, but please, Sir, please relieve me from the weights, Sir, pleaseÓ I said pleadingly. I had never before begged like this to someone and also meant it like this. I hadnÕt realized, but heÊ had made me surrender totally. I was just relieved that he had come to save me. I was slaphappy to see him.He finally took of the weights, first from my balls, than from my tit. Thepain was still re-echoing, but it was a wonderful feeling of it getting lessand less. My mind was getting a little bit clearer again, my body was relaxingand if I hadnÕt been still in chains, I would have kissed that manfor taking off the weights.Ken took me back kneeling to the floor as I had been kneeling in front ofhim before.Ê ÒYou can show me know, how good a slave you are.ÓÊ He still wore the leather shoes he had on earlier that day, but he really must have been outside with them, at least in the garden. The shoes were no longer clean and tidy, but dirty and a crust of mud was on them.Ê He just sat down in front of me, poked his left foot at me and pointed with his finger to his boot. I understood directly what he wanted me to do. This was pretty gross, though, I gulped down my resentments, bowed down to his left shoe, and started liking it. I first cleaned the tip of the shoe with my tongue, then working myself through to the sides. It was even worse than I expected. My mouth filled with dirt and earth, I needed to swallow it somehow, but I was short of spit, I hadnÕt drunk anything for hours. Ken gave occasional directions to me, which I followed, despite my disgust.While I was cleaning the left shoe, the sun was setting, it was gettingdarker in the room. So I couldnÕt see the improvements on the shoe, andcouldnÕt reap the benefits of my work. But I was working that long on it,that I was sure, it must have been shiny by now. My mouth began to feelbetter, the dirt was already swallowed, and all I felt was the taste andsmell of clean leather. Finally Ken was satisfied with the left, now heshowed me the right one that also needed a good deal of cleaning.While I was kneeling in front of him shining his boots , he from time to timeslapped my ass with his hand. This whole setup inevitably made my cock standperfectly in front of me. I wasnÕt sure actually about my feelings at all. This whole game was already much more intense than what I had ever done before, that was for sure. And I began thinking of it as a necessary step in the development of my own sexual life. I couldnÕt really picture what wascomforting me more and more about this relationship to this man, who seemedto know how to combine his pleasure with my fulfillment.When Ken thought that his boots had undergone a thorough cleaning, heordered me to stop, but keep to the floor with your face. He stood up to getme the feeding bowls again. This time it was fried noodles and Woo long-Tea.He must have been really pleased with me, I understood that instantly, Idefinitely did expect rice and water again, or maybe even somethingdisgusting this time. Ken had been full of surprises, so I tried to not think of what was coming up or at least tried to expect the worst. When he had fed mehe said he would make me ready for going to bed. It was not thatlate by now, but I was grateful to the prospect of some rest. He came up to my back where my hands still have been cuffed and I felt some kind of rope tied around my arms first, then also around my pecks, below my arm pits, and around my waist. I got pretty upset and filled with pleasant anticipation. I like bondage very much, but did not hope to experience it this time. When myupper body already had been pretty much tied up by Ken he ordered me downon my stomach. He securely bound the rope around my legs as well, first eachleg apart, than both bound together. The rope was smooth and not at all scratchy. I felt tightly packed up, but the rope was not hurting me.When I was completely immobilized Ken surprisingly threw me over his rightshoulder. I wondered where he got all this strength from. I had hardly agram of fat on me, but muscles have their weight as well, and I estimated myweight maybe even more than his.Ê He carried my into the cell and lay me on the floor again, and taking another rope which he connected to the rope on my body at both sides of my shoulders. This rope than was fastened to the one wall of the cell at about a meter high over the floor. Ken did the same with a third rope, and this time when he connected it to the ceiling, he was pulling it through twosmall cable controls, thus lifting me up at his waistÕs height. That was a strange feeling, I was somewhat floating in the air, face up. I just felt a little strain of the rope around my naked body and the whole rope work became tighter. I have never seen something like that before and I remembered that he said he would make me ready for bed, so I assumed that I was supposed to stay that way the whole night. Was that possible, or after some time would the ropebe biting into my flesh? I couldnÕt tell, but I would see anyway later on.I relaxed a bit for the first time of hours, come to think of it, even days.I donÕt remember how long I had been hanging there, thinking of all thoseweird things Ken had done with me, to me, before I must have been fallingasleep.At the Handicraft Shop Part 9I awoke quite abruptly, when my body crashed to the floor. Pretty harshlyKen had let my suspending body down again.Ê ÒHow did you like that, hum?Óhe asked me.Ê ÒSir, thank you for that experience, Sir. That was weird, Sir,but I liked it.ÓÊ ÒGood, maybe we will have that sometimes more often. I have been watching you asleep. You really look fucking sexy when youÕre tied up.ÓI was eased by his comment, recently I was almost getting quite afraid ofhim, how he kind of doggedly treated me as his slave. I wanted him to enjoyit as much as I did, also in order to enjoy it myself. He untied me completelyand took the ropes back into the cupboard again. While he fed me, again between his feet, he patted my head gently and sighed slightly. I didnÕtdare to look up to him to see what the matter was. But when I had finishedhe took me by my chin and looked me deep into my eyes. I frowned at hislook.ÒTodayÕs SundayÓ, he started, ÒI have really enjoyed the weekend with you.And I want you as my slave.ÓÊ ÒSir, I am very happy, Sir, that I have pleasedyouÓ I replied honestly, but of course I was tired and to some extend happythat tomorrow my work would start again. Normally I enjoyed weekends so much that I was not fond of returning to my desk and office in downtownTokyo, but this time I was longing for some rest and I was already hankeringfor tonight and Monday night, when I would take a hot bath and go to bed very early.ÒYou are a good slave. I love your body, I get a hard on just by seeing yourmuscles. Tying you up drives me crazy, actually. And youÕre very submissiveÓKen continued. ÒAs I said Friday night, youÕre a perfect slave, not enslavingyou would be a waste. And we donÕt want to waste, right?. I have decided tonot let you go home today. Not tomorrow either. You will stay here, as myslave, and do whatever I want you to do to please me.ÓKen still held my chin in his right hand, looking into my face. I could seein his eyes, he was not being funny and was not k**ding. My dick became hardas stone again and fear crept up my back.

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