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204 Amber 4204 Amber 4Best having read 187, 194, 203,T seemed to enjoy the stories, which over the weekend Amber read to him from the laptop mostly while he was balls deep in her body, a receptacle for his joy!Monday passed and on Tuesday morning she did her usual pre-engagement ritual, breakfast then a long bath followed by coffee, and then dressing ready for her master whoever he might be usually to his instruction.T realising from the stories that Mike liked undressing his subject, “suggested” she wore sexy undies and a more school-mistress style of outer clothing.As per his suggestion she appeared at her master`s side dressed in a conservative tweed two piece with a white blouse, just showing the hint of white underclothes through the thin materiel. T nodded his approval and the waited together for the crunch of Mikes car on the gravel sharp to time as usual.The doorbell rang and T sent her to meet and greet her sadistic would be lover.He greeted her this time with a kiss on her lips and the same speech as before; “I am here to make your life a misery for the next few hours my pretty miss, I hope you are well repaired from our last meeting and that you are ready to be abused once more for me before I return to the UK. Again, his twinkling eyes that smiled at her in an expectant and an infectious way. He stood 6feet four or five, grey haired, bearded, smiling back She raised her eyes, knowing how she now wore his mark, and that his use of her body would be a symbolic gesture of his devotion if not his love! “I am well repaired sir and I thank you for your enquiry and I am willing to receive whatever you feel I deserve sir, but first we must talk with T come this way!” and with that she took his hand and lead him to the office.“Mike.” they shook hands, “look Mike, let`s not go around the bushes, your name is Eddy not Mike, Amber has told me of your stories and your e mail contact, and I am in awe of the stories and be surely warned I will, after you return to the UK, thrash Amber soundly for having contact behind my back.” (Amber looked somewhat worried at that, knowing `T’ didn’t joke about such things!) “However,” he continued “as you indirectly write for me by putting up her stories on that hamster, and I have had work from your indirect advertising, I look on your contact with my whore here,” he indicated Amber with his thumb, “as just about acceptable, I have made a rule about her not having a white dick except in the line of her work, but as you are so enamoured with her and will be returning to the UK next week, I have decided I shall allow you tonight together, after you have used her as her master today, as long as you have used her well today.”Eddy extended his hand to T, saying that though he really would enjoy a night with Amber, he would forego that pleasure if T would not thrash her after he had left.But T was adamant shrugging and saying; “take the offer or don’t take it, she will be thrashed I don’t have disobedience!” Eddy and Amber exchanged long look, and Amber said, “I was wrong and my master will punish me, whatever you say, but I do thank you for the kind thought Eddy, it’s a long time since any man was so chivalrous for a whore like me!”T said to Amber, “I am going out till dinnertime tomorrow, I will film the session, and if I think he was not hard enough on you I will make it up when I punish you, by the time I return You Eddy will have gone, but I will look forward to your story about the visit, and we will keep in touch through Amber and the e mails.” Then the two men shook hands and T dismissed the pair with a wave of his hand, Amber leading Eddy away to the dungeon. As they arrived at the dungeon door they heard the front door clang shut, they knew they were on their own.“Before we get under those cameras,” she said, “tell me did you come all this way just to meet me?” He said “he had”, and was; “not impressed by America, but was with her and her resilience in her trade!”She kissed him, said “she would look forward to the night together, but he needed to realise he needed to use her and use her hard this afternoon, or she would suffer more badly when he had gone. T would know from the film and would be extra-hard on her if he was not seen to be damned savage!He nodded, knowing she was right, saying` T’ had `fixed their wagon and fixed it well!’He kissed her, muttered that “he would do his best, and that he too was looking forward to the night together, but sadly he found he was also looking forward to his afternoon with her!”She smiled, knowing that her love of the feel of his whip would be sublime and much more acceptable now she knew who he was and that he was here just for her.Together they entered the dungeon and the range of the camera once again.He turned to her and said, “Right the let`s get more comfortable shall we!” he soon shed all his clothes dumping them neatly on a chair beside the door. He looked at his victim, remarking on her dress, which she had not so far removed. She, explaining, that having read the stories to T, he had had her dress like this as he understood Eddy`s love of undressing his ladies. A wide grin settled on his face, then he faced the camera and said, “Thanks T!”He then turned to Amber and began on her jacket, tenderly lifting the item away from her body like something precious, placing it reverently on the chair.He took her right hand, raised it to his lips kissed it then undid the cuff, he repeated the `procedure’ with the second arm then began from her neck his hands soft against her skin as he unbuttoned each tiny pearl disc from the shirt front.She became a little mesmerised by the gentle giants soft caressing fingers as he eased the shirt from the waistband of her skirt, then slid the thin material from her shoulders and off, of her arms. Like gossamer the thin garment casually floated onto the chair, unnoticed as he stood regarding his fabulous prize, against her white skin the brilliant white of her brazier positively gleamed, he had always loved the virginal white of underclothes, like this tender morsel of lace supporting and caressing her neat breasts, breasts he knew he must violate this afternoon, breasts that tonight he would softly caress regardless of the damage he knew he was now bound to inflict.She stood arms beside her, outwardly impassive to her position, knowing how this man, who had probably spent his life savings to have this holiday, to visit her, to show his love in this strange, way on this once in a lifetime visit. She knew the possibility of them ever meeting again when he left before midday tomorrow, except perhaps on line, would be remote, and she was determined that, even if it killed her, she would give him the most erotic time her body could stand, as he played out his fantasy of a lifetime. Was it Love? a fantasy? a crush? neither really knew, but the fact, the giresun escort truth, the reality was that he had come and all this way, spent all his precious money and it was for her, no one else, for her, a mature New York pain whore, who worked for a black pimp and who had by chance met him on line. She felt flattered beyond reason and at that moment in time was prepared to do any mortal thing to please this tall grey haired old man who with a gentle touch like a butterfly, was removing her clothing.His arms wrapped around her body in a caress, fingers reaching for the clasp of the white lacy bra. She felt the easing of the cloth, the tension falling from the support, as slowly savouring this precious moment he eased the cups from her breasts. No longer a nubile 20year old her breasts tidy, to him they were perfection, pink areola, surrounded the hard nubs of her nipples, stiff from arousal, and waiting for the whip, his whip, his symbol of affection.The lacy wisp fell as if by instinct onto the pile of clothing on the chair, his eyes never once leaving her nipples. He bent and kissed the erect nubs, first the left then the right, her hands involuntarily finding his shoulders as her head tilted back to allow him full access.His errection was as stiff as it ever had been, 6inches, and not huge, over the years she had seen, handled, sucked, and gripped a substantial number of assorted dicks, black, white, brown, cut and uncut, thick and thin, this she knew was no exceptional dick, but she knew this time it was special, she was in love with T`s massive tool, twice this one`s size in length and girth, but even that was not as special or precious as this one, here, today, and for her.Between sucks on her tender and receptive nipples she became aware of his voice, “Like before, I am going to whip your lovely tits, for both my own enjoyment and for T`s, until the welts show purple” it was a matter of fact statement, “will you stand for me this time my lover, or do you need securing?” She had been given the choice once more and she appreciated that, could she stand for him, she dearly hoped so, “I will stand for you sir” she answered but, please secure my wrists behind me or I might protect myself.” He regarded her with a soft smile of pride, “Fetch me cuffs and a whip of your choice then, one that will really mark you well, we will leave the rest of the clothes till later, as you look so perfect like this and it will concentrate my aim.”Revelling in the compliment she rushed to find her cuffs in the cupboard, then as she fitted the leathers to her wrists her eyes began to search for the perfect whip, nothing too stiff but something that would mark her soft tissue for him leaving lines as if painting her white body as it worked. She decided, collected a soft cat of nine tails, returning and silently handing him the instrument as if it was the most precious gift she could find. She kissed him softly and whispered; “lay it on as hard as you can please sir, I wish to remember this moment for ever!”A little choked, he said in a stern voice, that for her he would, but for this session and until he left she was to call him Eddy, and not sir, then for the camera he reduced his voice to a whisper she alone could hear, and added he was today her lover not her mentor and he would remember this whole experience until the day he died.”, fighting back her emotions and covering them by turning to allowed him to clip the wristlets together, securing her arms and presenting her chest for his whip more prominently. She loved being whipped, always had, ever since her dad`s punishments in her c***dhood, but this, with a whip she herself had picked, just for him, she knew this beating would be oh so special. He drew back his arm, and with a hiss that spoke of his full power, the leather cracked across her right breast, livid lines of fire danced across the soft tissue, a red spray of colour left itself behind as the leather fell away, to her it was sublime, his kiss, his caress, his love. Another hissing stroke then another faster more frequent strokes fell, hiss slap, hiss, slap the leather covering the breast reddening the skin, each stroke leaving its mark overlapping its predecessor tearing at the thin skin as if desperate to rip open the pale covering, tongues of fire roaring through her body, screaming to her brain there messages of damage, of pain, and of love, welts began to appear, tiny blood spots turning to trickles of her lifeblood, and still she stood five feet and six inches tall, like a soldier, on parade firmly upright, shoulders back, immobile, solid, her face a mask of mixed emotions, enduring the pain absorbing it just for him.He stopped, suddenly paused, waiting for her to breath, in the long mirror she could see herself droplets of blood dripping from her untouched nipple the whole breast deliberately contrasting red-raw against the left untouched pale breast. Her breathing steadied and as she fully expected he moved to a better stance to work on her untouched side, he waited, she nodded, and he began again swish slap, the leather began its destructive dance once more, the now familiar red stripes appearing with every lash, her right breast still aching, her left now beginning to throb as the relentless strokes fell, her resolve was crumbling she began to moan softly then with increasing volume with every stroke, again the droplets of red, tiny though they were, each adding to the spectacle, each a pinprick of exquisite pain, loving symbols of his care, again he paused, her body still stood like a statue, rigid unmoving, soft moans escaping her lips as she surveyed that mirror. She smiled, knowing in her heart it was not over, waiting, expectant. His voice penetrated the moment, could she take more? She smiled, his concern touching her through and through, she knew what he wanted, but she knew he would stop if she asked him too. Quietly she whispered that “she was his, if he wished her to take more for him she would be honoured to be used.” It was the most poignant gift that he had ever been bestowed on him, he did not waste the opportunity, the leather again hissed through the air, alternate, breasts receiving the strokes as with a hiss, splat, hiss splat, extra stripes appeared, tears on the welts, tiny sprays of bright red droplets flicking away each time the leather rose. She began to cry out as each additional stroke landed, her untouched nipples stiff now as she began a massive climax, his seed as well, splashing down his own leg, an involuntary and for him massive ejection. He dropped the whip, tears of relief ran down her lovely face, her image in that mirror staring back at her, her lower regions still immaculately dressed, heels stockings, tweed skirt, now with small droplets of her blood on the brown cloth, above which her tight pale belly with its giresun escort bayan red dribbles drying now, topped by those once pristine, now terribly marked, torn, welt marked and whipped breasts. It was erotic, it was sad, it was painful, and it was somewhat to her surprise, her own tear-stained face staring back at herself. She felt detached, euphoric, immensely grateful and sensual, all in one, her emotions in turmoil, and she had been with this man only just over an hour. She shuddered, realising she was his, body, heart and soul for the next 22 hours. They sat for a while, he, re-gaining his strength, her adjusting to the throbbing of her painful breasts and girding herself up for the next phase, which she knew would soon be coming.He grinned at her, saying that overnight he promised to be a tender lover, but she needed to forgive him as this would be his only and probably last chance of playing like this ever again, and the fact it was her and not just some worn out whore was the icing on his cake. She said, “she understood”, but she didn’t say any more, saving her strength and energy.He got her to her feet, released her hands and soon had her in cuffs up on tip toe hung under the lift. He reached up under the tweed skirt, and dragged down the tiny white knicker`s. They were damp with her juices. He lowered them to her ankles and removed her shoes casually throwing them under the chair. Working the wet white, lacey rag off over first one foot then the other, before sniffing them as if they were expensive perfume, which in his case they were. then he stuffed them into his jacket pocket on the chair saying they were his keepsake. She felt strangely flattered, knowing he wanted to keep such an intimate item, just because it had traces of her on it.His hands traced the soft belly, slid to the skirt, caressed the line of the skirt top, gently, softly even, undid the single clip of the waistband, she felt its release, expecting the zip to follow, but no those soft gentle hands slid over her buttocks, sensuously exploring, squeezing, enjoying her form. Before they returned in a gentle glide, found her hips and hooked the skirt! To her shock down it came.Not properly released the zip burst, rubbing its sharp teeth on her leg as it went, as in one single solid pull downwards by both hands, he tore the skirt savagely down her body. The suddenness of his movements, were both a surprise and a pain on her already overloaded wrists.The ruined skirt pooled round her feet, as she hung in just the thin suspending girdle and what to him an Englishman were stockings and to American mind her hose. This then with T`s collar her only cladding now, her long legs, shapely for her age, smooth and silky, her toes just touching the floor T`s collar black against the pale skin her only jewellery and the cool air striking her wet and uncovered sex.He next took from the jacket. his wallet and a tiny pair of pearl handled nail scissors, carefully he clipped a small curl of her steel grey hair, caressing her face lovingly as he took it, ensuring she saw what he was doing. Then followed, a pause before he carefully clipped a sample tress of her pubic hair, taken from the centre of her neat kept runway, then both were carefully tucked away in the wallet with care and the jacket was returned to the chair.To her he explained that he needed souvenirs, he would be leaving her tomorrow and no doubt though they would talk on the E mails, they never again would be face to face and able to touch one another in a hand`s on, loving, reality of life way.She smiled at him, and whispered that they had best make the most of it then!” Then quietly awaited his pleasure as he kissed her once more. He fetched from his jacket a mobile phone, then knelt to open her labia, holding her right leg up on his shoulder, checking the brand, snapping a picture of the hidden scar he had so lovingly burnt into her body, gloating at the single letter that marked the pink interior of the body of the one person in the universe he had ever marked, that it was an M for Mike and not an E for Eddy was a regret, but it was his mark, only he, T, her and the nurse even had an inkling of its existence, it was their special secret.He returned her foot to the floor, and after taking her photo once more, the camera to his jacket. Fumbling with his folded trousers, then returning them to the chair.As if by magic a belt appeared in his hand, buckle wrapped round the palm, he knew that she had always enjoyed the feeling of leather striking against her skin, it was her scourge, her way of cleaning her very soul so the whipping she was now taking, for the normal man in the street it would be horrendous, for Amber it was meat and drink, she had told him she revelled in the stinging pain, the lash, the after-pain. To Amber it was normally her tribute to T, her one skill, her personal trip to heaven. Today she was doing it for him, eddy her lover from over the sea. Her eyes greedily watched him take a stance in front of her, and show her the new belt, black and shining on the outside clean buff leather on the inner face. “I bought this new, for you, yesterday. Virgin leather to absorb your body-stain as I use it hard on your body, I know from what you have said you love the feel of leather striking your body, you love it and I will love both the application and the remembrance whenever and wherever I wear the belt in future.”Her eyes had not left his hands, but he had paused, and she raised her head to exchange eye contact. She realised suddenly that he was waiting for her permission! Yes, he had enjoyed her that once before but T had been in the building and perhaps she was just working for him, a working whore, a cash transaction, but this time he wanted to be sure that although this was her duty, her work in life, he wanted to know she was doing this for him and him alone.It was a meeting of minds, she smiled, a wan smile, then said, in a steady but loving voice, “Eddy I am a worthless piece of shit New York whore, who, today is yours, your whore, who wants to enjoy being beaten, but for you and me, not for any other reason.” He kissed her once more, then the first blow fell, as with a crack the leather caressed the hung body, to them both it was sublime, a token of his love. The leather began to take up a steady relentless, pace, swing, splat swoosh splat, regular, consistent, steady, avoiding her still marked and tender breasts, the leather struck wrapping itself around her buttocks, her hips, her belly, legs then hips again. She began to glow, the pain to her an elixir, a joy, erotic like a new skin of warm stinging marks. To her a comforting, warm, stinging experience, an exciting thrill of, being used.She had been whipped time and again over the years, a basic of her work, a duty, but this time it felt different, it escort giresun was not some indifferent punter wielding the whip intent on getting his jollies. This was something different, hard to explain, being his, some special link, a type of love hard to understand, perhaps it had not happened quite like this ever before in her whole lifetime.How long this ecstatic joyful whipping went on she had no idea, euphoric, blissful, regular, the blows fell, she knew she was coming to the boil slowly and unstoppably the feelings building in tiny climaxes, running through her body like little electric shocks, building slowly towards the massive tsunami of a climax she knew was on its way, her eyes pleading silently for that massive release she knew was about to engulf her. He moved round her body slowly, with every swing his feet moving him onward just a short half pace till he had struck her now reddened body from every conceivable angle during the rotation`s, adding her back and shoulders to the list of targets in their turn. After three or even four times of his having been past her gaze, (she had lost count in her joy) he arrived in front of her twitching body once more and he had stopped moving though not the strokes, which still fell consistently, she fixed his gaze with hers, and deliberately she opened her legs. To his everlasting joy, she had made an obvious invite, the ultimate sacrifice. To Amber it was a form of whipping climax, beyond even her wildest dreams. She knew he would strike her in the most brutal way now and she was not wrong, the leather landed on her just the once and very, very hard! It struck squarely on her erect clitorise with a fantastic sunburst of exquisite pain, the leather absorbing her jet of juices as the tail of the belt parted her soft lips, the tail wrapped itself across the puckered ring of her backside all adding to the massive effect. Her leg fell, involuntarily gripping the leather as the most massively beautiful, enormous climax flooded her whole being, and she lost reason, sanity and even a little consciousness to this most wonderful feeling.Again, his seed flew, hot jism landing on her leg, dribbling down her calf, staining the nylon clad leg and they both knew the pain phase, was finally over.He rapidly lowered the lift, then swung her limp 120lb body to rest on his supporting shoulder, he released her wrist-cuffs, though her body exhausted from this most massive erotic high which she had just enjoyed, had no intention of moving. They staggered to a seat, her legs like jellies, to rest, and allow their drum-beating hearts to slow and their scrambled wits to gather.It took some time for them to recover, they sat, entwined arms about one another, knowing the next few hours would be the whole time they would ever be together. By midday the next day, she would have to return to being a whore for T and eddy would be on his way to the airport, returning to his dull unsexual life with his loving but elderly wife, back in the UK.They had had two sessions of pain, the first without her realising that it was her on line lover until it was too late! Now it was to be as lover`s. Arm in arm they stood, collected their clothes and hand in hard and quite steadily she led him from the chamber symbolically switching out the light as they went. She led him through the quiet house up to her rooms, naked, feet slip slapping on the hard hall floor, up they went like lovers in a play.Up in her room they dumped their clothes, then sat on the long soft bed, no beating about the bushes, both knowing that they needed one another. Together their lips urgently met, and as Romeo and Juliet they slowly made love. It was not sexual, it was not a fuck, it was love, not one that would last in the solid `hands-on sense’ but love in a simple massive expression of their getting together for these precious few hours, ship`s that passed in the night fashion. Hands explored each-others bodies, she passed him a jar of cooling cream from her night stand and he smoothed it over her marked breasts in a most gentle soft caress of fingers and palm, soothing tender, cooling, relaxing. Her hands in turn, slowly slipping over his whole body then his balls, then his rigid shaft. She knew that after the last stroke he had struck her, her sex was tender and would be the ultimate sacrifice to allow him to use her bruised body. It was how they passed away the few hours, he spreading cool soothing cream on her wounds and body and she caressing him slowly a touch here, a touch there, edging until they could stand it no more.As if by mutual consent, suddenly, they became one, the missionary position, his tool slipping into her ready channel like oil over silk, slowly deeper and ever deeper, till his balls hit her body. six inches that’s all but it seemed as if a rigid flagpole was embedded in her, so excited was she, so bruised, and so receptive. Together they began slowly, like the musical piece “bolero” their passion slowly rising to a massive crescendo, bodies slapping loudly together, bruises forgotten, the pain in its own strange way, adding to her excitement her hips, rising to meet his, beyond reason, beyond all rational thought, like a wave beating against the rocks, it was sublime, his seed finally spewing into her body a hot and passionate token of his affection, her senses had gone completely to an eye rolling, heart banging, breath gasping, mind numbing, once in a thousand orgasm.They collapsed, he lay on her body like a soft heavy blanket, pain slowly returning to her beaten breasts, along with her senses and she shifted his bulk to lay side by side. An hour or more passed. It was then the hunger got to them, together in her kitchenette they cooked; steak, chips, fresh bread, and chilled white wine soon had them satisfied and together they lay on the bed just comfortable in one another`s close, and homely proximity, their token companionship, wishing the night would never end, but knowing like all things it would and soon, the clock ticking away the limited time. Dozing together, sleeping together, caressing one another, slowly and gently, dozing again, the long dark hours passing slowly but inexorably, like sand through an hourglass. Short bouts of fingering, caressing, stroking, then as the dawn broke another climax, before breakfast naked on the balcony, the sun warm like warm syrup, gentle, warming on tired bodies, coffee, restorative eggs, toast, juice, then that repeat of last night, kisses, touches, then hard devil may care banging sex that brought both to the best of climaxes, massive and superb. Then they slept.She came back to reality, it was eleven o`clock her breasts ached, her body too, but realising he had gone made her heart break and she knew the idyllic dream was over… T would be back soon, and again she would be just a whore, not a lover, just a pain slut. She slowly smiled, goodbyes were just not right or necessary, no face to face unbearable scene of heartbreak at the end of such a fine tryst. But for one whole-day she had had a been a lover and had been loved, no one could ever change that!